I Contracted Myself

【817】The role of aphids

"White River Deer King?"

Wuming was a little surprised. Is this deer still famous?

"Whether that incredible spider or the deer king in front of you, they are all called exotic beasts in our biosphere. Such rare individuals have extremely high research value, but they often have many incredible abilities. Others When it comes to catching, it is difficult for most people to even meet them.

The Baihe Deer King is a legend that has been circulating in the Baihe Yangtze River area for hundreds of years. It is said that it is a huge colorful stag that can guide lost herb collectors out of the forest in foggy weather.

But I have only heard of this legend and have never encountered it before.


It was the first time that Xia Shu talked so much. While she was explaining, she collected the blood of the Baihe Deer King and felt very sorry for the death of the Baihe Deer King.

Such strange beasts are often unique. Once this White River Deer King dies, I am afraid there will be no more White River Deer King in the world.

Then, Xia Shu dissected the Baihe Deer King. While studying, she said: "Sure enough, the Baihe Deer King's body does not have any traces of insect transformation. It is estimated that insect light waves are ineffective against alien animals."

"So that's it. No wonder the word "worm" has no effect on it." Wuming suddenly thought in his heart after hearing Xia Shu's words.

Just now, he felt a little strange, why guessing words worked on other insect beasts, but it had no effect on this giant deer.

Now the answer is revealed, because the Baihe Deer King is not an insect beast at all, but a strange beast of the same level as that spider.

Of course, alien beasts are also strong and weak.

The Baihe Deer King can be attacked and killed by an insect beast, so it is obviously not a particularly powerful beast.

"Okay, let's try what the exotic beasts taste like. Speaking of which, I haven't eaten any exotic beasts yet." Xia Shu finished the collection work and then said with burning eyes.

A question mark suddenly appeared on Wuming's head. A moment ago, Xia Shu looked regretful and distressed. How come he wanted to eat the Baihe Deer King in the blink of an eye?


Wuming's eyes fell on the tight, tender meat of Baihe Deer King, and he swallowed his saliva in a helpless manner. The food in this world seemed to be delicious. Why don't you eat some?

On the other side, the white tiger is gradually approaching.

Ma Lie had cold sweat on his forehead, holding a long knife but without any confidence.

This white tiger gave him a very strong sense of oppression, far more powerful than the previous insectoid.

"This kind of beast that is not obviously insect-like on the surface is the most dangerous existence. I don't know if I can hold it back." Ma Lie tightened the knife in his hand, and then said: "Lao Zhu, I will try my best later. Hold it and run away when the time comes."

Zhu Chixia shook her head and said: "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, no, I haven't had time to set up the automatic destruction of the newly purchased oracle stone. It's over, it's over, I'm dead now, but I, Old Zhu, don't have the habit of leaving my comrades and running away. Wait a minute and let’s stuff the gap between his teeth together!”


Malie was speechless. You were so frightened that you couldn't speak coherently. Staying here is just a drag, okay?

At this time, Bai Hu sniffed and slowly walked up to Zhu Chixia. Zhu Chixia was immediately paralyzed on the ground and did not dare to move at all.

Bai Hu lowered his head.

Ma Lie gritted his teeth and prepared to go.

Then Bai Hu stuck out his tongue and licked Zhu Chixia, and blew his nostrils at Zhu Chixia.


Ma Lie was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was how the tiger seemed to say hello.

He looked at Zhu Chixia and found that Zhu Chixia had fainted from fear and her buttocks were secreting mucus.

"Could it be..."

Ma Lie swallowed, thinking of a possibility that he couldn't even believe.

Sure enough, the white tiger licked the liquid again, let out a cry of joy, and sprayed on Zhu Chixia again.

"Lao Zhu, Lao Zhu, wake up!" Ma Lie cautiously approached Zhu Chixia and shouted to Zhu Chixia.

Zhu Chixia was shaken for a while, and finally woke up leisurely. When he saw Ma Lie, he said feebly: "Old Ma, are we finished?"

"It's not over, but the liquid you secrete seems to have a special effect on this big guy. You can try secreting a little more." Ma Lie said quickly.

Zhu Chixia looked at her aphid butt in confusion, and then noticed that the white tiger was close in front of her, so he rolled his eyes and passed out again.

The campfire crackled.

Wuming took a piece of meat and took a bite. He raised his brows slightly and said with a smile, "Dr. Xia Shu, this meat is so delicious!"

"The taste is indeed different from ordinary venison!" Xia Shu was also eating and said as he ate.

Wuming smiled and said: "The White River Deer King is so huge that I can't eat all the meat at once. I will store it later so that it can be used as back-up dry food."

"How many abilities do you have? You can fly, you can subdue insect beasts into golden light, and you can store things. These abilities are not at all like the abilities that should appear after insect transformation." Xia Shu looked at Wuming and said.

Wuming shook his head and said: "I'm not sure, maybe just like a strange beast, I belong to... a strange person?"

"If you weren't too young, I would really like to study it." Xia Shu said quietly.

Wuming suddenly sweated on his forehead, and smiled reluctantly: "Dr. Xia Shu, this joke is not funny at all."

"Okay, let's go on." Xia Shu finished eating the meat, stuck the tree stick on the ground, and said calmly.

Wuming quickly stood up and struggled: "Dr. Xia Shu, you must be joking, right? Right?"

However, Xia Shu did not answer, but headed towards the mountain ahead. After crossing the mountain, they would enter a dense forest, and through the forest was a small town.

There was a lake outside the town called Owl Lake. Wuming and Ma Lie made an appointment to meet at Owl Lake.

The two walked through the forest and encountered insect-shaped beasts, all of which were quickly subdued by Wuming.

Wuming sat on the little squirrel and asked: "Dr. Xia Shu, do you need a mount? I have a few bison here that are suitable for riding. If you feel tired, you can tell me."

"Yeah, okay." Xia Shu nodded.

But until he reached the mountainside, Xia Shu looked calm, without any signs of fatigue.

The little squirrel picked off a piece of fruit and quickly ate it into his stomach. Wuming also put a piece of chestnut crumbs into his mouth and observed while eating. He was observing the surrounding environment and at the same time assessing Xia Shu's combat effectiveness.

Xia Shu is very strong, and so far he feels unfathomable.

However, according to the life level, Xia Shu is only level 5, a classic battle against the five scum.

This kind of situation was rarely encountered by Wuming before. Generally, the higher the level of the life form, the stronger it must be, but many creatures in this world violated this rule.

There are many creatures with life levels of only 1 to 2, but their combat power exceeds that of practitioners above level 200. Ma Lie can only give away his life in front of these creatures.

This is very illogical, but it is very consistent with the characteristics of the lost door.

In Wuming's eyes, entering the Lost Gate is actually equivalent to participating in the Divine Treasure Trial. All logic will be subverted, and all rules may not apply to the present.

Therefore, he adapted quickly.

Whether it is positioning his own strength or changing his identity, he can quickly play the role he should play.

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