I Contracted Myself

【841】Smashed to death

During the process of going down the mountain, once you jump, the time you stay in the air will inevitably be longer.

Under normal circumstances, Wang Zong would definitely not be so reckless, but the loss of half an hour made him anxious, and Wuming never showed up. He suspected that Wuming might not have thought about coming to this mountain at all, or he didn't have the ability to reach this mountain.

This was not his guess, but a well-founded inference.

His initial image was a scorpion, and Wuming's initial image must not be much better. It might be a spider, a centipede, or a mouse.

Assuming that Wuming's innate ability is time reversal, it would be much more difficult for Wuming to kill prey than him.

He has horse reversal poison, which can kill prey with one blow. Although Wuming's talent is very strong, it is actually very weak in terms of the game as a whole, because if Wuming wants to become stronger, it will be much more difficult at the beginning.

In addition, Wuming has used time reversal once, so it is not difficult to guess that the area near Wuming's birthplace should be very dangerous, and there may be some powerful predators.

Wuming may even be still worried about hunting the other party, and he has not even noticed the specific gameplay of the game.

Of course, the above are all the results of thinking in a positive direction. If you think in a negative way, Wuming has the ability of a chameleon, and now he must be hiding in the dark to spy on his every move and search for his information.

He must move at a speed that Wuming cannot catch up with in order to get rid of the other party. When he finds an animal like a chameleon to eat, the two will be on the same level.

This is also the reason why he ran down the mountain at full speed regardless of the risk of exposure.

However, just as he jumped from a rock to another rock below, he suddenly felt something falling from the sky, but he was in the air and reacted a beat slower. When the other party approached, he twisted his body with the unique flexibility of the cat family.

When he saw an animal with a marmot face, a monkey body, and big wings attacking, he didn't understand that this was Wuming.

Wuming can fly!!!

Not good!

Wang Zong immediately wanted to change the direction of his tail, but he was a step too late. Wuming grabbed his tail with both hands, one hand holding the poison sac and the other hand holding the poison needle. In this way, he couldn't stab Wuming with the poison needle.

Then a pulling force came from the tail, and he was startled. He gritted his teeth and fell down hard, while stretching his body as much as possible, trying to grab something with his front paws.

Once he caught something that could be used as leverage, he was sure to pull Wuming down, and then kill Wuming instantly with his strong body.

Unfortunately, he knew this, and Wuming was also very clear about this, so Wuming immediately flapped his wings quickly and pulled him into the air.

The bodies of cats can be stretched very long, and Wang Zong's body was stretched to nearly 1.5 meters, but there was nothing around to leverage, and his claws were waving but there was no point.

He realized that Wuming's attack was premeditated, and he was afraid that the attack point was calculated, and he could not grab anything to leverage, so he twisted his body violently, trying to grab Wuming.

But when he twisted his body and tried to borrow Wuming's strength, Wuming's strength suddenly dropped, and he was unable to borrow strength. The next second, Wuming flew high again. He immediately borrowed strength again, but Wuming seemed to have calculated it well and fell down again, removing his strength.

"Damn it, this is unfair. Why can Wuming fly but I can't?"

Wang Zong cursed in his heart, but he never gave up struggling, and continued to consume more of Wuming's physical strength by twisting his body.

However, Wuming perfectly responded to Wang Zong's interference every time and rose to a height of 300 meters little by little. However, this was not enough insurance. As a physical cultivator, Wang Zong must also be proficient in the art of unloading strength.

If Wang Zong's body shape was human, he would not be killed by falling, even if he could not fly. He could start to unload strength the moment he landed until all the impact force on his body was unloaded.

Fortunately, Wang Zong is now in the shape of an animal. Even if he is proficient in the method of unloading strength, this body is still a big burden. When the flying height is high enough, Wang Zong may not be able to cope with it.

"Four hundred meters, I still have a chance!"

Wang Zong continued to struggle, falling four hundred meters, using the body of a cat, there is still a chance to unload the power on his body.

However, Wuming's physical strength was so abundant that he couldn't believe it. Although his body was only two-thirds of his size, he seemed to be able to fly to four hundred meters with ease.

"Ahhhhhh, a thousand-pound weight!!!!"

Wang Zong twisted his body left and right, and then pushed down hard. Wuming was indeed affected, and the speed of ascent dropped sharply, but it only dropped a little and recovered quickly.

He twisted his body again, but twisted his body extremely cunningly, trying to grab Wuming's hand, but Wuming also reacted quickly and fell again, so his claws were always a little away from Wuming's hand, but he could see it but couldn't touch it.

In torment and despair, the height reached five hundred meters.

Wang Zong completely lost the chance of survival, but he still had a chance, that is, to drag Wuming to death with him.

As long as Wuming fell with him and died before him, Wuming would definitely start the time reversal, and both of them could start over.


Could it be that... it has actually started over again, and this is the third time that time has gone back?


His horse poison can make him immune to time going back, and the wolf spider's attack is enough to prove that time has only gone back once, otherwise he should have discovered the bodies of the falcon and the wolf spider.

"Thousand-pound weight!"

Wang Zong had many ideas in his mind, but he never gave up creating difficulties for Wuming.

However, this time, he used the thousand-pound weight but felt that the pulling force above him suddenly disappeared, and his body fell to the ground at a very fast speed.

"No, I was calculated by Wuming again!"

Wang Zong immediately realized that his thousand-pound weight not only did not cause trouble to Wuming, but caused him to fall at a faster speed.

He kept changing his posture in the air, trying to slow himself down, and at the same time, he kept observing the surroundings, trying to grab trees or other things during the fall, so as to get a glimmer of life.

However, Wuming had already considered these factors, so the place where he fell was a rocky land, and there was nothing around to grab.

Even if he kept adjusting his posture and changed the landing point a little bit, he would still fall on this rocky land, without any suspense.


Wang Zong finally watched himself getting closer and closer to the ground, and roared furiously.

One hundred meters, fifty meters, thirty meters, ten meters, eight meters, five meters, three meters...

One meter!

Fifty centimeters!


With a dull thud, Wang Zong fell heavily to the ground, his hard shell shattered, and blood continued to flow out from the cracks.

He was not dead yet, but he was only one step away from death. He held on tightly. If Wuming dared to fall next to him, he would give Wuming a poison needle and turn the tide!

Half a minute later, a big rock fell from the sky and hit Wang Zong heavily. Wang Zong spurted out a mouthful of blood, cursed Wuming for being shameless in his heart, and finally swallowed his last breath, completely losing his life.

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