I Contracted Myself

【813】Swarm out

In the forest, a worm-like beast roared in confusion, flapped its cockroach wings and fell from the sky. The next moment, it was hit in the head by a punch and fell heavily to the ground.

A slim woman in a white coat with a dull look squatted on the ground again and continued to collect the materials she needed. She seemed to have no interest in the worm-like beast that she had punched.

She didn't even look at the other person from beginning to end.

In the distance, the sound of the water flow of the Baihe River and the Yangtze River continued to flow, extending upward along the milky white river water. Thousands of kilometers away, a huge rock stood in the rushing water, splitting the water flow in half.

"Fuck, it's going to hit, get out of the way!"

Wuming rode the crocodile down the river, but he didn't expect that there would be a big rock in the river, and he immediately exclaimed.

But the crocodile he was riding had grown two grasshopper legs, which were very adaptable in the water and could help the crocodile accelerate, so that the crocodile was very fast when going downstream, and had no time to change direction to dodge the big rock.

Although the crocodile had been completely controlled, it couldn't do what it couldn't do, and it couldn't be done just because of Wuming's order.

It was really going to hit!

Wuming realized that the crocodile couldn't avoid it, so he immediately flew over the crocodile's head and turned the crocodile into a worm at the moment when the crocodile was about to hit the big rock.

He landed on the big rock, and the worm word left the river and turned into golden light and returned to his hand in an instant.

"Huh, it's too dangerous."

Wuming glanced at the turbulent water behind him, wiped the non-existent sweat, and said to himself.

He slowly walked to the edge of the rock and was about to release the crocodile to continue sailing, when suddenly the water exploded and a huge catfish jumped out of the water.

The three-meter-long body made it look like a monster, and the long tentacles were full of hooks.

As the top predator in the Baihe River and Yangtze River, the most obvious feature of the Baihe giant catfish is the cow stripes on its body. Wuming saw the cow stripes on the giant catfish and was immediately surprised: "Baihe giant catfish!"

In theory, the Baihe giant catfish generally only lives at the mouth of the Yangtze River in the Baihe River and Yangtze River, and because of its very rare number, it is a protected animal.

How come the Baihe giant catfish appears here now?

Wuming thought while dodging quickly to the right. After avoiding the bloody mouth of the Baihe giant catfish, he then saw that the tail of the Baihe giant catfish had the filamentous tail of the mayfly larvae.

"Because of insectification, even some of its habits have changed?" Wuming thought to himself.


With a loud bang, the Baihe giant catfish fell into the water, splashing a lot of water.

Wuming exerted a little force on his legs and quickly flew to a height of more than 20 meters. Sure enough, the Baihe giant catfish jumped out of the water again soon, and this time it returned empty-handed.

But at the moment when its head entered the water, a ball of golden light followed and fell into the water, hitting its silky tail.

"It almost hit the river water." Wuming breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he landed on the rock again and walked around. Sure enough, the White River Catfish had not given up. It saw Wuming, who looked like a small insect on the rock, and jumped out of the water again.

But this time Wuming was well prepared and immediately typed the word "insect" at it.

Tens of minutes later, the White River Catfish carried Wuming down the river. Wuming sat on one of its silky tails, calmly looking at the scenery on both sides, and silently searching for Xia Shu's traces.

If Xia Shu went down the river, he would definitely leave footprints when he came ashore.


Somewhere in an underground base.

A man in a colorful gown was dissecting a human whose body had mostly turned into an ant.

Suddenly, he felt something and stopped moving his hands. He slowly raised his head and looked around suspiciously, muttering to himself: "The Mantis Squadron was wiped out? Interesting, there are all kinds of wonders in nature, and human creations are not as good as natural evolution?"

He quickly walked to a huge screen and clicked a few times on the command desk, and the location where the Mantis Squadron was wiped out was displayed on the screen.

"Dr. Xia Shu? No, she can't develop a targeted antidote so quickly."

"Forget it, Spider Queen, send all the soldiers out, I want to know all the truth, and... Dr. Xia Shu must be found as soon as possible... and killed!"

On the ceiling of this base, a huge spider slowly opened its red eyes.

In many cities and villages, the insect beasts and insect people who were fighting stopped their hands and instinctively looked in the direction of the Baihe River and the Yangtze River. Then a group of bee people flew into the sky, and then the spider people and mantis people also took action.

In a building somewhere, the woman who was originally cured by Wuming suddenly had a splitting headache. She groaned and squatted on the ground, and her pupils kept dilating and shrinking.

The speed of going downstream was very fast.

The scenery on both sides of the river can be described as "flying by". It really flashed by. To the naked eye of ordinary people, it was probably a colorful scene.

However, Wuming's eyesight was very good. No matter what was on the shore, he could take it into his eyes at the first time.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up slightly, and he stood up and flew into the air. The white river catfish turned into a worm and returned to his hand. He landed lightly on a leaf on the shore.

There are footprints!

He looked forward and quickly determined that the footprints should be left by the woman.

It is called footprints, but in fact it is the traces left after the grass was trampled. There is no residue such as mud and dandruff. The reason why he can judge the footprints is based on the shape of the grass after being trampled.

He followed the trail and entered the woods a minute later. After a moment's thought, he released a squirrel and moved through the woods on it.

There were more and more animals in the woods. Predators like venomous snakes and owls were hiding everywhere, and because of their insectification, their behaviors were affected and they could not be viewed as normal animals.

For example, owls usually move at night.

But soon after entering the forest, Wuming witnessed an owl with strange stripes all over its feathers falling from the sky and catching a toad with ADHD.

In fact, it is now difficult to distinguish these creatures from pure herbivores and carnivores. Because of their insectification, the habits of these animals have been completely distorted and cannot be viewed with common sense.

When Wuming was observing the forest, there were also animals observing Wuming.

A woodpecker suddenly fell from the sky, opened its huge mouth and bit Wuming, but was then swept away by the squirrel's tail.

Because the squirrel was on a tree about 11 or 12 meters high, the woodpecker fell to the ground immediately after being swept by the squirrel's tail, and finally fell to death.

The reason why Wuming chose to ride this squirrel was actually very simple, because this squirrel had been strengthened three times by him, and its strength was much greater than that of ordinary squirrels. At the same time, its insectization was not obvious, but its muscles were replaced by some kind of insect muscles, which were ridiculously powerful.

In this way, this squirrel looks petite and cute, but in fact it is more terrifying than the boxing champion Tyson in his prime. One punch can really kill people.

Wuming glanced at the woodpecker on the ground, and then ordered the squirrel to keep moving forward.

He had a hunch that Xia Shu was not far away from him.

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