I Contracted Myself

【837】Babel of Death

For Wang Zong, Wuming was once a mountain and a shackle. He could only look up to and abide by the laws set by Wuming.

And now...he just wants to trample Wuming under his feet.

"Wang Zong, let's capture him without mercy, this is your last chance!" Wuming looked at Wang Zong and said seriously.

If Wang Zong is captured now, there is a high probability that Wang Zong will not die, because Wang Zong's physical defense is too high. Unless Wuming takes action personally, it will be very difficult to kill Wang Zong, and he may even have to pay for a magical prop or a divine treasure. The treasure of trial.

Moreover, the Demon Sealing Sect is now missing, and Wang Zong may have clues to the Demon Sealing Sect. Therefore, taking everything into consideration, it is estimated that the law enforcement team will sentence him to life imprisonment without the possibility of commutation.

But if Wang Zong continues to resist, then Wuming will have no choice but to be cruel. Whether Wang Zong can survive then depends on luck.

"Capture me without a fight? Wuming, where do you have the confidence to let me capture you without a fight?" Wang Zong couldn't help but sneered as if he had heard a joke.

If it were before, his legs would have gone weak when facing Wuming, but now he was... fearless.

The next moment, he took action brazenly and punched Wuming from afar.


The punch was blocked by countless petals.

However, this was originally a casual attack by Wang Zong, and it could also be regarded as a signal to start a war.

Immediately, Wang Zong moved in front of Wuming, and punched out quickly with both fists. The petals around Wuming continued to break and regenerate. The two sides were in a stalemate for three seconds. Wang Zong used a little more care and smashed the layers of petal shields with one punch. The fist almost touched Wuming.

The reason why it was so close was because Wuming stepped back.

With this retreat, Wang Zong couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth. In his heart, Wuming was the Council of Heavens, and the Council of Heavens was the biggest shackles of the heavens and worlds.

Wuming's retreat means that all shackles and rules must be retreated in front of him!

"Wu Ming, didn't you just let me catch you? Why did you step back?" He stopped and twisted his arm slightly to adjust his posture.

He was seriously injured now, but he had no intention of fighting Wuming. Just now he was just testing Wuming's strength, not even a warm-up.

Wuming said calmly: "Because I have to make room for my pet."

He had to admit that Wang Zong's physical body was too terrifying, and the petals transformed from the Golden Crow's feathers could not block Wang Zong's fist at all. What was even more terrifying was that Wang Zong was not serious yet.

If Wang Zong was in its prime, it's hard to imagine how strong it would be.

But Wuming dared to come, so he was naturally confident. No matter how strong Wang Zong was, he was confident to suppress Wang Zong.


A word "worm" popped out of Wuming's hand, and the next second a huge, indescribable monster suddenly appeared, causing the surrounding space to tremble.

"not good!"

Wang Zong immediately stepped back quickly to avoid the monster's huge palm.

Subsequently, the area where they fought was turned upside down by the monster's palm. The terrain of countless mountain peaks and rivers was reversed, and the soil turned into huge waves that swept everything.

Wang Zong was not afraid of the surrounding soil and sand, he was only afraid of the monster's body.

If you look at this monster from a distance, it might look like a tardigrade, but up close, it looks like a fuzzy creature made of dense sarcoma and filaments. Its limbs can change their shapes at will. Under Wuming's control, it keeps splitting into palms. , shot from top to bottom, the earth was torn apart, Wang Zong moved and dodged dangerously between the gaps in his palms, avoiding a head-on collision with the monster.

"It seems one is not enough!"

Wuming stood in the sky, watching Wang Zong avoid the attack of his summoned beast like a flea, and thought to himself.

Then he popped up the word "worm" again, and the ground exploded loudly. Another huge, ugly, and weird monster appeared out of thin air. The two monsters faced each other, attacking Wang Zong from front to back.

In the end, Wang Zong was unable to dodge and was brushed by one of the arms, and his body immediately fell like a meteor.

The earth exploded. Wang Zong smashed the layers of soil and laughed wildly: "Wu Ming, have you forgotten, what is under the earth? This time I am injured and cannot use my full strength. I will definitely do it next time I see you." Take your head!"


The earth cracked open, revealing a blue ocean of energy below.

At the same time, with the emergence of the energy ocean, a door also appeared on the ocean, and Wang Zong got into the door without looking back.


Wuming frowned and looked at the door in the energy ocean.

For a moment, he decided to guard in front of this door. Once Wang Zong came out again, he would directly give Wang Zong a thunderous blow.

At the same time, Wang Zong appeared in a blank space after entering the Lost Door. A woman's voice sounded in his ears: "Welcome to the Tower of Babel of Death. Player Wang Zong, you will have seven lives to complete the journey to ascend to the gods." Lu will receive generous rewards, start drawing your opponents now..."

The next moment, numerous cultivators who had quarreled with Wang Zong in the past appeared in a screen of light, and the hands kept turning.

When Wang Zong saw Wuming's profile picture, he couldn't help shouting: "Don't be Wuming, don't be Wuming!"

Ding dong!

The pointer stopped and landed on Wuming's head.

"The opponent has been selected. Your opponent is the player Wuming. Please climb to the eighth floor before the Tower of Babel is destroyed. Please defeat Wuming before climbing to the eighth floor. The game begins!"

The next moment, Wang Zong roared angrily, and his body was flooded by strong white light.

On the other side, Wuming just sat cross-legged on the edge of the cliff, and was forcibly teleported to a white space the next second.

The woman's voice sounded: "Welcome to the Tower of Babel of Death. The player is nameless. You will have seven lives. You will receive generous rewards for completing the road to the gods. Your opponent is the player Wang Zong. Please stop before the Tower of Babel is destroyed. Climb to the eighth floor. Please defeat Wang Zong before ascending to the eighth floor. The game begins!"


After Wuming learned about the situation, he felt unhappy.

But before he could complain, his body was flooded by intense white light.

In the invisible white light, he felt that his body seemed to have undergone some kind of change. When the white light gradually dispersed, a deserted forest appeared in front of him.

The sky was dark, and there was a faint fog in the woods. He looked around, and then slowly looked at his body. Sure enough, his body had changed from a human form to...a woodchuck!

At this moment, Wuming really wanted to roar like the groundhog in a video he had seen before. What the hell is this?

At this time, the woman's voice sounded: "On the first level, the player is nameless. You have become a groundhog and obtained the talent 'Groundhog Day'. You have the power to repeat the same day three times. Please find the player Wang Zong as soon as possible." , after killing Wang Zong, you will be able to ascend to the second floor of the Tower of Babel. The winner can save his talent, and the loser will lose it."

"In other words, this is a game where the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker." Wuming thought to himself after listening to the woman's words.

Obviously, Wang Zong has also turned into some kind of animal and gained some kind of innate ability. The two sides are now on the same starting line. He must kill Wang Zong as soon as possible and ascend to the second floor.

Because the Tower of Babel would be destroyed, and he didn't know the specific time, if he failed to reach the eighth floor before the Tower of Babel was destroyed, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Judging from the high mortality rate in Lost Gate, there is a high probability that he will die.

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