I Contracted Myself

【815】What a European Emperor!

There are enemies, lots of them!

Wuming immediately judged that this sound with the same pace and direction could not be made by wild animals.

Under his control, a large number of insect beasts immediately gathered in the direction where the footsteps came from. The next moment, high-temperature liquid sprayed from the front, and billowing white smoke came out wherever it passed. A wild boar was hit by the liquid and turned into words and fell to the ground. The whole word was mostly burnt.

Then a dense crowd of people rushed out from the dense bushes. One of them had a tail. The structure of the tail was a bit like the poisonous tail of a scorpion, but it was actually the body of an air beetle.


Wuming saw that these people were probably controlled by the spider.

Now Dr. Xia Shu's safety is the top priority. Although Wuming wants to save these controlled people, he doesn't have so much time and it is impossible to save everyone. Once Dr. Xia Shu is captured, that would be real despair.

Sometimes, rescue is a matter of calculus and weighing the gains and losses again and again. In order to save more people, even a few people have to be abandoned.

However, Wuming was not idle either. When the insectoids were fighting with these controlled people, he also appeared around stealthily, shooting a golden light at the people around him from time to time, and then used the word "insect" to make these people turn against him.

An insectoid noticed Wuming, and the next moment he turned his butt and shot a spider silk at Wuming.

The little squirrel immediately jumped up, avoided the spider silk, and wrapped his tail around the branch above, successfully climbing to a higher place, but one insectoid noticed Wuming, which actually meant that all insectoids noticed Wuming.

So a large number of insectoids looked up at Wuming, and then an extremely fast insectoid gave up his opponent, turned around and quickly climbed up a tree, jumped from the tree to Wuming's side, and flexibly approached.

But before he could make a move, the little squirrel punched him in the cheek, and Wuming could even hear the sound of his skull breaking.

The other party screamed, and his body rolled quickly to the ground, and he wanted to get up but couldn't get up.

Wuming sighed and continued to use Wuming on the insectoids below, but just when he fired the fifth golden light, his ears couldn't help but tremble slightly.

More footsteps came from a distance!


Wuming muttered, and then sped up to control the people around him. Half a minute later, a huge bear smashed a tree that required two people to hug with one palm and joined the battlefield. A donkey controlled by Wuming was slapped to death by it.

Then the mantis man, spider man, and ant man came on the field one after another. Most of the insectoids controlled by Wuming were killed or wounded in the blink of an eye, and even the insectoids he had just controlled were killed.

"It seems that I have to go down myself."

Wuming flew into the air, and a large number of fantasy flowers appeared one after another. Then he used the maximum output, and countless golden petals floated down, and then exploded one after another.

Many insectoids were blown to dust, and some insectoids were even hit in the vitals on the spot and died.


Wuming was about to use the ancient eye-cutting freezing light technique, but found that it could not be used.

Strictly speaking, there should be no rules of Gu Xing Qie Mou Frozen Light in this world.

The principle of the rule secret is actually very simple, that is, to kill the target by using the rules set by the transcendent in the past. Generally, the rules that can be used as rule secrets are often applicable to all heavens and worlds.

"Am I no longer in the tree-like universe?"

Wuming was confused, but since there is no rule of Gu Xing Qie Mou Frozen Light in this world, it is estimated that other rule secrets are useless.

He immediately gave up using the rule secret and turned to create a large number of mouths.

Nunn's great god power is still very useful, especially adding frog power to the basis of the eater, almost eating whatever it eats, which is also Wuming's killer move.

However, even if Wuming increases the size of the Chaos Eater's mouth to the limit, it can only bite off the fingers of these monsters at most. Fortunately, there are many mouths. After the ubiquitous mouths bite, many insectoids are injured and distracted, so the insectoid beasts controlled by Wuming take the opportunity to kill them with one blow.

The battle situation gradually improved, but soon more enemies appeared again.

"It will never end if we keep killing them like this. It seems we have to move." Wuming thought to himself.

The enemy controls most of the creatures in this world. Only creatures with strong willpower can resist. It can be said that their enemy is almost the entire world.

Even if Wuming has the ability to kill everyone, is this what he wants?

There is no doubt that staying will only add casualties, which will not benefit him and Xia Shu at all.

He immediately controlled the little squirrel to run back, came to the branch next to Xia Shu, and said: "Dr. Xia Shu, it seems that we have to move. Gu Yue and others have discovered us. The enemy will only increase endlessly, and these people are innocent and poor people who are controlled. We don't need to entangle with them endlessly."

"Well, then move, take the waterway!" Xia Shu put the last test tube into his pocket and nodded.

Wuming nodded and immediately headed towards the direction of the Baihe River and the Yangtze River. Xia Shu packed some meat and then caught up with Wuming.

The two came to the river, Wuming released the crocodile, and then realized that the crocodile was indeed big enough for him, but too small for Xia Shu.

"I have mutated and have organs that allow me to breathe underwater. Let's go!" Xia Shu said when Wuming looked at him.

Wuming opened his mouth and finally nodded: "Oh? Oh!"

He jumped onto the crocodile's back and put the little squirrel away. Then Xia Shu jumped into the water and disappeared without a trace.

"What kind of European emperor is this?" Wuming couldn't help but complain.

It's okay that his eyes are mutated, but he also has the ability to breathe underwater...

But this also explains why Xia Shu can drift all the way from the mouth of the Baihe River to here. Before, he thought Xia Shu brought some inflatable boats or other boats.

In the end, he didn't use any tools at all, and crossed the river directly with his body.

Next, the two continued to drift toward the lower reaches of the Baihe River. When they were more than 900 meters away from the forest, Wuming waved his hand, and the insect beasts and insect humans who were fighting with the insect humans turned into golden light and flew away.

Wuming put away a lot of insect characters and calculated a little bit. After a battle, he actually lost hundreds of insect beasts.

"It seems that I have to find a way to add more insect beasts. The next battle will probably be more intense." Wuming thought silently in his heart.

At this moment, a huge impact suddenly erupted underwater, a large amount of water rushed up to the sky, and a huge shark flew out of the water and landed on the shore dead.

Xia Shu jumped out of the water and immediately collected the shark's blood when she landed on the shore.

When she saw Wuming was stunned, she explained: "My muscles seem to have become stronger after the mutation, but I'm not sure what the specific insect's ability is."

Anyway, there is no enemy that she can't kill with one punch.


What can Wuming say.

The invincible doctor and her useless bodyguard?

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