I Contracted Myself

【838】Wang Zong’s discovery

In a cave somewhere, Wang Zong turned into a scorpion and entrenched himself in the cave. He was slightly relieved. Fortunately, he was not facing Wuming head-on. Otherwise, in his current state, he would not be able to defeat Wuming's two summoned beasts.

The talent he received is called 'Horse Poison'. The poisonous needle in the scorpion tail contains a poison that can kill with one hit.

Although the poison can only be used three times, he only needs to find Wuming to kill Wuming instantly, but he doesn't know where Wuming is now, and he is not sure what talent Wuming has received.

"Leave here first, find a higher place and take a look at the environment before considering the next course of action."

At this time, both Wuming and Wang Zong made the same decision, one decided to leave the woods first, and the other decided to leave the cave first.

Ten minutes later, Wuming was attacked by a wild snake. First his neck was bitten by the snake, and then his body was rolled up. He used his front teeth, but only bit the python a few times before his body was strangled and he couldn't breathe. In the end, he rolled his eyes and died.

Wang Zong was also in danger. He was targeted by a falcon, but when the falcon fell from the sky and caught him, he had no choice but to use a poisonous needle to kill the opponent in an instant.

Go back in time to the first moment.

Wuming touched his neck with his little paws, feeling lingering fear. This experience was too bad.

"Isn't that snake the Wang Zong?" Wuming thought to himself.

On the other side, Wang Zong didn't notice that time was going back. He walked out of the cave and found the body of a falcon in the distance. He walked slowly over and found that the falcon seemed to have died of poisoning.

"It seems there are a lot of poisons around, so you have to be careful." Wang Zong thought to himself.

Then he looked at the mountain in the distance and decided to go to the top of the mountain first to check out the terrain. He also had a sense of urgency, hoping to determine the unknown location as soon as possible so that he could start hunting.

The weather in this space is always gloomy, the light is very dark, and there is a chilling atmosphere in the air, as if dragons and tigers are hidden among the vegetation, and there are countless dangers.

If you act in this environment for a long time, your xinxing is not strong enough and you will be easily affected by the environment.

If they were in their prime state, neither Wuming nor Wang Zong would be affected. However, one of them is a groundhog and the other is a scorpion. Neither of them has extraordinary energy in their bodies to maintain their functions. When the body is adapted to the environment, the spiritual level must also be affected. will be affected accordingly.

This is just like when the weather is cold and the body is shivering, people must be eager to drink a bowl of hot soup, and their resistance to hot soup is far less strong than when the weather is warm.

Wang Zong shuttled through the forest, his speed getting faster and faster, so much so that he ignored the threats around him. Suddenly, a wolf spider attacked from the grass nearby.

The grass actually concealed a hole in the ground, and that hole was the wolf spider's nest.

Wang Zong immediately tried to attack the wolf spider with his tail, but the wolf spider was very smart and never gave him a chance to stab himself.

Anyone who has watched a wolf spider hunt will know that the wolf spider's attack is not only fast and accurate, but also the spider's legs are very flexible. Once it successfully hunts, it will reverse the situation and use its own legs to control the prey, so that the prey is always under its control. under control.

"Damn it, what a broken body!"

One of Wang Zong's legs was bitten by a wolf spider and he couldn't help but curse.

But after all, he is a physical practitioner and is good at boxing and kicking martial arts. Even though Scorpion's body is really unable to exert its own advantages, he still found an opportunity from the bumps, clamped one of the wolf spider's legs with pliers, and then used this leg as the center to exert force. , the tail pierces the body of the tarantula.

One hit kill!

The wolf spider died instantly. Wang Zong got off the wolf spider. If he could still show his expression now, it would definitely be ugly.

He actually wanted to use his own strength to deal with Wolf Spider, but Scorpion's physical reserve was worse than he thought. He almost ran out of energy after just a fight, so he had no choice but to use horse poison, otherwise the result might be Before he could find Wu Ming, he became the wolf spider's meal.

If such a thing really happened, Wuming would probably die laughing.

Because he had exhausted a lot of energy, he glanced at the wolf spider lying on the ground and simply stepped forward to eat it.

After eating the wolf spider, he was immediately surprised to find that not only had his physical strength increased, but he had also gained the talent of the wolf spider, and his running speed seemed to have increased.

At this moment, Wang Zong suddenly understood and thought to himself: "So that's it. This level is not just about hunting Wuming, but also hunting other animals to strengthen yourself as soon as possible."

At this time, he was much faster than before eating the tarantula, and the venom in the tail needle seemed to have been replenished.


Wang Zong suddenly realized something was wrong.

Based on the amount of venom in his current poison sac, it seems that he can still use the horse poison twice, but his horse poison has obviously been replenished.

Theoretically, the anti-horse poison can be used three times, so why are there only two left?

"That falcon, could it be..."

Wang Zong immediately thought of a possibility and decisively turned around and walked back.

When he returned to the poisoned falcon, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the falcon had been poisoned by himself, especially the location of the poison, which clearly matched his tail needle.

"Whether my guess is right or not, you will know after eating it."

Wang Zong thought for a moment, then plucked the feathers with pliers and began to slowly eat the falcon's meat.

It took him almost half an hour to finish eating the falcon. Not only did he grow bigger, but his pincers were also more powerful, and his eyes could see farther.

The most important thing is...his anti-horse poison has really recovered.

He looked at the falcon's bones and thought to himself: "Next, I will find a prey that is not poisoned and eat it to determine whether my idea is right or wrong."

Suppose Wuming's ability is to reverse time, but it cannot affect the prey killed by the horse poison, then he must be careful.

Wuming is likely to hide in the dark and observe him. Once he is discovered, he will use time reversal to continuously determine his ability.

If the effect of the horse poison is known to Wuming, it will be difficult for him to kill Wuming with one blow.

"The horse poison cannot be used casually, but my appearance is a scorpion. He will definitely be wary of my scorpion poison. I wonder if he can change his form by eating. It is best to disguise himself as another animal." Wang Zong looked at the mountain in the distance and thought to himself.

Fortunately, now not only has his speed increased significantly, but the power of the scorpion's claws has also increased greatly. Even if he does not use the horse poison, some animals can hardly escape his iron claws.

He immediately set off for the mountain, ready to hunt and look for Wuming.

Let's talk about two things separately.

Wuming was hiding under a tree, observing the python that strangled him.

Fortunately, the groundhog's forelimbs were still flexible. He used branches to weave a set of clothes for himself and smeared plant juice on his body.

He knew very well how developed the python's sense of smell was.

If the python was really Wang Zong, he would definitely not be the python's opponent unless he found the right tool.

Most of the physical cultivators practiced a kind of kung fu called "python power", which trained their muscles like a python. There were also kung fu such as real dragon power.

If Wang Zong turned into a python, his combat power would definitely crush him who turned into a groundhog.

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