I Contracted Myself

【823】Kill rats

The smell of these rats was extremely stinky, some of them had blood on their hair, and pieces of meat still remained on their front teeth.

Wuming frowned and said, "Let's get rid of all the rats outside first, so as not to be attacked from both sides later."

"Okay!" Xia Shu nodded in agreement.

She also needed a quiet environment to make the antidote.

The two immediately started, Wuming turned to the left, Xia Shu turned to the right, and almost at the same time, they rushed into the rats. Most of these rats had cockroach wings, which gave Wuming a bad premonition.

Could it be that these rats have the reproductive ability of cockroaches?

But what do so many rats eat?

While thinking, he punched hundreds of rats and formed a vacuum area in front.

Then he took out a worn-out machete and attached Chen Yidao's Extreme Demon Knife to the machete. A second later, dense knife energy slashed from different directions.

Whether the surrounding rats were attacking or retreating, they were all split in two in the blink of an eye.

Under the influence of the Extreme Demon Knife, the ordinary machete in Wuming's hand gradually changed into the shape of a demon knife, and looked like a machete.

In fact, Wuming did not go all out. He was in the mood to observe the changes of the machete while killing rats.

This machete was picked up when he crossed the city before. He mainly wanted to take it back to see what the difference was between the metal of this machete and the metal outside.

It happened that he needed a handy weapon now, so he took it and used it.

Now when he looked at this knife, he vaguely felt that the knife was waking up. If the knife was a dead object before, it was like it was alive now.

Its biggest change was not in appearance, but in its inner nature combined with the Extreme Demon Knife.

It was a kind of chaotic, chaotic, and inexplicable power. Using this knife seemed to be able to exert 200% of the power of the Extreme Demon Knife at once.

Wuming swung the knife casually. Each knife had no fixed trajectory or angle, but each knife could kill a large number of rats. Gradually, the rats were defeated and fled madly in different directions.

However, Wuming did not let these escaping mice go, but followed closely behind, killing all the mice with one knife after another.

During the killing process, he took the time to look at Xia Shu. Xia Shu's killing efficiency was far lower than his, but there was an indescribable feeling.

She punched a mouse, and the mouse immediately flew backwards. When it hit the second mouse, the second mouse also flew backwards and then hit the third mouse...

This technique of continuously transmitting power downwards allows Xia Shu to kill mice efficiently and with extremely high efficiency.

Half an hour later, all the mice around were wiped out.

Wuming put away the machete and returned to the door of the laboratory wall. Xia Shu stepped forward and kicked the door open, saying: "Let's go, strike while the iron is hot!"

"Well, good!" Wuming nodded.

The two entered the wall, and a wolfhound tied to an iron chain immediately barked wildly. Wuming frowned and immediately shot a golden light at the wolfhound.

"Don't kill?" Xia Shu wanted to attack, but when he saw Wuming emitting golden light, he stopped.

Wuming looked at the wolfdog and smiled, "It may be useful, leave it!"

After that, he shot out the word "insect" to the wolfdog, and in the blink of an eye, the wolfdog turned into words and flew into his hand.

This dog gave him a very special feeling, not as low-level as other animals, so he wanted to subdue it, but what was special about it, I'm afraid he would only understand it after leaving this world.

"Master Wuming, what do Lao Zhu and I need to do?" White Tiger came in slowly, and Ma Lie asked.

Wuming put away the word "insect" and replied, "You just guard this yard and don't let some escaped mice enter the laboratory."

"Yes, I guarantee to complete the task!" Ma Lie promised.

Although Wuming and Xia Shu killed most of the mice just now, many mice watching in the sugarcane field were not killed, because those mice never approached, and when Wuming and Xia Shu slaughtered the mice, those mice ran away cleverly.

So now Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia need to use the white tiger to suppress the entrance of the laboratory, so as not to be attacked by mice from behind when they explore the laboratory.

Then, Wuming and Xia Shu came to the door of the laboratory. Wuming stepped forward and pressed the door, and the next moment the door opened automatically.

"Don't you have too many special abilities?" Xia Shu couldn't help asking when she saw this scene.

Wuming shrugged and said, "You don't allow me to be a thief or a thief?"

"Wait, you will open all the doors!" Xia Shu said lightly.

Then she entered the laboratory, and Wuming followed in, closing the heavy door again.

The road ahead didn't look like a laboratory at all, but more like an ant hole and a spider hole. A lot of spider silk filled the ceiling, and the ground was covered with a layer of ant nest soil. The delicate touch made people feel uneasy, as if they would sink if they stepped on it a little bit.

Wuming and Xia Shu stepped on the dirt and moved forward. Soon Xia Shu's shoes were filled with dirt. Wuming's shoes were actually part of his body, covered with energy, so the dirt could not stick to them, but Wuming could feel the touch of the dirt more, which made him feel quite disgusting.

This was not ant nest soil at all, but a combination of filth similar to that in the Eternal Silence Space.

"I hope the first group of people who enter the Lost Gate will have good luck." Wuming thought silently as he walked.

It was so dangerous for him to enter the Lost Gate, it was hard to imagine what the other entrants would be like. At least if Ma Lie hadn't happened to pull him in this time, it would have been too light to say that he had a narrow escape from death. Basically, he would have been dead for sure.

At this time, there was a rustling sound from the front.

"Here they come!"

Xia Shu said solemnly.

The next moment, dense rats came like a flood, and their scarlet eyes exuded a bloodthirsty light.

"Let me do it!"

Wuming walked in front of Xia Shu. There were too many rats. Although Xia Shu's ability would not hurt him, it was not easy to kill them quickly.

He watched the rats come forward, and at this moment, a thought came to his mind, and countless fantasy flowers appeared out of thin air. Xia Shu behind him saw the dense petals and showed a look of surprise on his face.

Then, the fantasy flowers scattered and turned into petals blowing towards the rats.

Wherever the petals passed, terrifying high temperatures erupted instantly, countless rats were instantly wiped out, the ground was charred black in the blink of an eye, metal melted into iron slurry, and the air was distorted by the high temperature.

Then the petals turned blue, fell to the ground and quickly absorbed the heat.

The rat group, which was originally a big crisis for them, was easily destroyed.

"Okay, let's keep going!" Wuming said to Xia Shu.

Xia Shu nodded, and this time she didn't ask Wuming why he had so many abilities, because she knew that even if she asked, Wuming would only fool her.

Everything should wait until this crisis is resolved.

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