I Contracted Myself

【827】Secondary Evolution

Somewhere in an underground base.

Gu Yue looked at the light curtain in disbelief, muttering to himself: "How could this happen, how could this happen, it was clearly a sure-fire plan, why did this happen?"

It stands to reason that Xia Shu could not have such a strong ability to defeat his human wave tactics.

But the fact is that Xia Shu won, and his human wave tactics failed, and the failure was inexplicable, and even he couldn't understand why it failed.

"What should I do now?" Gu Yue looked at the big spider in confusion.

The human wave tactics were ineffective, and as for the elite tactics... he had no elites to control at all.

His strongest armed force was a combat team he had trained before, and in the process of insectification, he specifically mutated the team to become the Mantis Team.

But that team also didn't play a big role, and it disappeared inexplicably.

"There must be something I don't know about... Could it be that Xia Shu also has a strange beast?" Gu Yue frowned and said to himself.

If Xia Shu also had a strange beast to help, this situation would indeed occur.

Gu Yue walked back and forth, and gradually his face became ugly and said: "Is there really only one option left, which is to escape?"

At this time, the big spider on the ceiling of the base gradually looked at Gu Yue. Gu Yue was shocked and said ecstatically: "No, there is another way, that is secondary evolution!"

The first insect light wave can turn creatures into insects.

When it is turned on for the second time, it will strengthen the insect characteristics of each person, and at the same time, it will also gain the power of other insects.

When the abilities of two insects are mixed together, miracles will happen!

No one knows what will evolve, and no one knows where the new era will go.

In fact, Gu Yue was somewhat resistant to secondary evolution in his heart, because in his opinion, one evolution was perfect enough. Humans not only gained the power of insects, but also had the intelligence of humans.

But now it must be evolved a second time!

Only the warriors who evolved a second time can defeat Xia Shu and the strange beasts brought by Xia Shu.


On the highway, dense insect-like people and insect-like beasts cleared the way in front, moving all the cars blocking the road outside the road, and an elephant with a black shell on its body slowly moved forward.

Wuming and Xia Shu sat on the elephant's back, but it felt like they were sitting on a hard floor.

At this time, the elephant was very strong. With its huge body and thick shell, it was difficult for ordinary tanks to hurt it. If it left the world in the Lost Gate, it could easily destroy the mountains and even the planets in the heavens and the worlds with its size.

Wuming had to admit that the biological origin of this world was too strong. Once it left this world, it would be like Superman coming to Earth, a complete dimensionality reduction attack.

"Wuming, I have an unwelcome request." Xia Shu said at this time.

Wuming smiled and said, "Let's talk about it after everything is over. It's not good to randomly plant flags now."

"Randomly plant flags?" Xia Shu said a little confused.

Wuming explained, "For example, if you tell me now that you will go back to your hometown to get married after everything is over, there is a high probability that you will die in this incident. This behavior is called planting flags."

"Well, let's talk about it after everything is over." Xia Shu still didn't quite understand, but said it readily.

But the next moment, an invisible wave swept across, and she suddenly stood up from the elephant's back and said seriously: "Is Gu Yue crazy?"

"What happened?" Wuming asked.

Then he found that an ant's body had grown on his back, and at the same time, the end of the tailbone slowly grew, and an ant's butt grew out.


Wuming felt the cumbersome ant's butt and looked a little speechless.

"Gu Yue has started the second evolution, and now we are in trouble." Xia Shu said seriously.

This time, her cheeks also had scale-like markings, but this kind of markings are limited to the cheeks, not only not ugly, but also quite beautiful.

But the most important thing is not to look closely, if you look closely, you will find that it is just a layer of shell.

Wuming looked away and asked: "Is the antidote still useful now?"

"Theoretically, it is useful, but... it cannot be guaranteed to be absolutely useful." Xia Shu replied hesitantly.

The difference between the first evolution and the second evolution was so great that she could feel that some organs in her body had new uses. No one could guarantee whether the medicine for the first evolution would be successful in solving the problem of the second evolution.

"Hey, no, the ripples haven't completely disappeared!" She suddenly realized that a certain obscure ripple was still continuing, so she spoke.

Wuming immediately understood what she meant and asked, "Do you mean... can the second evolution be interrupted?"

"Not sure, but you can try." Xia Shu replied.

Wuming immediately conjured up a huge fantasy flower and said, "Whether it's possible or not, hurry over now and interrupt the ripples of the second evolution!"

The two jumped from the elephant's back into the flower, and the petals immediately closed to form a bullet-shaped bud.

At Wuming's thought, the bud immediately shot out and flew towards a certain underground base at a very fast speed.

In a certain underground base, the first person to feel the light waves of the second evolution was Gu Yue himself. His body was gradually covered with a green shell, and he looked like a human-shaped grasshopper with wings.

He clenched his fists and said to himself: "Sure enough, this path of evolution is the most perfect choice. Human beings may not understand it now and may even resent me, but in hundreds or thousands of years, everyone will Thanks to the evolution I have brought to them, humans will become the most powerful species, possessing both intelligence and strength, far beyond those animals that only have brute strength."


At this time, a loud noise came from above.

"Alert, alert, the base on the first floor has been invaded. Based on facial recognition, the attacker is Dr. Xia Shu!" came the voice of Guang Nao.

Gu Yue's face changed slightly, and she gritted her teeth and said: "It came so fast. Fortunately, I am more skilled and started the second evolution first. But I'm afraid Xia Shu also has the ability of the second evolution. At best, I can only fight with her now." Evenly matched, I want to defeat her but there is no way to do it easily..."

Moreover, Xia Shu also has one or more strange beasts of unknown strength.

"Spider Queen, it seems we have to go all out in this battle!" Gu Yue looked at the spider on the ceiling and said seriously.

The spider immediately fell from the ceiling and swallowed Gu Yue in one mouthful. At the same time, the doors everywhere in the base slowly opened, and densely packed spiders came out of the doors.

On the first floor of an underground base somewhere, the A1 office area was smashed into a huge pit by a huge flower bud, and thick white smoke kept rising from the pit.

The spiders slowly surrounded the pit, staring at the pit with their scarlet eyes.

As soon as the Flower of Fantasy that Wuming and Xia Shu were riding opened, a large amount of spider silk sprayed out from different directions, covering them completely in the blink of an eye.

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