I Contracted Myself

【816】Strange Beast

The words are divided into two parts.

On the other side, Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia took a mantis to carry out a carpet search along the Baihe Yangtze Estuary. As the circle area became larger and larger, the time required to search for one circle also increased.

Because Wuming was going downstream, although the breadth was not as good as theirs, the length of his search had already pulled them down far.

At this time, the Mantis people suddenly encountered another team of Mantis people. As soon as the two teams met, the next moment the other team launched an attack on the Mantis people controlled by Wuming.

"No, these mantis people must be from Gu Yue."

Seeing that a mantis man on his side was cut in half instantly, Ma Lie felt his heart thump, and then quickly ordered the mantis man to fight.

The difference in combat effectiveness between the mantis men on both sides is obvious.

The mantis men controlled by Wuming were all enhanced mantis men. Except for one of them being killed off guard at the beginning, the mantis men on Wuming's side had the upper hand.

But there are too many enemies on the opposite side.

Even if the three mantis men on the opposite side were replaced by one mantis man on Wuming's side, more and more mantis men would die in battle as time went by.

Malie said: "I'm afraid these mantis people can't be saved. We have to move."

"Ah, but just relying on our speed..." Zhu Chixia said with a panicked expression.

Ma Lie said seriously: "There is no other way. If you stay, you will die. Only by transferring can you have a chance of survival. Do you want to die or live?"

Then he grabbed Zhu Chixia and said seriously: "I will count one, two, three, and then we will jump together. Now the enemy's attention is on the Mantis Man, and this is our only chance to divert."

Then he shouted "three", grabbed Zhu Chixia and jumped down immediately.

Zhu Chixia didn't expect that Ma Lie didn't count 'one, two', but simply counted three. She was caught off guard and fell to the ground quickly, without even having time to scream.

Fortunately, they were small enough and light enough that they were not injured when they landed.

After landing, the two quickly moved through the grass and continued towards the agreed meeting point.

They are not afraid of ordinary small animals. Although the creatures in this world are generally powerful, Ma Lie is also a practitioner after all, so it is not a problem to beat the small animals in this world.

They walked through a grassland and entered the forest. Ma Lie suddenly drew his knife and killed a spider instantly, then jumped on a branch to observe the situation. Zhu Chixia followed up panting, sweating profusely and said: "Old Ma, I'm far inferior to you, don't run so fast."

"Silence!" Ma Lie said seriously.

Zhu Chixia reacted and immediately looked around furtively.

Ten seconds later, Zhu Chixia saw a white tiger. The white tiger's body was emitting a faint white light, and it was observing him and Ma Lie with a look that ruled the world.

"It's over, it's over, how can we fight?" Zhu Chixia said in horror.

Ma Lie held the long knife in his hand and stared at the white tiger with gritted teeth. He felt that this white tiger was completely different from the insect-turned-animals he had encountered before.

If the insect-transformed beasts encountered before were all deformed existences, then this white tiger is a perfect work of art and the most outstanding work of nature.

Baihe Yangtze River.

After Xia Shu collected the blood, he continued to swim down the river. Wuming sat on the back of the crocodile, and from time to time he shot a golden light at the animals on the shore.

"The entire Mantis army has been wiped out, and I don't know what is happening to Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia now." Wuming retracted the word "worm" and thought to himself.

He knew very well that the two of them were not dead, but without the protection of Team Mantis, the next trip for the two of them might be very dangerous.


Suddenly, he observed a deer flashing through the forest on the shore.

The deer had no insect characteristics.

Generally, these insect-transformed beasts, which have no insect characteristics on the surface, are often ridiculously strong. For example, the little squirrel he controls is very strong.

He immediately got up from the crocodile's back and quickly flew over the forest. There was a crocodile drifting down with the current. He didn't need to worry about losing Xia Shu. Instead of wasting time following him, he might as well catch more insect-turned-animals.

"where it goes?"

Wuming fell on a tree and looked at the ground but couldn't find the deer.

He then fell to the ground and followed his memory to find the tracks left by the deer. He walked forward along the tracks. About ten minutes later, a colorful light suddenly emitted from the front.


Wuming looked at the location where the light was emitting, showing surprise.

On a huge rock, a colorful giant deer was breeding offspring with another female deer. As the movements of the giant deer intensified, the light on its body became more intense.

Suddenly, the doe turned around and bit the giant deer. The giant deer was caught off guard and had most of its neck bitten off, and blood spurted out from the wound.

The giant deer obviously couldn't understand why the doe would suddenly attack the majestic self. It staggered and fell to the ground, and the light on its body gradually dimmed.

At this time, two golden lights flew over and hit the doe and giant deer instantly.

Then Wuming walked out and shot two worm characters at the two deer. In the blink of an eye, the doe was controlled, but something happened to the giant deer, and the worm characters lost their effect.

"Wrong guess?" Wuming looked at Julu in disbelief.

So far, all the insect-turned-beasts and insect-turned-humans he has encountered have guessed the word "worm". Because it is so easy to guess, the world is like his back garden, and he can easily capture all kinds of insect-turned-beasts. and insectoid humans, and use them to fight.

This was the first time he used the word "worm" incorrectly.

He walked slowly to the giant deer, wanting to save the deer first and then guess the words slowly, but the deer was too huge and he was too small. As soon as he put his hand on the giant deer, the giant deer died first.


Wuming looked at the giant deer with dim light in its eyes, feeling a little helpless.

However, this deer was very special. Perhaps Dr. Xia Shu needed to collect the blood of this deer. Wuming thought about it and put the whole giant deer into the Wuming Sea.

Next, he began to quickly subdue various insect beasts in the forest, subduing one when he met one, until he flew out of the forest at the end of the forest, and landed on the crocodile's head and sat down easily.

"Dr. Xia Shu, I think we can take a break for a while." Wuming said to the river.

Going down further is Baichuan City. Since the enemy knows that they are going downstream, they may have set up a net in Baichuan City. There is no need for them to continue going downstream.

And going down further is inconsistent with the meeting place agreed by him and Ma Lie.

"Then let's take a rest first." Xia Shu jumped out of the water and said calmly.

Next, the two of them built a bonfire on the shore. Xia Shu dried her clothes and took out some meat slices and placed them on the stones next to the fire.

"Dr. Xia Shu, I found an unusual insect-like beast. See if it is worth studying." Wuming released the giant deer from the storage space and said to Xia Shu.

Xia Shu was slightly surprised when she saw Wuming took out such a huge deer out of thin air. Then she looked at the deer and was surprised again: "Is this... the legendary White River Deer King?"

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