I Contracted Myself

【812】Separate actions

Wuming complained in his heart, but said: "We are also late, do you have any clues?"

"A little late? That's a pity, but... it doesn't matter, it's a great gain to find you." The leader of the mantis people slowly approached the three people, and at the same time, the other mantis people also formed a circle and gradually shrank the circle.

Obviously, they were going to take the three people back to ask for credit from Gu Yue.

Wuming raised his hand and said: "Wait, we surrender, we can cooperate with your experiment, but you must promise us that you must change us back to our original size when you have a chance."

"No problem, that's easy!" The leader of the mantis people said with a smile, but he didn't take Wuming's words to heart at all, let alone his promise.

When Wuming and the others were brought back to the laboratory, it would depend on luck whether Wuming and the others lived or died.

"By the way, although I turned into an ant, I have awakened special abilities that can strengthen others. I am very useful!" Wuming continued.

In order to survive, do you try your best to show your value?

The leader of the mantis people laughed in his heart, and then said: "Oh? Then give it a try, Ah Hao, you come!"


The mantis man named Ah Hao stepped forward and said with a playful expression.

"Okay, I'll show you now!" Wuming nodded.

Then he shot a golden light at Ah Hao. Ah Hao looked at the golden light entering his body and frowned: "What about strengthening? I don't feel it."

"Please wait, it takes two times to take effect!" Wuming smiled flatteringly.

Then he wrote the word "person" and shot it to Ah Hao's body. The next moment Ah Hao really felt that his strength seemed to have increased. He tried to wave his hand knife and said in surprise: "It seems to have really become stronger."

"Is it really effective?" The leader of the mantis people thought in surprise.

I thought that it was special enough for Wuming and the other two to become smaller, but Wuming also gave birth to incredible superpowers.

That's right.

In the eyes of the leader of the mantis people, Wuming's ability is not the ability of insects at all, but a complete superpower.

If we can study how this ability is born, then perhaps humans will not only become powerful insect people, but also have magical superpowers.

This is the goal of human evolution, which is more advanced than insect people! "Come, let me try!" He pushed Ah Hao aside and stared at Wuming.

Wuming immediately repeated the trick, and sure enough, the mantis leader soon felt that he had become stronger. This kind of strength was very wonderful, as if he had gained a lot of strength out of thin air.

"Continue!" He looked at Wuming and said.

Wuming nodded and bowed, "Okay, sir."

After speaking, he shot out another golden light, and the other party became stronger again.

"Hahahahaha, good ability, good ability, is there a limit?" The mantis leader asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, the third enhancement will make you feel physically uncomfortable, and the fourth level of enhancement is the limit."

"Will you feel uncomfortable? That's no big deal, continue!" The mantis leader nodded, thinking that the side effects were acceptable.

After two enhancements, his strength increased by at least one third. If he was enhanced twice more, he would be one and a half times stronger than before, which was the limit that he could not reach in his entire life.

Once Wuming was sent to the laboratory, he might not have the chance to enjoy Wuming's enhancement ability again, so he had to strengthen it here before sending Wuming to the laboratory.

Wuming smiled and a golden light popped out.

"This feeling..."

The mantis leader was hit by the golden light and frowned slightly. He felt uncomfortable and out of control.

But thinking of the discomfort Wuming said, he mistakenly thought that this was the side effect that he had to endure for the third time, so he did not shout.

When he found that his body was completely out of control, it was too late to shout.

He realized that he had been fooled.

"Boss, are you okay?" Ah Hao asked with a little vigilance when he saw that he had not moved.

The mantis leader opened his mouth uncontrollably and said calmly: "I feel a little uncomfortable, but I can still accept it. I will be fine after waiting for a while."

"That's good." Ah Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the others also started to discuss, and were very curious about Wuming's ability.

The leader of the mantis people said at this time: "The water should not flow to outsiders. If you want to be strengthened by this little guy again when you return to the laboratory, I am afraid you will have to make contributions. Why don't we all strengthen to the limit!"

"Good idea!" Ah Hao responded immediately.

He had tried Wuming's strengthening ability, so he naturally understood how powerful this ability was. Seeing that the only two experiencers were so excited, how could the others not understand that Wuming's strengthening was a good thing, so they all waited for Wuming's strengthening with expectation.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the mantis people were wiped out.

Wuming sat on the head of a mantis man and ordered all the mantis people to disperse and search for Xia Shu's traces.

However, after searching for a circle, except for the footprints left deliberately by Xia Shu, no traces were found. After all the mantis people returned, Wuming frowned and thought, his eyes fell on the Baihe Yangtze River.

Could it be that Dr. Xia Shu actually took the water route?

"Is there a possibility that Dr. Xia Shu can fly?" Zhu Chixia ate bread and put forward his own ideas.

Since these mantis people can fly, why can't Xia Shu fly?

What if Dr. Xia Shu grows wings and flies away?

Wuming nodded and said, "It is indeed impossible to rule out this possibility, but I have a hunch that she took the water route."

"Then let's just split up into two groups. Old Zhu and I will search from the air, and Lord Wuming, you search along the river." Ma Lie said.

Zhu Chixia worriedly said, "Will it be too dangerous for just the two of us?"

"I can let you control these mantis people. With their strength and equipment, you shouldn't get into trouble as long as you don't encounter too much danger." Wuming said.

These mantis people did not come unarmed, but were well-equipped.

Wuming actually controlled a large number of insect beasts. The reason why he did not choose to fight them head-on, but controlled them with a little trick, was that he did not want to have a conflict.

Otherwise, even if they were fine, the insect beasts he controlled would suffer heavy casualties.

After discussing the time and place of the meeting, the three of them acted separately. Wuming controlled a crocodile with grasshopper legs to enter the Baihe Yangtze River and immediately went downstream.

"Let's set off too, with the Baihe Yangtze River estuary as the center, and search from the air in all directions." Ma Lie said to Zhu Chixia when he saw Wuming leave.

Zhu Chixia nodded and said, "Well, I'll listen to you."

"Old Zhu, I'm sorry for getting you involved." Ma Lie said apologetically.

Zhu Chixia shook his head and said, "It's not what you think. Don't worry, I'm not as cowardly as you think. Let's go!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Ma Lie nodded and immediately ordered all the Mantis people to take off.

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