I Contracted Myself

【819】Little Otter's Abilities

The huge stone that was originally blocking the passage was touched by the little otter, and the huge stone shrank rapidly in an instant.

The little otter took the stone in his hand, ran forward a few steps quickly, then turned around and threw the stone, and the stone quickly grew larger, blocking the passage again.

"So it's getting smaller? No, it could also be getting bigger and smaller!" Wuming said to himself with his eyes slightly widened.

He originally thought that the little otter was penetrating the stone, but now he saw it with his own eyes and knew that it was not penetrating, but making the rock blocking the road smaller, and then getting bigger after he passed.

"This is a bit difficult to guess!"

Wuming walked slowly to the rock, thinking with a headache.

In fact, he also has the superpower of making objects smaller, but this superpower is not as good as him killing the enemy with one punch, and it is generally useless.

At this time, he pressed his hand on the rock, and the superpower "shrinking technique" was activated instantly.

However, the materials in this world are particularly hard, and even gave him an inexplicable weird feeling, and most abilities are very ineffective here.

After the shrinking technique was activated, the rock was getting smaller little by little, far slower than the little otter. Wuming increased the output of his superpowers, but it took him ten minutes to shrink the rock a little.

This rock was too hard and too high in quality.

"Forget it!"

Wuming finally gave up.

If he wanted to make this rock as small as the little otter just now, he would need at least three or four hours, and by that time the little otter would have disappeared.

Because the little otter was about to run out of his perception range, he penetrated the rock and quickly left the cave.

On the other side, the little otter was running through the grass in a panic, but the speed was very slow. Wuming was delayed for ten minutes before it ran a few hundred meters away.

Wuming's maximum perception range in this world is about one thousand meters, and the little otter has been locked by Wuming.

But just when the little otter wanted to find a safe place to hide, a hand fell from the sky and instantly pinched its neck and lifted it up.

"Boo, boo, boo!"

The little otter immediately twisted its body and struggled.

Xia Shu raised her hand, took a closer look, and said to herself: "Is this... a newborn alien beast?"

Then she ignored the little otter's whimpering resistance and began to check the little otter's body. She found that the little otter's body was not stronger than most otters. In fact, because of its fur color, this little otter might actually be more likely to be targeted by predators.

Many people may think that alien beasts have stronger survival ability.

But the actual situation is not the case.

Although alien beasts have all kinds of strange abilities, they use their abilities very superficially, and most of them don't even know how to use their abilities in battle.

For example, once the alien beasts in the cattle herd are attacked by the lion group, they will also flee with the crowd instead of using their own abilities to kill the lion group.

And most of the alien beasts have a hard time surviving to adulthood.

Because their appearance is different from that of their peers in the tribe, alien beasts are more likely to be targeted by predators and are also easily excluded by the tribe.

In addition, due to lack of experience and mental incompleteness, most of the strange beasts have no chance to show their own magic and die early in childhood.

This little otter can survive until now, probably because it is the only little guy in this otter family. Even though it looks big and different, it is still well taken care of.

"Dr. Xia Shu, be careful, this little otter has the ability to make things smaller, and it may also have the ability to make things bigger." Wuming chased over at this time, and saw Xia Shu pinching the back of the little otter's neck, and immediately reminded him.

However, Xia Shu became more interested in the little otter after hearing Wuming's words.

She asked: "Has it changed the size of an object? This is unreasonable. Even if it can change the density of matter to achieve the purpose of making objects smaller, how can it make things bigger?"

"There is a rock in the cave that has been changed in size by it, but I feel that the density of that rock has not been changed. Its ability should be more special." Wuming said.

Xia Shu immediately said, "Take me to see it."

"Okay, but Dr. Xia Shu, you'd better be careful. If it shrinks you, it will be troublesome." Wuming nodded and reminded.

Dr. Xia Shu shoulders the heavy responsibility of saving the world, and Wuming doesn't want her to have any accidents.

Especially now that the little otter is not controlled by him, once Xia Shu is shrunk, it is not certain that Xia Shu can be changed back, and the most direct consequence of Xia Shu not being able to change back is that there is no way to develop an antidote to remove insects.

Then, Wuming took Xia Shu to the hole where the little otter had just drilled in. Xia Shu held the little otter in one hand and reached into the hole with the other hand. Because the rock was too huge, Xia Shu did not pull the rock out.

She touched the surface of the rock and found that there was no way to take the rock out without destroying it, so she had to withdraw her hand.

"Dr. Xia Shu, I think the most important thing for us now is to develop an antidote. This little otter can't run away. If you want to study it, you can wait until the crisis is resolved before studying it carefully." Wuming said at this time.

He was a little worried that Xia Shu would delay saving the world because of the little otter.

"Well, that makes sense. Then I'll leave it to you. You should quickly control it and don't let it run away." Xia Shu nodded lightly.

Wuming had a headache and said, "I'm afraid I can't control this little otter now."

Then he told Xia Shu about his ability, and Xia Shu was very interested. After listening, he began to think about it.

"So it's guessing a word?" beast, will it be named "奇"?"

Wuming shook his head and said: "The possibility is very small. The strange beast is just the name we give it. It is not a strange beast itself. In fact... we don't even know what its essence is. It's too difficult to guess its original word."

"Then start with the ability. Its ability is to make objects smaller. It is not certain whether it has the real ability to make them bigger. At the same time, it is not certain whether it can make creatures smaller. Can we assume that it can't do those things?" Xia Shu continued to analyze: "Assuming that its ability is pure shrinking, will the original word be "小"?"

Wuming nodded and said: "I have also considered that it may be "small", but the problem is that there is only one chance left. What if I am wrong?"

"Then we need to understand the ability of this strange beast in all aspects. After a comprehensive understanding, perhaps we can get the answer." Xia Shu said.

Then she squatted down, put the little otter on the grass, and said to Wuming: "Summon all four otters you control and let them be together."

"Okay!" Wuming nodded.

The next moment, the controlled otters quickly turned into insects and flew over, and then Wuming changed them back to their original form.

Xia Shu let go of the little otter's neck, and the little otter immediately wanted to escape, but was ruthlessly hugged by the big otter. The big otters whimpered for a while, and finally calmed the little otter down.

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