I Contracted Myself

【831】Select reward

Half an hour later, as the light waves that reversed the insect transformation were emitted, the ant characteristics on Wuming's body quickly faded away.

Wuming looked down at his hand to make sure that the ant shell had been eliminated. When he raised his head, everything around him began to collapse.

A piece of metal fell from the ceiling, and then the metal slowly turned into energy and disappeared, and squirming flesh appeared on the ceiling.

Then Xia Shu let out a painful groan and couldn't help but kneel on the ground. Wuming immediately stepped back when he saw this scene. Sure enough, Xia Shu's body was also shedding its skin.

In fact, it is not appropriate to describe it as 'shedding'.

This is more like a person wearing a holster taking off his holster to reveal his true colors.

"Is the effect of the antidote too strong?" Wuming thought to himself.

Just now, Xia Shu was worried that the antidote was not powerful enough to solve the disadvantages caused by the second evolution, so she took advantage of the various instruments in an underground base to strengthen another wave of antidote.

This time, she didn't even use mice. She directly put the antidote into the insect-transformation light wave device, thereby reversing the insect-transformation of the creature.

But judging from the current effect, this antidote is too powerful. Not only does it remove the insects, but it also removes the layer outside of all living things.


Wuming glanced around and found that the entire base was gradually changing to flesh and blood, so he simply turned around and ran away.

He ran out quickly, and the entire base behind him quickly turned to flesh and blood, and gradually some strange organs continued to grow, as if something was awakening.

[The antidote is successfully developed and the mission is completed! 】

Suddenly, a line of words appeared in front of Wuming's eyes, and then the surrounding space rippled. He appeared in a higher-dimensional space, along with Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia.

The two of them stood very small on the ground. They were startled when they saw Wuming. Zhu Chixia said, "Are you... Mr. Wuming?"

"Of course..." Wuming was about to say that of course he was 'Wuming', but then he realized something was wrong with his voice. He looked at his hands and found that they were mutating, with dense red sarcoma-like things emerging from under his skin. , forming flat hands.

He touched his face and said to himself: "I knew it wouldn't be that good."

As he spoke, he released the otter and ordered the otter to restore itself to its original shape.

Then his body shrank rapidly, and the abnormal power in his body disappeared. When he returned to his original size, his body finally returned to normal.

He looked down, and saw a planet gradually turning into an eye. The dark space gradually squirmed, turning into indescribable flesh and blood connected with the eyes.

Dense nebulae, meteorites, and dust form a huge, indescribable, chaotic and twisted life form.

[Root Eater: A tree-like cosmic borer, captured by the Lord of the Forest and made his pet. 】

[Three players can pick a fruit from the Root Eater as a reward. 】

Two lines of words gradually appeared in the eyes of the three people. The first line introduced the origin of the large indescribable monster in front of them, and the second line allowed them to choose their own reward.

Although the Root Eater is very, very huge, it does have many bead-like organs on its body. If we have to talk about fruits, they should be those bead-like things.

"I'm a little dizzy, what's going on?" Zhu Chixia asked a little uncomfortable.

Even though the space they were in had isolated the influence of the Root Eater's essence, Zhu Chixia still felt the huge oppression of the Root Eater.

Ma Lie also felt a little short of breath. He gritted his teeth and said, "Since you let me choose, I won't be polite."

He doesn't care about the Root Eater or the Lord of the Forest. The real thing is to get the reward first.

In an instant, he selected a bead. The bead looked very small from their space, but was actually larger than the planet. But the moment he selected it, the bead fell off the Root Eater's body, and then appeared out of thin air. In front of him, it had become the size of a bull's eye.

[Wrong person: After taking it, you will become a ‘wrong person’. 】

Ma Lie looked at Zhuzi's information and blinked, not understanding what it meant.

He looked at Wuming and asked: "Master Wuming, have you ever heard of the Wrong Man?"

"No." Wuming replied.

Ma Lie then handed the bead to Wuming and said, "My reward is a fruit that will turn you into a wrong person after taking it. To be honest... this name is not serious. What do you think?"

"I suspect it may be similar to the profession card. The wrong person should be a profession, but... there is no absolute, it is best to find a fortune teller after leaving here, and make a fortune first before making a decision." Wuming looked at the beads, and then Return the bead to Ma Lie and give your opinion at the same time.

Ma Lie put away the beads, nodded and said, "Okay, I will go find a fortune teller for divination."

"By the way, don't look for the kind of fortune teller that will backfire on you. It's best to find a fortune teller from the free props school. Otherwise, if the fortune teller hits the root eater, the backlash alone may backfire and kill the fortune teller. ." Wuming then reminded.

Ma Lie was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing, nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Mr. Wuming had thought carefully. If he found a fortune teller who could backfire on him to divine the beads, and the fortune teller divined a root eater, he might really explode and die.

At this time, Zhu Chixia also closed her eyes and chose a fruit.

When the fruit appeared in front of him, he also saw the properties of the fruit: [Drager: After taking it, you will become a ‘drager’. ]

"What the hell is this, drager... are you mocking me?" Zhu Chixia held the fruit and couldn't help wanting to throw it away.

Ma Lie stopped him and said, "I am still a wrongdoer. Am I always wrong? Don't worry, wait until you go back and slowly figure out whether this thing is valuable or not, what if it is a treasure."

"Okay, let's talk about it when we get back!" Zhu Chixia thought about it and it was right. After all, this thing was exchanged for his life and death, and it would be a pity to smash it.

Wuming also randomly selected a fruit at this time, mainly because these fruits are actually similar, and there is no particularly rare or special fruit.

Of course, he actually suspected that there was a magical seed hidden in all the fruits, but there were too many fruits on the root eater, densely packed like stars, and the probability of selecting a magical seed was too small.

Instead of spending a lot of effort to choose, it is better to try your luck.

Wuming believed in his luck very much, but the problem was that he was not sure whether his luck would work here. After all, the root eater's luck might not be worse than his.

This terrifying existence was the embodiment of luck and disaster.

Destroying everything in a thought would bring disaster, and giving up destroying everything in a thought would be a kind of luck for many worlds.

After Wuming confirmed his choice, a fruit appeared in front of him.

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