I Contracted Myself

【840】Opportunity not to be missed


The fruit is like a bullet. The bird is shot in the head by the fruit before it realizes the danger.

It fell from the tree to the ground. Wuming immediately went down the tree, picked up the bird and began to process and eat it.

After he ate the bird, a pair of wings grew from his back. He immediately tried to flap his wings. It was clear that the wings were not big enough to carry him away, but after flapping his wings, he still slowly took off.

"Very good. This way, I can move much more freely."

Wuming thought happily, and then quickly took off, overlooking the earth from the air, searching for suitable prey.

For the next half hour, he continued to fall from the sky and kill various prey. At the same time, his abilities gradually increased. Unfortunately, he did not find animals such as chameleons or electric eels, otherwise he would definitely attack these two animals.

On the other side, Wang Zong also hunted a large number of animals, and his body became like a cheetah. Because the body was always covered with a black hard shell, it did not look like an animal, but like a mechanical beast.

He has always wanted to grow wings, but has been unable to do so by hunting a large number of birds. However, his lung capacity has been greatly increased, and his endurance has also been greatly enhanced.

At this time, he stopped on the mountainside and looked down at the ground behind him. From his angle, he could see an endless sea in the distance.

He suspected that this place was an isolated island. He and Wuming were assigned to both sides of the island. Since he could think of this mountain, Wuming would probably also think of this mountain.

"Then let's see who is stronger!"

He immediately climbed towards the top of the mountain. Since he could continuously change his form through eating, he believed Wuming could do the same.

In this way, the two sides are actually very easy to identify. The one who is different from ordinary animals must be the other side.

Three minutes later, he climbed to the top of the mountain and could overlook the entire island. Because he had eaten falcons, his eyes could see very far. Looking down from the mountain, he could see the environment everywhere at a glance, including some animals hidden in the woods. All in sight.

"What kind of animal is Wuming? Where is he hiding?"

Wang Zong scanned the surroundings but could not find Wuming, so he gradually retreated and hid in the shadows, thinking silently in his heart.

Above the sky, above the clouds, Wuming flapped his wings and stared at Wang Zong who appeared on the top of the mountain.

The size difference between the two sides is a bit big. Although his size is much larger than that of an average prairie dog, at best it is only the size of a monkey from a prairie dog, while Wang Zong is the size of a cheetah.

Although the two sides definitely cannot determine their combat effectiveness just by looking at their body size, the opponent's size is too advantageous.

"I'm afraid I'm not Wang Zong's opponent yet, and he is lurking on the top of the mountain. Once I fall from the sky, I will be exposed to his sight, which will be troublesome." Wuming felt that things were a bit tricky.

By observing Wang Zong's body, he could roughly see Wang Zong's abilities.

First of all, it has a body like a tiger and leopard, which is very suitable for hunting. I am afraid it also has extremely sharp claws. With the foundation of Wang Zong's physical training, it is estimated that one claw is enough to kill.

Also, there's something wrong with Wang Zong's tail.

The shape doesn't look like a tiger or leopard, but rather looks like a scorpion. If it were really the tail of a scorpion, it would most likely be highly poisonous.

Compared to him, a groundhog, Wang Zong is a complete killing machine.

"In a head-to-head confrontation, I will definitely die..."

"I have to find a way. What are my advantages?"

Wuming slowly flew to the top of the mountain and observed Wang Zong from different angles. Finally, his eyes lit up slightly and he watched Wang Zong hide in the shadows.

"I can fly, and now Wang Zong is in the light and I am in the dark. His vision is not 360 degrees without blind spots. I still have a chance!"

Wuming immediately circled behind Wang Zong, fell from the sky from the blind spot of Wang Zong's vision, and landed in the woods thousands of meters away behind Wang Zong.

He broke the neck of a resting monkey on the spot. He immediately grabbed the monkey and hid behind a big tree, and started eating quickly. After eating the monkey, his body was optimized again and became closer to humans. Especially the fingers are more flexible.

It's not enough, he must keep eating!

He took off again, quickly found his next prey, knocked him into shock with one punch, then broke his neck and continued eating.

Every three minutes, he would fly above the clouds to observe Wang Zong and determine Wang Zong's movements.

It's funny to say that Wang Zong only stared in front and to the left and right at this time, not looking behind him at all, because he came from behind. In his heart, that side was his birthplace. He had searched and confirmed that Wuming was not there, and now Of course there is no need to risk turning back.

What if Wuming has the ability of a chameleon and attacks when he turns around?

It has to be said that when he reached the top of the mountain, he became worried about gains and losses. As for why he didn't look up, it was because he ate a lot of birds but did not grow wings. In addition, his sight was very good. He thought Wuming was the same as him. It is unlikely to have the ability to fly, otherwise wouldn't it be possible to leave the island in minutes?

The game will then be unplayable.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and Wang Zong began to feel restless again.

If he was in his prime, he would definitely not be shaken, but his current body is just that of an animal. Although his heart is still strong, it is difficult to control some thoughts.

He wasted half an hour, what if Wuming took advantage of this half hour to surpass him?

Although he is a traitor and must be stronger than Wuming in terms of hunting targets, his development speed should be faster, but after completing the primitive accumulation, Wuming, as a strong man, may not be much slower than him.

In half an hour, the gap in strength between the two sides is likely to widen.

It's no wonder that Wang Zong is not determined, because there is no second result in this game. Either he dies or Wuming dies. There must be only one winner.

So he must go all out and win by any means.

"No, I can't sit here and wait for death. This is the way to death. I have to take the initiative to attack, hunt more animals while searching for Wuming."

Wang Zong jumped out of the shadows in an instant and sprinted forward at a very fast speed.

When Wuming took off again, he immediately found Wang Zong who was going down the mountain. He naturally understood Wang Zong's feelings, but he also realized that now was the best opportunity to attack Wang Zong.

After half an hour of eating, his strength increased a lot, and this time he specifically chose animals such as monkeys to eat. He can use tools very flexibly, and the grasping ability of his hands has been greatly improved.

"Wang Zong's weight is estimated to be around 200 jin. I have just tried it with a tiger. I can catch a tiger, and tigers usually weigh around 600 jin. I am fully capable of hanging Wang Zong up and dropping him from a high altitude to kill him directly!" Wuming thought to himself.

The only question is how strong Wang Zong's tail is.

He must grab the middle of the poison needle and ensure that Wang Zong cannot struggle after being hung up, especially not allowing Wang Zong to use his tail to gain strength from him and twist his body to attack him.

"Opportunities are rare, and they will never come back. No matter what, go!"

Wuming watched Wang Zong jump up again and again, and stay in the air again and again, and gritted his teeth and decided to attack.

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