I Contracted Myself

【835】The face of the monster

Although the sticker gun in Maria's hand cannot be used as a weapon, if a sticker gun that meets the weapon standard is specially made, and then the magic seed is used...

The more Wuming thought about it, the more he felt that this was a good idea. He said his idea, and Da Huang complained: "Master Wuming, don't you have a lot of abilities to control the enemy? You are not lacking in combat power, why do you need a sticker gun?"

"Not bad, Wuming, you don't need this kind of prop at all." Lin Renmei nodded in agreement.

Wuming smiled awkwardly: "Is that so? Hahahaha, I just think it would be fun to make a sticker gun."

"If you consider it from the perspective of fun, it should indeed be possible to make a very interesting toy." Lucyphil came in from outside the yard at this time and said with a smile.

Wuming nodded and said: "Yeah, I think so too."

"Sister Lucyphil, look at the gun!" Maria pointed the gun at Lucyphil and decisively pulled the trigger.

However, the sticker had no effect on Lucyphile. Lucyphile tore off the sticker casually and said, "This thing is useless to me. The level is too low."


Maria suddenly felt that the gun in her hand became boring.

Then Wuming had something serious to discuss with Lucyphile. Lin Renmei, Maria and Da Huang all went back to the house sensibly. Wuming got straight to the point and invited Lucyphile to serve as the vice president of the Council of All Heavens.

Wuming never believed in voting. He only believed in the people he saw with his own eyes.

He would only be cautious in delegating power to those he recognized.

Lucyphile thought: "What do you need to do as the vice president? What are the powers and obligations?"

"Don't worry about this. Aries will sort out all the information for you. Now I just want to know if you are interested. If you are interested, I will send you a formal invitation tomorrow. You will naturally know the benefits, rights and obligations at that time." Wuming said with a smile.

Lucy Phil thought for a moment and nodded, "I just want to find something to do. Maybe I can give it a try, but can I convince everyone?"

"Another vice president will help you share a lot of firepower, just rest assured." Wuming said with a smile.

After talking about the business, the two went back to the house and chatted with everyone for a while. Then Zhang Shouzhong, who had already eaten, ordered a lot of food, and everyone gathered together to eat.

In fact, the opportunities for everyone to get together like this are getting fewer and fewer. Wuming has to take care of the affairs of the Council of Heavens, Da Huang has his own business to take care of, Zhang Shouzhong is also working hard to practice, and Maria has to go to school...

Everyone had a good meal, and then went back to their homes and looked for their mothers.


Outside the Great Wilderness City, a valley somewhere.

Countless petals floated from a distance and condensed into a human shape in the blink of an eye.

Wuming looked at the surrounding environment, and then with a thought, the valley quickly widened, forming a large pit similar to the shape of an iron pot.

"Okay, let me see... what on earth I got." Wuming laughed to himself.

The next moment, a word "insect" floated out of his hand, and the word quickly turned into a huge wild boar with two small tentacles on its head, which looked neither fish nor fowl.


A drop of unknown liquid dripped from the huge wild boar, and gradually its shell slowly melted and dripped like a candle encountering high temperature.

It slowly returned to its original appearance, with red skin, dense and constantly changing scales, and an indescribable appearance...

"What the hell is this thing?" Wuming couldn't help but mutter.

He could feel the surging power in the monster's body, and after the shell was completely shed, the monster's level rose rapidly, finally reaching level 277.

And this guy's level 277 is similar to Rama, and it belongs to the BOSS among the 277 levels.

"It's confirmed, I can't beat it, absolutely can't beat it!"

Wuming controlled the monster in front of him, so he knew very well that he was no match for this monster at all.

If they were fighting in an open field, he would definitely be killed by the opponent.

Fortunately, because of Wumingming, the origin of this monster is now under his control. Rounding it off, it means that he has mastered the power of level 277 in advance.

Perhaps this is his biggest gain from entering the Lost Gate. The magical seeds are not as good as the large number of summoned beasts he got.

"I made a profit. I don't know what the rewards of Ma Lie and Zhu Chixia are. I hope they all get what they want." Wuming smiled and said to himself.

Then he released the little otter again. Sure enough, the cute shell of the little otter melted quickly. In the end, the little otter turned into a monster he didn't recognize. It looked like a dragon and a worm. It was not ugly, but it was hard to be related to good-looking.

Then, he released the monsters one by one and let their shells melt.

This shell actually suppressed their true strength, and at the same time, their behavior and thoughts were set. If they were covered with a pig shell, their behavior and thinking would be no different from pigs, and if they were covered with a human shell, they would be no different from humans.

But in essence, they are all monsters, just playing certain roles.

Wuming even speculated that Gu Yue and Xia Shu were both people known to the Forest Lord, so they were used by the Forest Lord to prank them, and their personalities were put on the monsters, so that the monsters had to operate according to the behavior of these two people.

Wuming spent the whole night "opening blind boxes".

It must be said that the creatures in that world are all huge, terrifying, and disgusting, but they are very powerful. Even the humanoid monsters are generally amazingly strong, and the highest-level monsters have even reached level 279.

However, Wuming himself has not reached level 279, and cannot judge whether the monster can beat the Dark King, so he is not in a hurry.

The Dark King is already meat on his chopping board, and he will not take risks unless he reaches level 280.

There is no need for him to add unnecessary details to something that is obviously a sure thing. The Dark King is in the whistle universe and can't run away. Why should he be in a hurry.

The morning light of dawn gradually rises from the valley, and Wuming dissolves the shell of the last monster.

"Okay, it's time to go back to work."

Wuming stretched and muttered to himself in a very happy mood.

With so many monster summons, many complicated things before can be solved simply, and the power of the Council of All Heavens can indeed be released.

It is easy to delegate power, but difficult to take back power.

The premise is that both sides are evenly matched, and now Wuming's power alone is enough to overwhelm the Council of All Heavens, and it is no longer limited to the Great Wilderness Special Zone. The balance has been broken.

He does not need to monopolize all power.

The next day.

The Council of All Heavens officially announced the appointment of two new vice presidents, the left vice president is Catfish King, and the right vice president is Lucy Phil.

Sure enough, this appointment immediately caused an uproar, and the pressure fell on Catfish King.

The way netizens express their dissatisfaction is always so simple and straightforward:

"What qualifications does this fat guy have to be the vice president?"

"This belly full of fat intestines, you can tell at a glance that he is a corrupt official."

"I oppose this appointment!"

The next day, the left vice president was replaced by Qin Zheng, and the catfish king became the head of the family delegation. The discussion was calmed down, and Lucy Phil served as the right vice president, and did not cause any waves from beginning to end.

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