I Contracted Myself

【822】Anshu Laboratory

At this time, a tiger roar interrupted Wuming's thoughts.

A majestic white tiger in the forest walked out slowly with tiger steps.

Its powerful aura shocked the surrounding animals, and the whole Owl Lake became quiet all of a sudden, with the sounds of birds, frogs, and animals rustling.

This process of going from lively to quiet was so fast that Wuming and Xia Shu both had an illusory tinnitus.

Then the silence was broken.

In an extremely quiet environment, even the smallest sound will become louder.

When Wuming heard Ma Lie's voice, his eyes immediately fell on the top of the white tiger's head, and he saw Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia waving at him.

He quickly stopped Xia Shu who was about to take action, and said, "Wait, Dr. Xia Shu, this white tiger should not be an enemy!"

The white tiger slowly stepped forward domineeringly.

Xia Shu finally saw Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia, who were like fleas on the white tiger's head.

Both of them were still waving their hands and shouting desperately:

"Master Wuming, look here, look here!"

"As expected of Master Wuming, you have found a way to grow bigger so quickly."

"That should be Dr. Xia Shu, right?"

As the white tiger approached, the voices of Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia became clearer and clearer.

Wuming gave Xia Shu a "reassuring" look, then he slowly stepped forward and successfully joined Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia.

Afterwards, the two sides learned about each other's experience through conversation. At the same time, Wuming introduced Xia Shu to the two, and introduced Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia to Xia Shu.

After both sides were familiar with each other, everyone gathered together to discuss what to do next.

Xia Shu sat on the grass, took out a test tube, and said: "The next step of the development of the antidote requires a lot of professional tools. Some equipment is only available in specific laboratories. As far as I know, the closest and most suitable biological laboratory is the Anshu Laboratory, which is a laboratory under the An Group. It can basically meet all the equipment conditions required for the development of the antidote."

"In that case, let's go to the Anshu Laboratory!" Wuming nodded.

Xia Shu said seriously: "There are a large number of white mice in the laboratory, as well as various common and uncommon rodents. After insectification, the laboratory may have become a rat nest, so this trip is very dangerous. If you are afraid, you can stay here and wait. If I succeed in developing the antidote..."

"Dr. Xia Shu, you don't need to say anything. No matter how dangerous the front is, we will accompany you to the end!" Wuming interrupted Xia Shu and said seriously.

Xia Shu glanced at Wuming, then looked at Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia on the top of the white tiger, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, let's go!"

Everyone left Owl Lake, avoided small towns and villages, and headed towards the direction of the mouse laboratory.

"Master Wuming, how did you become...restored to your original state?" Ma Lie sat on the top of the white tiger and looked at Wuming who was walking on the side. He wanted to ask Wuming how he became bigger, but suddenly remembered that Xia Shu was in front, so he changed his question.

Wuming opened his hand, and a ‘夵’ character immediately appeared on his palm. He then smiled and said, “I’m lucky to have found a strange beast that can naturally enlarge objects.”

While speaking, the ‘夵’ character turned back into a small otter.

“Can you help us grow bigger too?” Zhu Chixia asked immediately.

Because of his small body, it is inconvenient to do anything in this world where everything is big, and any creature can threaten their lives, so he is always looking forward to returning to a ‘normal’ body size.

“Sorry, I can’t!” Wuming was silent for a moment, then refused.

Zhu Chixia wanted to ask why, but Ma Lie pulled him and said, “Just trust Lord Wuming.”

“Okay.” Zhu Chixia nodded sadly.

Although he didn’t trust Wuming 100% like Ma Lie, he still believed in Wuming’s character. Since Wuming refused, there must be a reason for him to refuse.

In fact, Wuming did have a reason to refuse.

This world is not simple. After becoming bigger, many super-sensory superpowers are reminding him that something is wrong with this world, but he can't find out what the problem is.

Moreover, after becoming bigger, some instincts in his body are also amplified. If his willpower is not strong enough, he may be controlled by the strange spider.

He can ensure that he will not lose control, but he cannot guarantee that Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia will not lose control after becoming bigger. Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, he refused to make the two bigger.

The four people and the tiger meandered along the mountain path. Wuming made a move from time to time and secretly pinched the approaching animals to death.

There are snakes with dragonfly wings, centipedes with mosquito wings, and bullfrogs with fly eyes on their backs...

These insect-like beasts are dispensable to Wuming. After all, he is not only bigger in size, but also in strength.

The ability of the little otter is very unique. It makes Wuming bigger as a whole, without leaving out anything separately.

Strictly speaking, Wuming has actually become many times stronger, enough to beat countless of himself before he became bigger, but this kind of power makes him a little doubtful.

However, doubts aside, completing the mission safely is the most important thing.

It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.

Now that it is good to be big, I will enjoy it first, and then find a way to solve the problem.

With Wuming, the journey to the Anshu Laboratory was safe and sound, and the smooth process surprised Xia Shu, but she didn't know that Wuming was secretly acting, so she didn't say anything in the end.

The Anshu Laboratory is in a suburb, close to an industrial area.

Wuming and others passed through a factory building, then a fruit forest and a sugarcane field, and finally arrived at the outskirts of the Anshu Laboratory.

"Hiss, that's... the Anshu Laboratory?" Zhu Chixia looked at the dark building in the distance and couldn't help asking.

Ma Lie frowned and said, "Something is wrong. Why is the laboratory so dark?"

"It may be the work of the insect beast. After entering the laboratory, everyone must be more careful!" Xia Shu said.

Wuming looked at the twisted laboratory in front of him, where black sludge was constantly dripping. He always felt that the laboratory everyone saw might not be the same as the laboratory he saw.

Is this really a laboratory?

It's obviously the nest of some monster!

Anyway, Wuming didn't see any laboratory in the building in front of him.

However, he had vaguely grasped a hint of inspiration and roughly guessed what was going on in this world, so he didn't speak, but just silently observed everything in front of him.

It's better to see through it without saying it.

Following Xia Shu's call, everyone headed towards the Anshu Laboratory. Along the way, there were a large number of rats with cockroach wings staring at them, but after Wuming and Xia Shu killed several rats, many of them scattered.

But when they arrived outside the wall of the Anshu Laboratory, the rats gathered around them again in a sneaky and silent manner.

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