I Contracted Myself

[820] Difficulty in communication

Next, Wuming communicated with several big otters, hoping to understand the abilities of the little otter through the big otters.

However, these big otters did not understand what the little otter's abilities were, and they had not even thought about why the little otter was different.

The little otter still had no sense of security, hiding behind the big otter and occasionally looking out to observe, with a cautious and ignorant look in his eyes.

"Give me a fish!" Xia Shu said to Wuming.

Wuming immediately took out a river fish similar to saury from the storage space and handed it to Xia Shu with telekinesis.

"Here!" Xia Shu took the fish and handed it to the little otter.

The little otter did not take it, and the big otter immediately took the fish. Several big otters gathered together to eat it. The little otter looked at it with a confused look on his face. After a while, he shook his head and squeezed over, but still did not eat it.

The next moment, its claws touched the fish, and the fish instantly became bigger, and several big otters ate more happily.


Wuming and Xia Shu were both slightly stunned, and then Xia Shu came forward to observe.

This fish was really enlarged, not in terms of density, but in terms of size from a saury to the size of an adult dolphin.

"The weight has increased!" Xia Shu said in surprise.

Wuming was also very confused and said, "I didn't feel any energy output, this is unscientific!"

Although he was playing with superpowers, and the word science in his mouth was unscientific in itself, many of his superpowers still had to talk about the law of energy conservation.

To become smaller is actually to compress molecules and atoms, or to extract energy from objects, thereby reducing their mass.

And to become larger is to increase the density of an object, or to provide more energy, to replicate the molecules of an object, and thus to make the object larger.

The ability of the little otter is not like this.

Its ability is more like a rule, and it can enlarge an object from its original volume after touching it.

Assuming that it can infinitely enlarge objects, it can even use a planet to explode the universe.

This ability is incredible.

In terms of level, this ability is almost the same as his infinite light element energy. Both are abilities that create something out of nothing and have infinite possibilities.

"It can be smaller or larger. The ability of the beast is incredible." Xia Shu cut a piece of fish meat with a dagger and confirmed that there was no problem with the fish meat. He couldn't help but exclaimed.

Wuming suddenly had a flash of light in his mind. He thought of two words, one was "Jian" and the other was "夵".

First, he ruled out the word "Jian" because although this word also means small on top and big on the bottom, it is essentially not that meaning.

The word "夵" is big on the top and small on the bottom, which is very consistent with the ability of the little otter.

Could it be "夵"?

Wuming took a deep breath and suppressed the impulse in his heart.

He regretted that he had used the guessing word too casually just now. He should have kept at least two chances to guess the word.

"Alas, I was careless. Lesson."

Wuming reflected on his mistakes and continued to observe the little otter.

After the fish was enlarged, the little otter also ate the fish, but it ate very little. After a few bites, it stopped and ran to a big otter to act like a spoiled child and rolled around, hugging the big otter's legs and kicking wildly.

This big otter might be the mother of the little otter. It didn't care about the little otter at all and continued to eat with big mouthfuls.

Wuming checked the memory of the big otter and found many pictures of the little otter. The little otter was not much different from a normal little otter after it was born, except that it could enlarge fish.

"It turns out that the little otter only enlarged fish in the past, and it didn't even enlarge stones." Wuming thought in surprise.

The little otter in the big otter's memory was very lively, but there was nothing special about it except that it could enlarge things. If Wuming only looked at the pictures, he would even doubt whether it had the ability to shrink things.


What if the little otter's ability is actually to enlarge?

As for the big rock, maybe it was because the little otter enlarged that it could shrink.

Wuming had doubts in his heart, so he took out a big fish and signaled the big otter to let the little otter make the fish smaller.

"Boo-boo-boo!" The big otter ran to the fish and whined to the little otter.

The little otter still looked like he hadn't woken up yet, and looked at the big otter in a daze. The big otter then jumped off the big fish and started to attack the little otter.


The big otter hugged the little otter and kept ravaging it, and finally let go of the little otter, and ran to the big fish to look at the little otter.

"It seems that even the mother can't communicate well." Wuming saw that the big otter and the little otter could not communicate effectively, and said with a smile.

The little otter saw that the big otter was looking at him, so he also climbed onto the big fish and looked at the big otter in confusion.


The big otter circled around the little otter, and then looked at the little otter expectantly.

At this time, the little otter tilted its head and pressed its chubby little paws on the big fish. In the blink of an eye, the big fish quickly grew larger and became the size of a great white shark.


The big otter clapped his hands happily when he saw the fish grow so large.

But then he realized that what he wanted was not to grow larger, but to grow smaller.

So he hugged the little otter and kicked it again. After letting go of the little otter, he cried again and circled around the little otter.

The little otter tilted his head, and then pressed the big fish with his hands again, so the big fish grew larger again, this time to the size of a whale. The big otter lay on the fish and looked at Wuming helplessly.

"I understand, you tried your best." Wuming said empathetically.

Xia Shu jumped up, looked at the huge fish scales, and said, "So its ability is to get bigger, but not to get smaller."

"It's indeed possible that it's just getting bigger." Wuming nodded.

As for getting smaller, maybe it can only be used on things that have already gotten bigger.

It's a pity that even if he uses the ability to communicate with all things to communicate with the little otter, the result he gets is still meaningless "嘤嘤嘤". The little otter is still too young, and maybe he doesn't even know how to communicate between otters.

At this time, Xia Shu walked up to the little otter, and the little otter backed away a little scared.

Xia Shu squatted down, touched the little otter's head, then took out two unknown teeth and said, "We want small ones, small ones!"

She dropped the big teeth, kept the small ones, and then pointed at the fish.

The big otter immediately ran to Xia Shu's side and nodded at the little otter.

At this moment, the little otter seemed to have an enlightenment. It finally understood what its mother wanted it to do, so it pressed its paws on the fish. In an instant, the fish quickly became smaller, and in the blink of an eye it became the size of a small dried fish.

It's just that it doesn't understand. Everyone wanted big fish before, and everyone was happy after the fish became bigger. Why now they want small fish.

Xia Shu picked up the dried small fish and said, "It seems that it does have the ability to become smaller. Take another fish out and try to make it only become smaller but not larger."


Wuming nodded in agreement.

Because this big fish has been enlarged before, it is not certain whether the conditions for becoming smaller are that it must first become larger and then become smaller, so it is necessary to try again.

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