I Contracted Myself

【839】Battle of Fantasy Beasts

The groundhog, scientifically known as prairie dog, is generally about 30 to 40 centimeters long.

The groundhog that Wuming has transformed into is relatively large, very close to 50 centimeters, and is fatter than the average groundhog. This can only be said to have advantages and disadvantages. His speed may not be as good as that of an average groundhog, but his physical reserve is much better than that of an average groundhog.

But if you want to deal with a python, it is definitely not possible to rely on the body of this groundhog.

However, Wuming is a human being. He can make tools and traps. As long as there are suitable conditions, it is not impossible to hunt a python.

Fortunately, the groundhog's forelimbs are still flexible, and like humans, they have five fingers, which are very suitable for grasping and other actions. After determining the location of the python, he collected sharp stones, dead vines, and hard branches, and began to dig holes and make traps.

Groundhogs, as the name suggests, are absolutely professional in digging holes.

After several hours of digging holes, he dug the hole near the python, and then set traps in the hole.

For safety reasons, he set up seven or eight traps in the cave, and repeatedly confirmed whether each trap was strong enough. After completing all the arrangements, he took the initiative to approach the tree where the python was, while rubbing off the tree sap on his body.

When the python caught his scent, it really came down from the tree. He immediately ran slowly and hung the python into the cave.

Pythons have the habit of entering caves to catch prey. Whether this python is Wang Zong or not, it is estimated that a groundhog can also make traps.

It slowly crawled into the cave, completely unaware that it had entered a layer of traps. Wuming stood on the other side of the cave. The moment he saw the python, he pulled down a branch, and a large amount of soil collapsed on the spot, and the python was blocked in the cave.

When the python wanted to retreat, one trap after another was automatically triggered, and it was stuck in the cave, unable to move. One of the slipknotted vines tightly strangled its seven inches, and the harder it tried, the tighter it was.

Wuming ran to the other end of the cave and could still see the python's tail twisting constantly. He breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the python was indeed caught.

He took out a sharp stone and began to cut the python's tail bit by bit.

The python immediately struggled with greater force, but this struggle further caused the dead vine to tighten, and finally it died of suffocation.

Wuming cut off the python's tail, dipped a little blood with his hand and put it in his mouth. The next moment he felt that the consumed physical strength was restored a lot. Sure enough, there were problems with the creatures in this world.

Just now, when he was strangled by the python, he bit the python several times. The blood of the python entered his body, and he felt changes in his body. Unfortunately, the strangling force of the python was too strong, and he was strangled to death by the python in the end.

Now he could actually avoid the python, but because of the discovery at that time, he was willing to spend so much time setting traps to hunt the python.

In this way, the gameplay of this level is clear.

While looking for Wang Zong, he also had to continue hunting other creatures to strengthen himself as much as possible.

Wang Zong is expected to find this out, so the two of them not only have to hunt each other, but also have to start an "equipment competition". Whoever is stronger will have the last laugh.

In addition, Wuming launched a "Groundhog Day" because he was strangled by a python once. According to the idea of ​​making the worst plan for everything, Wang Zong may not be able to detect it again, and even guess his talent through the time restart.

In this way, he is completely at a disadvantage. He doesn't know Wang Zong's ability yet, but Wang Zong already knows his ability.

In order to ensure victory, he must find a way to prepare a few more killers and cannot rely too much on the talent of "Groundhog Day".

Next, he continued to eat the flesh and blood of the python. Normally, with his size, he would definitely not be able to swallow the whole python, but the actual situation is not the case.

After half an hour, he ate the python clean, not only greatly improving his physical strength, but also greatly improving his strength.

He parted his hair, and found a layer of python-patterned skin on the surface of his skin. Looking at this layer of skin, he couldn't help but laugh and said, "So there is such an effect. Then the most important thing for me now should be to catch flying animals and see if I can grow wings after eating them!"

After coming out of the cave, he quickly climbed up a tree and stretched out his tongue to try. Sure enough, the smells around him were easily distinguished by his tongue.

He got three abilities of the python in total, one is the power of the python, the second is the skin of the python, and the third is the ability of the python's tongue to distinguish smells.

After a moment, he caught a trace of the smell of other animals.

He jumped from one tree to another. With his current strength, he could easily jump more than ten meters, but this was not because of his great strength, but because his weight did not change much while his strength increased.

More than ten minutes later, he saw an owl hiding in a tree hole. He stared at the owl for a while, and the next moment he suddenly sprinted, jumping from one tree to another at a very fast speed, and instantly attacked the owl in the tree hole.

At this moment, his speed was faster than that of a cheetah. He grabbed the owl's mouth with his claws before the owl could react. Then he pinched the owl's neck with his other hand and grabbed the owl's bones accurately.

If it was a normal groundhog, it would never be possible to do this, but his strength was that of a python. Even if it was not an adult python, its strength was amazing enough.

After a few minutes, the owl died, and then it was time to eat.

After he finished eating the owl, he found that his hair had become much harder, and the strength of his limbs had also increased, but unfortunately he did not grow wings.

"It seems that we have to continue." Wuming came out of the tree hole and immediately locked his eyes on a sparrow not far away.

The sparrow immediately spread its wings and flew away, obviously frightened by the smell on his body.

He climbed up the branch of a tree, picked some leaves and crushed them, and smeared his body with the juice from the leaves. After covering up the bloody smell on his body, he started hunting again.

Fifteen minutes later, he caught another bird that he couldn't name. After eating this bird, his vision improved significantly and he could see very far away.

"Is it impossible to grow different limbs?" Wuming was a little confused.

After eating two birds in a row, he didn't grow wings. He suspected that this game would not allow him and Wang Zong to grow wings by eating.

However, there are only two birds at present, which is not enough to prove this point. He has to continue the experiment.

He jumped from one tree to another. As his strength increased, he became more and more free and his skills became better. Suddenly, he stopped and looked at a branch not far away. A golden bird was eating fruit.

"I guess I can't catch it."

Wuming simulated it in his mind. From the size of the bird to his own speed, he quickly came to a conclusion.

If he rushed over with all his strength, the bird would fly away immediately. He was several meters away from hitting it.

He thought about it, picked a fruit from the tree and weighed it. This nut is a bit like a walnut, but it is much heavier and stronger than a walnut.

"Give it a try. It doesn't matter if you fail!"


Wuming held the fruit tightly and threw it at the bird with all his strength the next moment.

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