I Contracted Myself

【829】Insect God Form

The Spider Queen's poison was very terrifying. If Wuming was unprepared and was hit in the front by the poison, even if he didn't die, he would still shed a layer of his skin.

This poison is extremely corrosive. It only took two seconds after the petal ball was hit to be defeated by the venom. However, as the petals spread out, Wuming was not in the petal ball.

"Impossible, he was still in there just now!"

Gu Yue showed a suspicious look. He believed in the Spider Queen's judgment. Since the Spider Queen confirmed Wuming's position through the attack of the spider legs, there could be no mistake.

At this time, a black light suddenly burst out from below, and the sword light instantly cut through the spider queen's abdomen, and continued to cut upwards with great force. The spider queen's body kept shaking in pain, but she still used her spider legs to defend herself and block the attack of the sword light. .

Wuming knew before that the Spider Queen's spider legs were extremely defensive and could not be cut even by the Demonic Sword. After the light of the sword was blocked, he did not hesitate to fight. Instead, he quickly stepped back, jumped into a mouth, and in a blink of an eye, The mouth closed and disappeared.


Gu Yue and Spider Queen's veins bulged in pain, but there was nothing they could do against Wuming.

Moreover, the wound on the abdomen was too serious, and blood was constantly flowing out from the wound. Neither he nor the Spider Queen had very good healing abilities, and they felt like they were at the end of their rope for a while.

"No, my ideal has not been realized yet, how can I fall here."

Gu Yue's eyes flashed with unwillingness, and suddenly he looked at the huge raw liquid tank not far away. In the raw liquid tank, there was a large amount of liquid that could turn people into insects.

It was through these liquids that he created the light waves that can turn people into insects. Strictly speaking, these original liquids and the antidote developed by Xia Shu are the same thing, except that his original liquid can turn living things into insects, while Xia Shu's antidote It is to de-entomize living things.

The next second, the six legs behind the spider exploded with great force at the same time. The huge body hit the original liquid tank, and one of the legs was inserted into the original liquid tank, directly causing a large amount of original liquid to flow out of the tank.

"It's over!"

Wuming stepped on the petals and appeared above the Spider Queen's head. He slashed at the Spider Queen's head with his knife, and Gu Yue's face also fell within the attack range.

However, the Spider Queen instantly shrank Gu Yue's face into her body, took a nameless knife blow from the front, and her huge body suddenly fell down.

Its spider legs hung down weakly, and the liquid in the liquid tank immediately flowed out in large quantities. Gradually, the spider queen was soaked in the liquid, and its vitality quickly disappeared.


Wuming stood in a position where the Spider Queen could not fight back. He was a little surprised when he saw the Spider Queen's aura disappearing quickly.

He thought that the spider queen's vitality should be more tenacious, that she could still struggle even if her head was chopped off, but she died like this?

Then he looked in the direction of Xia Shu. Xia Shu pressed a button. The high-speed rotating ball on the insect light wave meter slowed down, and the second insect transformation stopped.

"Fortunately, the mission was successfully completed." Wuming breathed a sigh of relief.

The Spider Queen's body gradually withered, and the surrounding original liquid was slowly absorbed by the Spider Queen's body. In the extreme death energy, it seemed as if a spark suddenly lit up.


Wuming noticed movement the moment the sparks lit up, and he immediately looked at the Spider Queen's body.

Just now he was sure that the Spider Queen was definitely dead, but now she was suddenly alive again, and... just like an insect turning into a cocoon and turning into a butterfly, the life was getting more and more vigorous and powerful.

"Can't let it out!"

A nameless thought flashed through his mind, and a large amount of golden blazing sun immediately shot out towards the Spider Queen.

Small balls of light fell on the Spider Queen's body one after another. In an instant, the Spider Queen's body exploded. A terrifying heat wave swept around, and the metal melted into molten iron, dripping onto the ground.

The high temperature distorts the air, and the billowing heat waves continue to spread around.


Suddenly, a spider leg was burned to carbonization, and the hardest part of the tip fell to the ground.

The blackened spider's back cracked open little by little, and a dark human figure stepped out. His body was covered by a hard shell similar to Poseidon's bag, and there was a red eye on his chest.

"Extreme Demonic Sword!"

Wuming instantly appeared on the opponent's right side and slashed towards the opponent's artery.

The pitch-black figure raised his hand, just in time to hold Wuming's knife. Wuming's eyes suddenly widened, and he secretly said something bad, then he gave up the knife in his hand and quickly backed away.

But it's still too late.

In the flash of lightning, the pitch-black figure whipped out a whip kick at Wuming. Wuming was only scratched, and his body flew out at a faster speed. Finally, he hit hard against a metal-wrapped wall, and the entire wall exploded immediately. Open to form a human-shaped gravure.

"I am absolutely not wrong. This is the only path for human evolution!" The dark-black figure's eyes emitted golden light and Gu Yue's voice came out.

He then looked at his body narcissistically, and couldn't help but let out a groan of satisfaction, and said narcissistically: "It's so perfect, I am so perfect now, this is the body I want, this is the best future for mankind. Beautiful form, I have decided... This form is called the insect god form, and it is the pinnacle of human evolution in the future!"

"Your whole body is covered with hard shells. I have a question, how do you poop?" Wuming came out of the pit, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then couldn't help but ask.

Gu Yue's whip kick just now almost destroyed all his internal organs.

He must admit that the attacks of this world and this enemy are terrible. His skin is protected by the Perfect Shield, and it is difficult for ordinary attacks to cause damage to him. Since Gu Yue's attack can penetrate the Perfect Shield and reach his internal organs, this shows that The other party might kill him.

"Haha, Wuming, such a perfect body... naturally does not need to poop, I can perfectly utilize any food I swallow, and it will not produce any impurities, so naturally there is no need to excrete." Gu Yue laughed proudly.

In his heart, this is also a manifestation of perfection. If you need to poop and pee, it means that your body is defective.

"But... you are... so ugly now!" Wuming looked at Gu Yue with an embarrassed face, and finally spoke.

Gu Yue was still immersed in joy, and Wuming's words were like a basin of cold water, which made him feel cold all over.

He appeared in front of Wuming in an instant, and one hand grabbed Wuming's neck. After Wuming dodged, he immediately punched Wuming in the abdomen, and Wuming flew backwards.

"What do you know, this is the most beautiful body, and garbage with problems in aesthetics is not qualified to live in the world." Gu Yue roared, and a tail emerged from under the wings on his back, stabbing Wuming fiercely.

This tail has the function of devouring all living things, extracting biological genes and optimizing itself.

Although Gu Yue thought Wuming's aesthetics were terrible, he had to admit that Wuming's evolution was very close to perfection and his strength was quite powerful, so he wanted to absorb Wuming's genes to optimize himself and make himself more perfect.

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