I Contracted Myself

【832】Value for money

The fruit gradually broke in front of Wuming, and it exploded like a glass bead, and inside was a green seed: [Magic Seed: A seed that can transform an ordinary item into a magical item. ]

"Hey, Lord Wuming!?" Ma Lie shouted in surprise when he saw the seed.

Wuming looked at the seed and couldn't help but smile, saying: "This is the magical seed, the best reward in the Lost Gate!"

Although he was very confident in his luck, he was still very surprised to see the magical seed. This is a good thing. If used well, it can even be comparable to the rewards in the higher levels of the Shenzang Trial.

After he selected the reward, a door appeared behind the three of them.

He put away the seed and smiled: "Okay, let's go back. I don't know if the time is synchronized. If it is not synchronized, I guess your friends and family will be anxious."

"I hope it's not synchronized, otherwise I will definitely be fired by my boss." Zhu Chixia lamented.

Ma Lie said embarrassedly: "Sorry, how about I go and beg your boss?"

"Forget it, I'll talk about it later." Zhu Chixia shook her head.

He still had a little bit of luck in his heart. What if this fruit containing the ‘drag’ is a treasure?

As long as he sells the fruit, he will be financially free.

“Okay, I’ll go first!” Wuming walked to the door and waved to the two.

Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia immediately said: “Master Wuming, take care!”


Wuming did not look back, and stepped directly into the light gate and disappeared in the light.

The Council of All Heavens Building.

Wuming appeared in the meeting room out of thin air, but the people who had been in the meeting in the meeting room had already left.

Not long after he appeared, Aries rushed over quickly. After seeing him, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: “President Wuming, your sudden disappearance caused a lot of trouble. If it weren’t for the Great Wilderness Special Zone, I’m afraid many people would do irrational things.”

“Sorry, sorry, what about the pension for the family of scholars?” Wuming apologized quickly and asked at the same time.

Before he left, the Council of All Heavens was discussing the issue of pensions. His sudden disappearance did not mean that the problem disappeared.

"It has been handled. You can just take a look at it later." Aries said.

Wuming nodded, then stood up and said, "Let's go back to my office first. At the same time, let several group leaders come over. I will explain what happened after I disappeared."

Next, he began to meet with representatives of major forces. The work was busy until three days later. After solving the last problem, he returned to Wenxin Villa.

This time, Aries also followed.

Wuming said as he walked: "Two more positions will be set up later. I plan to select two suitable candidates to serve as vice presidents. If I disappear again unexpectedly, the affairs will be decided by the vice president."

This time he was involved in the Lost Gate, mainly because Ma Lie had a causal relationship with him.

The problem is that there are so many people in the world who have various causal relationships with him. He doesn't know when he will be involved in the Lost Gate again.

This is not a question of whether he wants to enter or not. The Lost Gate is a compulsory pull, just like the Shenzang Trial. There is no choice at all. Once involved, he must complete the task well.

As the president of the Council of All Heavens, he is very important. If he disappears every other day, it will greatly hinder the operation of the Council of All Heavens and cause great trouble to the world.

Therefore, he had to give up his power now, even though he didn't want to, lest he enter the Gate of Lost Path one day and the Council of All Heavens would be leaderless again.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." Aries understood Wuming's difficulties and nodded in response.

Wuming looked at Aries and said, "You too, it's best to arrange a confidant who is ready to replace your work at any time. After all, the Gate of Lost Path may also involve you."

"Well, I will make a plan so that all important people can be prepared, so as not to be involved in the Gate of Lost Path and cause chaos." Aries said.

Entering the front yard, Wuming and Aries sat down in the front yard. Wuming took out the teapot and smiled, "Okay, it's time to get off work, don't call me president anymore."

"Wuming, did you find the magical seed in the Gate of Lost Path?" Aries asked.

Now many people know that the best reward in the Lost Gate is the magic seed. Wuming and his group are the first group to return. Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia are unlikely to get the magic seed, so Aries thinks that if there is anyone among the three who is most likely to get the magic seed, it must be Wuming.

Wuming took a sip of tea and smiled, "Lucky, the magic seed is indeed in my hands."

He knew very well that if he kept it hidden, the pressure would be transferred to Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia. The two of them did not have the strength and power like him. If someone thought that the magic seed was in the hands of one of them, it might even cause a death.

Now that he generously admitted it, others would no longer have their ideas about Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia, and he... Does anyone dare to have any ideas?

Wuming took out the magic seed and said, "To be honest, I am worried about how to use it? There are too many choices."

"In fact, many people on the Internet are discussing what to use the magic seed on if you get it, and what is the most cost-effective one. You might as well take a look." Aries took the seed from Wuming and observed it for a while, then returned it to Wuming.

This kind of treasure is very precious, but if you say it is not precious... it is just so-so.

Because before using it, no one knows what magical props the magical seed can make, and there is no fixed number whether it is useful or not. If a garbage prop is made, the seed will be useless.

As the secretary-general of the Council of All Heavens, Aries Palace has all the treasures he wants, so the magical seed is just a curiosity.

"Then I'll take a look and refer to everyone's ideas." Wuming said with a smile.

He took out the oracle stone and opened the chat panel on the Internet. The popularity of the magical seed passed two days ago. He flipped through a few pages before finding the previous discussion post.

Open one of the posts discussing the magical seed.

On the first floor, White Snake Ster: "If I get the magical seed, I should use it on the sword. The sword is the most used weapon by all practitioners, and it will definitely be able to make a magical prop with extremely strong lethality."

On the second floor, is she asleep? : "I will use it on the Oracle Stone. If anyone dares to say bad things about me online or argue with me in the future, I will slap him across the Internet."

Third floor, Lion Roar: "Blue pill, you're welcome!"

Fourth floor, Ye Nan Orange: "There are all kinds of things in dreams. I don't think magical seeds are that easy to obtain. Let's just go to bed."

Fifth floor, Hua Hua Run Fast: "Don't go off topic. The OP wants to discuss what is the most cost-effective to use magical seeds on. What are you talking about?"

Sixth floor, Durian Immortal Legend: "Back to the point, of course, it is used on production props, such as alchemy furnaces and the like. The elixirs made can be used by themselves and can also be sold for money, killing two birds with one stone."


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