I Contracted Myself


The news in the newspaper revealed that Dr. Xia Shu went to Devil Island alone to study the ecology of Devil Island and survived there for a year.

She once killed a gorilla with a skeleton 90 times that of a human with her bare hands, kicked a runaway giant elephant to death with one kick, and killed the wolf king surrounded by wolves, scaring off the wolves.

Later, when she returned to civilized society, she encountered five gangsters bullying a girl, and beat the five gangsters directly into the hospital.

In short, all the information in this newspaper has only one meaning, Dr. Xia Shu is very good at fighting.

"Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling."

Wuming put away the newspaper, rubbed his temple, and said to himself.

He did not distrust the world or the newspaper, but the Lord of the Forest.

The reputation of the Lord of the Forest is really not very good.

After the version update, when Wuming returned to the Council of All Heavens Building for a meeting, many people on the Internet posted some information about the Lord of the Forest left by their ancestors to the forum.

This information was true and false, and Wuming read about one-third of the information.

Assuming that 30% of this one-third of the information was true, he could imagine what a bad taste the Lord of the Forest had, and this mission was definitely not a serious mission.

Could it be... once Gu Yue found Xia Shu, Gu Yue would be beaten to death by Xia Shu?

Wuming thought of what was written in the newspaper, and vaguely felt that Gu Yue might not be able to beat Xia Shu, but would be beaten up instead. Then the question was, what about their mission?

No, Xia Shu must be found as soon as possible!

Wuming flew to the eaves, and the immobilized cat immediately turned over. He jumped on the cat's back and called to Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia: "Come up quickly, I already know the location of Dr. Xia Shu."

"Ah? Oh!" Ma Lie was stunned and nodded immediately.

Zhu Chixia muttered something and then hurried to follow.

After both of them got on the cat's back, Wuming controlled the cat to move quickly on the eaves. When they reached a high place, the cat immediately jumped forward, and its body turned into golden light and returned to Wuming's hand. At the same time, another ball of golden light in Wuming's hand spread out and turned into a goshawk to hold the three people. It flew into the sky amid Zhu Chixia's frightened cry.

"Master Wuming, where is Dr. Xia Shu?" Ma Lie asked, holding the goshawk's feathers tightly. Wuming looked ahead and replied, "At the mouth of the Baihe River and the Yangtze River."

"The mouth of the Baihe River and the Yangtze River? How do you know?" Ma Lie asked curiously.

Wuming smiled and said, "When I was just learning characters, I learned that the largest river in the world is the Baihe River and the Yangtze River. There is a mysterious catfish at the mouth of the Yangtze River, named Baihe Giant Catfish.

Then I saw in the newspaper that the animal that Dr. Xia Shu was going to study was called Baihe Giant Catfish. She has the habit of personally visiting the site, so where do you think she would be?"

"Of course it's the mouth of the Baihe River and the Yangtze River!" Zhu Chixia answered subconsciously.

Wuming snapped his fingers and smiled, "Yes, that's it!"

Next, the goshawk flew at maximum speed, passing over the city and the countryside. There was chaos below, and the insectoids and insectoids were still fighting madly.

But Wuming and his friends also saw that the army was saving people.

Maybe because the will of the soldiers was stronger, most of them overcame the instinctive control, and now they were building a defense line and fighting a desperate battle with the insectoids.

Wuming and his friends silently watched and remembered everything that happened on the earth, and finally rode away on the eagle.

An hour and a half later, Wuming and his friends could already see the Baihe Yangtze River from a distance. It was a white river, and the river water looked like milk.

"It's really a white river!" Zhu Chixia exclaimed.

Wuming smiled and said, "The Baihe Yangtze River originated from the Baihe River, so it was named the Baihe Yangtze River. It is said that the water of the Baihe River has a large number of tiny bubbles. These bubbles are very, very small, but the number is very, very large, and the result is that the river water looks white."

"The creation is magical." Ma Lie exclaimed.

Wuming smiled and said, "There is no shortage of nature's magic in the heavens and the worlds, but what is lacking is the eyes to discover them."

Suddenly, a supersonic bird flew quickly towards the goshawk. Wuming immediately shot a fantasy flower, and the bird crashed into the fantasy flower, and was caught by the goshawk's claws the next second.

"It's a killer bee!" Wuming saw the appearance of the bird and immediately determined what the bird's insect form was.

Then he shot out two golden lights in succession and quickly controlled the bird.

"It's really the word insect!"

Wuming couldn't help but mutter to himself when he saw the bird being controlled.

He thought about it and controlled the goshawk to fly to the ground. When he saw some insect-like beasts along the way, he shot out a golden light, and then shot out a second golden light.

This repeated use gradually led to more and more animals following them on the ground.

When they arrived at the mouth of the Yangtze River in Baihe, there were already hundreds of animals behind them.

At the mouth of the Yangtze River, a tent was set up on a huge rock, and there were traces of a campfire outside the tent.

Wuming and the others jumped onto the stone and observed the area. Ma Lie said, "Dr. Xia Shu might have been here before, but left after the insect transformation began."

"There are footprints here!" Zhu Chixia said excitedly as he walked to the upper right.

Wuming walked forward, observed for a while, and said, "This should be a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain."

"Did she know that she would be hunted down?" Ma Lie walked forward to take a look at the footprints and then asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Since Gu Yue knows Xia Shu, Xia Shu should know Gu Yue. After Gu Yue's action, she will inevitably be transformed into an insect. At the same time, she can guess what Gu Yue did when she turned into an insect."

This is like quantum entanglement, putting the shoes of the left and right feet in two identical boxes. When you open a box and see the shoes inside, you already know whether the shoes in the other box are left or right.

"So how do we find Dr. Xia Shu now?" Ma Lie asked.

Wuming was about to say his own way, but suddenly his ears moved. He looked up and saw several mantis-transformed humans falling from the sky.

"Dr. Gu Yue is really a genius. I didn't expect that such a magical individual would appear." The leader of several mantis people looked at Wuming and the other two with surprise.

Obviously, he misunderstood.

He thought that Wuming and the other two became smaller because of Gu Yue's insect light waves.

"Are you here to find Dr. Xia Shu?" Wuming asked loudly using the giant sound technique.

Although his voice was already very loud, the Mantis people still felt it was a little too quiet. They discussed it for a while before they figured out what Wuming was talking about.

"Yes, so can you tell me the whereabouts of Dr. Xia Shu?" asked the Mantis leader.

This guy has a greasy face and dyed blonde hair, which gives people a very bad feeling, especially when he smiles, he looks like a jackal, giving people a feeling of ill intentions.

I have to say, this villain is really stereotyped.

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