I Contracted Myself

【836】Wang Zong is out

A year later, many practitioners who explored the Lost Gate returned.

After statistics, the spiritual practice community quickly came to the conclusion that there were almost 500,000 practitioners who entered the Gate of the Lost for the first time, and now only a little over 10,000 people have come out, and 120,000 people have definitely died, and the remaining The life and death of the people below are uncertain.

This result directly dispels the urge in the hearts of many people who want to venture into the Lost Door.

The reason is simple: the mortality rate is too high.

By the lake outside Wenxin Villa, Wuming surfed the Internet leisurely. At the same time, he was distracted by watching TV series, fishing, peeling melon seeds, etc.

The tiny Titan hands were like his own arms, performing various tasks around him.

Since Lucifer and Qin Zheng became vice presidents, he has delegated power little by little. Now except for the really big things, he doesn't need to worry about the rest. Lucifer and Qin Zheng can handle them enough.

Moreover, Lucy Phil and Qin Zheng are not the kind of people who like to monopolize power.

At present, the Council of All Heavens is undergoing subtle changes. Some basic tasks are often solved at the grassroots level. The tasks assigned to Lucifer and Qin Zheng are not too many. Three days a week is enough to solve all matters.

Of course, these three days refer to three days of non-stop work...

"The death rate is so high, I guess there will be a lot less people entering the Lost Door in the future. Not bad, not bad." Wuming closed the post and said to himself.

Although a high death rate is bad, it can scare away a group of practitioners who are overestimating their abilities and prevent a lot of cannon fodder from entering the door of the lost and dying.

And the high mortality rate also means that the magic seeds are difficult to obtain.

Compared with the props in the Shenzang Trial, magical props are more uncontrollable and more dangerous. Wuming actually does not want magical props to become too common.

Although it takes an extremely long time for magical props to turn into original sin beasts, there are hidden dangers after all.

"Mr. Wuming, you are indeed fishing here again." Maria came back from school and jumped over.

Wuming handed the melon seeds to Maria and said, "I heard that you are going to transfer to another school?"

"Sister Lucifer told you?" Maria asked in surprise.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, when I saw Lucy Phil yesterday, she casually mentioned to me, isn't Seacliff College good?"

"My classmates are too naive. I am no longer the same person I used to be, so I want to make friends who are as mature as me." Maria said proudly, raising her head and chest.

Wuming asked: "What about Meimei?"

"Of course Meimei will transfer to another school with me." Maria said matter-of-factly.

Wuming shrugged and said, "Well, now that you've made your choice, don't regret it."

The quality of education at Sea Cliff College was very high. He really didn't know which school could compare with Sea Cliff College. After all, the teachers at Sea Cliff College were all members of the Past Scholars Foundation.

"Of course I won't regret it, and the school I transferred to is near your home, Lord Wuming." Maria said with a smile.

Wuming raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Isn't it Wenxin Women's College?"

"Yeah, it's Wenxin Women's College." Maria nodded.

Wuming was a little speechless. The dean of the women's college was not a serious person. When the women's college opened, the old guy invited him to be the honorary dean of the college. He also hinted that he could do whatever he wanted in the college. After hearing this, he immediately gave up. Fingers flicked away each other.

Of course, the women's college is absolutely clean now, because whoever dares to think wrongly will have Wuming drop thunder to warn him. After several warnings, the school atmosphere is actually pretty good.

"Master Wuming, I'm going back to do my homework." Seeing that Wuming was distracted again, Maria said out of habit.

In fact, Wuming was always distracted from doing things. Even chatting with her was distracting from chatting with her. She had long been used to Wuming always being distracted. After all, Wuming was too distracted.


The nameless mind scanned the sky above the women's college, and after confirming that there was no problem, he came back to his senses and saw that Maria had left, so his thoughts were merged into other thoughts.

He yawned and suddenly felt the fishing rod vibrate slightly, so he pulled hard, and a huge goldfish popped out of the water.

"You stupid goldfish, how many times have I told you not to bite my bait!" Wuming shouted angrily when he saw the goldfish.

This goldfish was a prize drawn by Lin Renmei at an event half a year ago. She was too lazy to raise it, so she threw it into the lake. As a result, in just six months, this guy grew from a finger long to fifteen years old. meters long.

Fortunately, this lake is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, and there is a huge water space inside, so it can live here safely. This is not the first time Wuming has caught it. Ever since it grew to five meters, Wuming has been able to catch it almost every few days.

Unfortunately, this goldfish doesn’t care about fighting, but it still takes the bait every time.

Wuming used his telekinesis to remove the fishhook and reluctantly re-baited it. However, a strange sound came from far away. He stopped what he was doing and sighed slightly, thinking that trouble was coming.

The next moment a sharp buzzing sound came.

A messenger bee flew in and screamed: "Something is going wrong, something is going wrong!"

"If you fart, hurry up!" Wuming slapped the messenger bee on the head.

This communication bee is the communication bee raised by the Qin Zheng family. Compared with the oracle network, the Qin family trusts the communication bee they raise more, so they use the communication bee to communicate everything.

"Wang Zong came out of the Lost Gate and injured the new controller of the Chengtian area. He is now heading towards another Lost Gate." The messenger bee said.

Wuming frowned. He didn't expect Wang Zong to come out of the Lost Gate.

"Alas, it is true that good people don't live long, and evil will last for thousands of years." Wuming finally sighed, stood up and put away his fishing gear. The next moment his body turned into petals and disappeared instantly.

Chengtian area.

Wang Zong flew forward quickly, with several sharp wounds on his back.

However, these injuries were nothing to him. What really made him feel uncomfortable was the damage he suffered in the Lost Gate. The claws of that ghost thing were accompanied by some kind of sinister power. Even he couldn't withstand that terrifying sinister power.

At this time, he had to constantly circulate the blood in his body, otherwise the blood would soon freeze into ice.

"Hehe, you are worthy of being the Lord of the Forest. You always make people helpless!"

Even though he was seriously injured, he was still very happy, because he had already got what he wanted in that lost door. If he didn't have the right props at hand, his injuries would be nothing.

Suddenly, a large number of petals appeared out of thin air, and Wang Zong immediately punched at the petals. The fist collided with the petals, and the surrounding space swayed slightly.

Wang Zong's body drifted in the air at a high speed, and in the blink of an eye, he pulled away from the petals.


Wang Zong looked at the petals with his double pupils, and sneered with a crooked mouth.

Countless petals quickly condensed into human form, and the person who came was... Wuming.

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