I Contracted Myself

【818】Magical Little Otter

Owl Lake.

Several wild boars with butterfly wings gathered together to drink water.

Suddenly, several golden lights scattered and sprinkled, and in the blink of an eye, the wild boars fled separately, but as the golden lights wrapped with the word "insect" flew out, the wild boars were soon transformed into golden lights and flew into the woods, landing on the head of a little squirrel.

"No matter how many times I see it, your ability is so incredible." Xia Shu exclaimed.

Wuming smiled and said, "I also find it incredible."

"When will your friends arrive?" Xia Shu then changed the subject and asked.

Wuming shook his head and said, "I don't know, we just agreed to meet here, but they seem to have had an accident. I hope they are okay."

At this time, five otters sneaked up to the lake to drink water. One of them looked around furtively, and one took out a small stone and played with it in his hand.

"Hey, there is an otter without obvious signs of insect transformation. I don't know if it is a strange beast or a lucky one." Wuming observed the five otters and said with some surprise.

Xia Shu also looked over.

The largest of the five otters was about the size of an adult domestic cat, while the smallest was only the size of a kitten.

Some of the larger otters had ant antennae, and some had tails similar to those of scorpions. Only the smallest otter had no traces of insectification on its body, and its color was also a little different.

The other four otters were all grayish white, while it was milky white, looking very cute.

"It's probably a strange beast, but... are strange beasts so common?" Xia Shu frowned and said in confusion.

In the past, people wanted to study strange beasts, but they couldn't find any traces of strange beasts all over the world. Now strange beasts are popping up like they don't need money.

Wuming had just met the legendary White River Deer King, and now he met a little otter who was suspected to be a strange beast.

This made Xia Shu feel unreal, as if he was dreaming.

"It's easy to understand, just like a fish pond. If there is water in it, you may not be able to find a specific fish even after searching for several days. But if you drain all the water from the pond, it will be easy to find that fish." Wuming said with a smile.

His eyes fell on the little otter, and he continued: "Now most creatures have been controlled by the spider. The remaining animals are either strong-willed or special. Those insect-transformed otters may be affected by the little otter, so they are not out of control for the time being. However, as time goes by, the situation of this little otter may become more and more dangerous."

Just like the White River Deer King, who did not guard against his spouse at all, but was bitten off the trachea by the doe, and died very aggrieved.

This little otter may not realize that there is a problem with his tribe. When one day the big otter can no longer control it, this little otter may be killed.

Of course, all the premise is that the little otter is a strange beast.

However, the method of verification is very simple. Wuming sprinkled five golden lights, and in the blink of an eye, the five otters were hit by the golden light, and then they immediately ran in the same direction.

The golden light with the word "insect" flew over again, and in the blink of an eye, only the little otter was not controlled, but ran faster.

"It is indeed a strange beast, don't let it run away!" Xia Shu had already understood Wuming's ability, and saw that the little otter was not controlled by Wuming, and immediately said excitedly.

Wuming nodded and sat on the head of the little squirrel. The little squirrel chased the little otter closely. Wuming thought about it and wrote the word "otter" and typed it out again.

But this time he guessed wrong again, and the little otter ran faster.

"How to guess this?" Wuming had a headache.

The original word of the little otter was difficult to guess, because Wuming's understanding of it was too limited.

In addition to the two words "otter", he really didn't know what other words this little otter could be.

"Let's gamble again, the word "water"!"

Wuming thought about it and immediately typed a word "water" at the little otter.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't control the little otter. The little otter was strengthened, and its speed was further improved. In a blink of an eye, it drilled into a hole.

Wuming immediately controlled the little squirrel to chase into the cave, but then he stopped and looked ahead in disbelief.

This cave turned out to be a dead end, blocked by a big rock in front.

That's not right!

The little otter clearly ran in, why is there no way ahead?

Wuming jumped off the little squirrel, walked to the big rock and knocked on it. The big rock was a real rock, probably about the size of an adult, and it was impossible to move it out of the cave.

"Could it be that the little otter's ability is to pass through walls?" Wuming guessed in his heart.

If so, it can well explain why the little otter disappeared, because it had passed through the wall.


Wuming smiled slightly, and then put the little squirrel away.

He walked forward slowly, his body passed through the rock and entered the cave. It is estimated that the little otter would never have thought that he could pass through walls.

There was no other exit in the cave. He walked forward along the passage and saw the little otter shrinking in the cave in a moment.

"Little guy, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!" Wuming looked at the little otter and said with a smile.

Seeing that the little otter did not escape through the wall behind him, Wuming immediately wrote the word "wear" and shot it at the little otter. The little otter shrank in fear. When the golden light entered its body, it felt as if it had become stronger again, so it looked at Wuming with confusion.


Wuming was also confused. Did he guess wrong?

Could it be the word ‘through’?


He couldn’t do that anymore.

He had already used the word guessing three times, and now there was only the last one left.

If he guessed wrong the last time, he would not be able to subdue the little otter in front of him.

In fact, even if these creatures were completely controlled by Wuming’s Wuming, they did not die. Their state was probably the same as taking the contract gem. They retained their own self and thinking.

If they were enemies, Wuming would make them stop thinking, and everything would be subject to orders.

But for most small animals, Wuming actually treated them with the attitude of making friends. Just like when the little squirrel wanted to eat, Wuming would not stop it, but would eat with it.

In the eyes of the little squirrel, Wuming was a friend, not a master. It was voluntary to help, not influenced by other thoughts to help Wuming.

"Little guy, what are you capable of?" Wuming stepped forward and asked the little otter.

Although the little otter didn't understand what Wuming was doing, it quickly avoided Wuming's approach. It looked at Wuming confusedly and immediately fled from Wuming's side.

"Don't go!"

Wuming hurriedly chased after him.

The next moment, he saw a magical scene...

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