I Contracted Myself

【830】Things in the Shell

Wuming sensed the danger and immediately rolled over to avoid the attack of Gu Yue's tail. Then a mouth appeared under his feet and swallowed him in one bite.

After the mouth closed, Gu Yue's tail attacked again, but it hit the floor.


Not far from Gu Yue, Wuming came out of a mouth and stretched out his hand to shoot a golden light at Gu Yue.


The reason why he didn't use it before was because Wuming couldn't tell whether the spider queen was an insect beast or something else.

If the spider queen was a strange beast from beginning to end, then the original text must not be the insect word.

Just like the little otter, the text of the strange beast is difficult to guess, and it is even possible to guess it wrong four times. Once it is guessed wrong four times, it is equivalent to aiding the enemy.

But now Gu Yue can take a gamble.

Gu Yue didn't know Wuming's ability. When he saw the golden light coming and he couldn't dodge it, he simply blocked it with both hands and watched the golden light merge into his body.


Gu Yue frowned and found that he was not injured.

Then he saw Wuming shoot another golden light. He quickly avoided the golden light and immediately picked up a piece of iron on the ground and threw it at Wuming.

At this time, his strength was very strong, and the speed of the iron sheet he threw was amazing. As soon as Wuming shot out the third golden light, the iron sheet was already in front of him. He had to create a large number of fantasy flowers to resist.

The iron sheet collided with the fantasy flower, and the shapes of the iron sheet and the fantasy flower suddenly changed. The iron sheet quickly changed from an irregular tile shape to a cow horn shape. The sharp points on both sides gradually pierced Wuming behind the fantasy flower under great pressure.

However, Wuming grabbed the iron sheet with one hand and swallowed it in one gulp. At the same time, he shot a golden light with the word "insect" at Gu Yue.

Beep beep!

Gu Yue avoided the golden light and suddenly heard the sound of the insect light wave instrument restarting. He immediately looked at Xia Shu. Realizing what Xia Shu was going to do, he simply gave up Wuming and rushed towards Xia Shu.

"Don't even think about it!"

Wuming pressed his hands on the ground, and dense imaginary flowers bloomed on the ground.

Countless flowers grew rapidly, rolling towards Gu Yue like vines. Gu Yue didn't care about the vines on his body at all, and broke all the vines with a little force.

"Don't even think about it..."

Gu Yue rushed to Xia Shu and was about to grab Xia Shu's neck. Suddenly, Xia Shu turned around impatiently and punched Gu Yue on the cheek.

She said unhappily: "Don't get in the way, get out of the way!"

Gu Yue was just knocked to the ground, and his tail bounced up and pounced on Xia Shu again. When he heard Xia Shu's voice, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

From Wuming's perspective, it was clearer. Xia Shu first punched Gu Yue away, and Gu Yue counterattacked with the force, and then was kicked in the abdomen by Xia Shu. The whole person flew high, and finally fell heavily, smashing a big hole on the ground.

"Hiss, so scary!"

Wuming couldn't help but take a breath, but still took the opportunity to shoot a bug character at Gu Yue.

However, this bug character did not successfully control Gu Yue when it hit Gu Yue. Instead, Gu Yue felt that he had become stronger. He showed a look of surprise, and immediately looked at Wuming, happily saying: "Hahahaha, you figured it out, yes... We are the pinnacle of evolution, strength is everything, join hands with me to defeat her, we will become the gods of the new world!"

"Uh... You think too much, it was just an accident." Wuming said speechlessly.

What god of the new world?

It was obviously a small character who was slapped away by Xia Shu.

And even if he really joined forces with Gu Yue, he probably couldn't beat Xia Shu. The punch and kick just now were a bit scary. If it hit him, he would probably be gone in a few minutes.

But Wuming then thought seriously, why was the word "bug" wrong this time?

Could it be because it evolved twice, so it should be the word "伶"?

But what if Gu Yue evolved three times, so it was the word ‘worm’?

It’s not easy to guess!

And the wrong guess just now has already fully strengthened Gu Yue. With Gu Yue’s power, this wave of strengthening is not small.

Although the target will only be strengthened slightly after the guessing word is promoted, it also depends on the level of the target itself.

A bug is strengthened, but it is still just a bug, and it can be crushed to death with one foot.

But a tiger is strengthened, that’s terrible.

Wuming wanted to test the two words immediately, but he also had concerns in his heart. If he made two mistakes in a row, they would not only have to face a more powerful Gu Yue, but also have to bear great pressure to guess the last time.

“Forget it, don’t guess!”

Wuming thought about it and decided secretly in his heart.

Although there is no way to easily solve Gu Yue in this way, it is the safest way. Countless thoughts are actually completed in just one thought. Gu Yue seemed to be greatly insulted when he heard Wuming’s words. He stared at Wuming angrily, but the next moment he suddenly attacked Xia Shu again.

Xia Shu is his biggest threat. Once the antidote starts to convert into light waves and release, his insect god form will be destroyed.

Although he hates Wuming, he values ​​his perfect form more than hatred and wants to keep it.

Xia Shu senses Gu Yue's sneak attack and kicks back without looking back. Gu Yue is hit by the long leg and his eyes are about to pop out of his sockets. He flies backwards.

"Good opportunity!"

Wuming has guessed this result and appears on Gu Yue's path as he flies backwards.

Densely packed fantasy flowers bloomed behind Wuming. When Gu Yue arrived, thick arms stretched out from the center of these fantasy flowers.

Fantasy Flowers - Titan's Hand!

In an instant, Gu Yue didn't know how many punches he had been hit. Although his defense was very strong, dense punches hitting the same position at the same time would still hurt him.

Under a large number of attacks, the shells on Gu Yue's surface broke one after another, and blood flowed out from the cracks.

"Blood Manipulator!"

Wuming's finger immediately cracked a gap, and a drop of blood popped out.

Some abilities are not often used, which does not mean they are not useful. It's just that they can't be used in most cases. At this time, Wuming manipulated that drop of blood to merge into Gu Yue's blood. The blood in Gu Yue's body suddenly boiled, and all of it flowed out through various wounds.


Gu Yue roared and wanted to get up from the ground, but the next second he was beaten back by the Titan's Hand.

Under the dense fists, his brain gradually began to feel dizzy, and the eyes in his chest became increasingly dim. He could vaguely see Xia Shu operating the instrument in the distance.

Shell after shell, peeled off again and again.

It was a strange creature made up of a large amount of red meat and a large amount of chaotic, indescribable matter.


Gu Yue's pupils gradually became blurred, as if he understood something, as if he had found something, but then everything returned to darkness.


Titan's fist penetrated Gu Yue's chest, blood gushed out immediately, and Gu Yue's body shrank rapidly.

Wuming looked at Gu Yue, whose breath was gradually dissipating, and breathed a sigh of relief. This should really be the end.

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