I Contracted Myself

【828】Spider Queen

These spider silks are not ordinary spider silks, they are also highly poisonous.

Just by contaminating the skin, it can penetrate from the skin into the blood vessels, and then quickly destroy the red blood cells in the human body, causing blood vessel blockage.

However, an attack of this level obviously cannot hurt Wuming and Xia Shu.

Suddenly, flames burst out from the spider silk, and all the spider silk was burned to ashes when the flames rolled up. Then Wuming and Xia Shu split up, one rushed to the right side of the pit, and the other rushed to the left.

Both of them knew that the other was very strong and were not worried about the other's safety at all.

Xia Shu jumped out of the pit, landed with his toes on the ground, and instantly his body turned into a black shadow and shuttled through the spiders. Then all the spiders' bodies exploded, and a large amount of green slurry spurted out.

On the other side, Wuming was even more lithe, stepping on petals like an elf and flashing among the spiders. All the spiders he passed split in half, and fell down after he left.

"follow me!"

Xia Shu shouted to Wuming.


Wuming nodded in response.

Then Xia Shu punched the ground, and a large number of cracks suddenly appeared on the ground. Then she punched again, and the cracks continued to expand.

A piece of floor fell below, making a loud bang and forming a hole in the ground.

Xia Shu immediately jumped down from the hole, followed closely by Wuming.

The two fell to the second underground floor.

Xia Shu checked the direction and said, "Let's go!"

After saying that, she walked towards the direction with the strongest fluctuations, and Wuming immediately followed.

In fact, Wuming had already determined the direction to go before Xia Shu could identify the direction, because the insect light wave was already very obvious when it arrived here, so he only needed to follow the direction of the light wave.

But he was not in a hurry. The mission was almost completed when he came here. There was no need for him to compete with Xia Shu for command.

The two ran rampant in the base, breaking open doors and blowing up roadblocks. They arrived at the main laboratory in more than ten minutes. A huge instrument was running, and light waves that could cause organisms to transform into insects were emitting from a huge And told to radiate out from the rotating sphere.

"I'll close it!" Xia Shu said.

But as soon as she took two steps, a huge spider leg suddenly fell from the sky. She jumped back and narrowly avoided the attack of the spider leg.

"Xia Shu, do you know what you are doing?" Gu Yue's voice came from above.

Wuming and Xia Shu both looked up and saw a huge spider entrenched on the ceiling, blending into the dark ceiling.

On the head of this spider, there is a human face embedded in the middle of countless eyes, which looks disgusting and terrifying.

"Gu Yue, you've gone crazy!" Xia Shu said seriously.

Gu Yue said angrily: "You don't understand anything at all. Humanity has been standing still for too long, and I will start a new round of human evolution. I am the pioneer of human evolution and a wise man worshiped by countless people in the future. You To block me is to block the flow of the world and the general trend that is rolling forward!”

"Is this the trick you used to confuse him?" Xia Shu was too lazy to argue with Gu Yue and looked at the spider and asked.

Gu Yue said angrily: "Look directly at me, Xia Shu, you are just escaping from reality. Human beings are destined to evolve. You can't stop me!"


Xia Shu smiled disdainfully and moved towards the instrument again.

The giant spider immediately attacked Xia Shu, but the spider's legs were blocked by a petal.

"Sorry, your opponent is me!" Wuming walked over slowly, looked at Gu Yue and smiled.

Gu Yue gritted her teeth and said: "You owe all your power to me, why do you want to stop me? Don't you know that once she reverses the light wave, you will become a useless ordinary person again, and your life will never have a chance to evolve. "

"Isn't it bad to be a human being?" Wuming asked in return.

Gu Yue closed her eyes in disappointment. The next moment, the spider's eyes emitted scarlet light. Gu Yue said coldly: "Spider Queen, kill him!"

In an instant, the dense spider legs blasted towards Wuming. Wuming manipulated the petals to accurately block the violent attack of the spider legs.

The spider queen's attack speed is still increasing, and at the same time, spider silk begins to appear around it. These spider silks do not spurt out from its butt, but appear out of thin air.

"No, my boy!"

"Ah ah ah, I really want to eat my husband."

"Why does she look so sweet? No, she is my girlfriend, I can't eat her!"

"Kill, kill everything that moves."

When the spider silk formed a spherical network around it, dense thoughts were drilled into Wuming's mind like a drill.

This is the Spider Queen's ability, the 'Web of Absurdity', a thinking network composed of thoughts. It can mobilize the network to attack the target at will. Once the target's mind is destroyed, it can manipulate the other party like a puppet.

Wuming's mental power is very strong, and his mental toughness is even stronger. But the Spider Queen's web of absurdity is very special. On one side is a tough attack, using his mind as a drill to forcefully penetrate Wuming's mental protection. On the other side, there are countless The thoughts were like little hands knocking on the nameless mental defense, like knocking on the door.

If it's just a single thought, that's okay. The problem is that there are too many such thoughts, thousands and thousands of them, countless.

Wuming was a little irritable, fighting against the spider queen's spider legs and the web of absurdity. In addition, he had to fight against the true meaning contained in these 'false' thoughts.

This is an indescribable power.

Wuming could feel that these thoughts were all false, but there was real information in the false information, and that real information was the source of his irritability.

Suddenly, spiders with red butts crawled over quickly. Before they got close to Wuming, their butts flashed, and then their bodies exploded.

The explosion was powerful, and the flames could even reach Wuming's position.

Wuming used petals to form a shield to block the attack of the flames, and then more explosions exploded from different directions. Wuming immediately realized that the spider queen wanted to use these self-destructing spiders to limit his range of movement and visual range.

In fact, the spider queen did succeed.

In the violent explosion, his range of movement and perception were disturbed to a certain extent.

At this time, the spider queen opened her mouth and a large amount of green venom sprayed out, forming huge venom columns that bombarded Wuming from different directions.

Ordinary venom basically cannot pose a threat to Wuming.

But the venom sprayed by the spider queen gave Wuming the feeling that it was like pollution in the eternal space. Toxins were only secondary, and the deeper source was the most troublesome thing.

He immediately manipulated the petals to cover himself layer by layer, and then the sphere formed by the petals split into three and moved in different directions.

The spider queen's eyes swept across the three spheres, and then the dense spider legs quickly stabbed out. After a wave of attacks, it sprayed venom at the falling poison pillars. Through the collision of venom and venom, countless poison pillars changed direction and all concentrated on bombarding the petal ball on the right hand side.

Chi Chi!

The venom immediately made a harsh sound when it hit the petals, and a large amount of green smoke came out at the same time.

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