I Contracted Myself

【821】Aftereffects of becoming bigger?

The second test was finally completed successfully.

Probably because of the first experience, communication was completed quickly the second time.

After the little otter made the newly taken out big fish smaller, it can be seen from the confused expression on its face that it still can't understand why the food should be made smaller. It is obvious that it will not be full if it becomes smaller.

Later, Wuming and Xia Shu conducted several more experiments, allowing them to quickly understand whether they wanted to grow bigger or smaller through sound.


Wuming said to the little otter.

Then the little otter made the fish bigger, and when Wuming said "small", the little otter made the fish smaller again.

Although Wuming didn't understand why they did this, he still obeyed them honestly because if he didn't, he would be beaten by his mother.

"It can be bigger or smaller. What do you think the word is?" Xia Shu looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming thought for a while and replied: "There are several words that are suspicious, so I can't tell for sure."

"Then write it down and I'll take a look." Xia Shu said.

Wuming shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's good now."

His namelessness can only be written in the Chinese language he recognizes, and the problems of this world...

What should I say?

The problems in this world are very strange. Although he has learned it, he still has an indescribable weird feeling, as if it is not words, but a kind of garbled code made up of pure information.

If he hadn't been able to learn it, he would have even suspected that these words were actually ghost symbols.

Next, Wuming continued to communicate with the little otter, while Xia Shu took the time to do the most basic processing of the blood collected previously.

Wuming and the little otter gradually became familiar with each other, and the little otter was no longer afraid of him.

In fact, the little otter didn't have much fear of him. It was more afraid of the little squirrel and Xia Shu.

"Little guy, can you make me bigger?" Wuming sat down on the little otter's head and suddenly thought.

He jumped off the little otter, and the little otter's huge claws immediately pressed on him, almost killing him. However, the next moment he felt that his body was growing rapidly, and he had an indescribable feeling at the same time. Filled in the body.

"This feeling!"

Wuming stood on the ground, a little surprised.

He looked at Xia Shu, and Xia Shu felt his eyes looking back. When she saw that he had grown bigger, she was surprised and said: "It can still be like this!"

"I didn't expect...I actually changed...no, I returned to my original size!" Wuming said with some surprise.

He grabbed the little otter, couldn't help but kiss it, and said with a smile: "This ability is incredible. It's not just about getting bigger, but..."

There are some things that he can't say in front of Xia Shu, but he does feel that his origin has increased.

It is said to be the origin, but in fact it is not a complicated thing. In short, it is the synthesis of everything, soul, cells, energy, bones, thinking... everything is enhanced.

In fact, he now has the ability to solve any problem with ease.

He sat on the grass, holding the little otter in his arms, stroking the little otter's belly, and observing the world.

Observing the world from different angles, the world he saw was really completely different. Before, he thought Owl Lake was just a lake in the suburbs, but when he looked at it after it became bigger, in fact, Owl Lake and a small forest in the distance were just a certain lake. part of a hospital.

If it were peacetime, I guess...


That's not a hospital!

Wuming suddenly frowned and looked at the hospital in the distance in confusion.

It was just a strange building that looked like a hospital, so why did he think it was a hospital?

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong with the world. When he was young, he looked at trees as trees, grass as grass, and buildings as they were. But when he grew older, he realized that the world was full of illegal things. A sense of harmony.

The building that looked like a hospital was actually not a hospital at all. Instead, it looked like a nest made of countless vines.

He looked at Xia Shu carefully. He had not noticed it before, but now he looked carefully and realized that Xia Shu's body was not right. It seemed to be composed of a large number of small square pixels. The more he looked at it, the more terrifying it became.

"Is there any side effects of getting bigger? The pixels in my eyes are still the same as before, but everything looks like a mosaic?" Wuming thought a little unsure.

It was clear that everything looked normal when the body was small, but now that it has grown bigger, everything looks wrong.

He was teasing the little otter carelessly, and subconsciously his eyes fell on the little otter. The more he looked at it, the more strange he felt. The little otter was obviously very cute, so why did it look a little scary now?

"The illusion is probably a hallucination of the body suddenly becoming larger." Wuming thought to himself.

And it may be that the rules of the world are different. The creatures in this world may be like this. He was just too small before to observe properly.

With this thought, he no longer cared about the messy mosaics around him.

"Hasn't your friend arrived yet?" At this time, Xia Shu had completed the preliminary processing, and the rest of the work could only be continued in a regular laboratory, so she stood up and asked.

How weird!

Wuming looked at Xia Shu's face and felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

Obviously before, when he saw Xia Shu, he just thought she was beautiful, a capable, cool beauty, but now he felt that she was a terrifying body covered in dense mosaic of tiny mosaics, with even vague things falling down.

He put away his thoughts and replied: "They may be in danger. Let's wait for a day. If they don't come within a day, we will leave."

"Okay." Xia Shu nodded.

Then, the two of them leaned against a tree and rested quietly.

Neither of them spoke. Wuming didn't know what to say. Moreover, the longer time passed, the weirder he felt this world was. This feeling started when he became bigger. He doubted whether there was something wrong with this world.

Xia Shu closed his eyes and rested. The tiny mosaics on his face would fall off from time to time, but more mosaics would be generated to cover them.

"Try it!"

Wuming looked down at the little otter and suddenly felt an impulse in his heart.

So he wrote a '夵' and then typed the words into the little otter's body, and the little otter suddenly stopped moving.

It turned out to be the word 夵?

Wuming was a little surprised and a little surprised, and then he felt something was wrong.

No matter how many other insectoids he controlled, he could not detect any problems. However, the little otter was not an insectoid, and was the only non-insectoid life he controlled in this world.

At this time, he felt that the little otter was not an otter, but something stranger. However, because of the otter's shell, he could only vaguely sense that something was wrong, but could not explore it more deeply, as if blocked by some rules.

There is a problem.

It is definitely not because he has become bigger that there is a problem, but the world itself has a problem!

Wuming looked up at the sky, and always felt that the sky was also a layer of shell. He didn't know what was outside the sky.

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