I Contracted Myself

【842】Herb collector


Wuming landed on a rock not far from Wang Zong. Looking at Wang Zong's broken body, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he doesn't know what Wang Zong's talent is, he has done everything he can. Now it depends on whether Wang Zong is dead or not.

He did not relax his vigilance, because his talent was to go back one day in time, and Wang Zong might come back from the dead. Now he had to keep a close eye on Wang Zong. Once Wang Zong showed signs of resurrection, he would give Wang Zong a fatal blow. Hit him and let him die more completely.

At this time, the voice from before sounded: "On the first floor, the player has no name. The stairs leading to the second floor of the Tower of Babel have appeared. Please climb to the second floor as soon as possible to start a new round of the game."

"Very good, that means Wang Zong died completely."

Wuming immediately smiled, spread his wings and flew into the sky. In the air, he soon saw a white spiral staircase with a faint light descending from the sky, and finally landed on the top of the mountain in the middle of the island.

He flew over, walked up the stairs slowly, and finally climbed into the clouds.

In the white light, he felt his body change again. After the white light dispersed, he was in the dense forest. The woman's voice sounded again: "Second floor, the player is nameless. You become a herb gatherer. Obtain the talent 'Herbal Identification'.

God is about to use a great flood to destroy the world. Only by finding the key to open the door to escape can you escape to the third floor. After killing the player Wang Zong, please find the door to escape and use the key to leave the second floor. "


Wuming opened his mouth, but said nothing in the end.

Because there is no point in saying it.

There must be a lot of hidden information in this level. He had to quickly dig out some hidden rules to find the key faster than Wang Zong.

In fact, this level is quite easy to understand. It is nothing more than finding the key and killing Wang Zong at the same time. Compared with the first level, it has one more condition.

However, since he is in human form and has the identity of a herb gatherer, I am afraid that Wang Zong is also in human form and has some identity.

Different identities must have different characteristics. He must find a way to understand the situation on the second level as soon as possible before he can make the right choice.

"There is a village at the foot of the mountain, which means there are NPCs in this level. If Wang Zong is a noble or something, he may even have subordinates. Let's go down the mountain first to explore the situation."

Wuming looked down the mountain. There was a small village between the mountains. Smoke was rising slowly from every house. It looked very peaceful and leisurely.

He walked down the mountain road, holding an herb picking hoe in his hand.

He could distinguish some strange herbs at a glance, so while going down the mountain, he did not forget to use the herb picking hoe to collect some herbs and put them in the basket on his back.

Fifteen minutes later, he went down to the foot of the mountain. Some farmers who were plowing just looked up at him, and then lowered their heads to continue plowing.

"Is there something wrong with my identity?" Wuming observed this scene and thought to himself.

If he, a herb collector, had a good relationship with the villagers, then the other party would say hello when they saw him, but the other party just glanced at him lightly, and the strange feeling was very obvious.

Next, he continued walking to the village. As expected, everyone around him was lukewarm to him.

It was easy to tell with that kind of gaze that the other person knew him but was not familiar with him.

"It's possible that Wang Zong is hiding in this village. We don't know each other's identities, so I can't behave like an outsider. I must play the role of a herb gatherer." Wuming thought of many things in an instant, and was silent in his heart. read.

At this time, an old man saw him and said, "Ah Sheng, why did you come down the mountain so early today?"

"I slipped in the mountains." Wuming replied casually.


Now I know a piece of information, that is, the name of the herb collector is Asheng.

The old man frowned and said, "How many yellow stone grasses were collected today?"

"Only three!" When Wuming heard the three words Huang Shicao, the appearance of the herbs he collected before naturally appeared in his mind, so he answered according to the quantity he collected.

The old man sighed and said: "Your mother's illness requires six yellow stone grasses every day. You can go up the mountain again in the afternoon."

"Oh, okay." Wuming was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

This identity actually has a sick old lady, what the hell is this setting, and who is this old man?

If this was a serious time travel, Wuming would definitely stay away from the village and find another place to start over. Since he had not inherited the memory of the original owner, he would never go to the place where the original owner lived.

Unfortunately, this is not time travel, it is just a game.

Although he can now leave the village and explore other places, his time is very limited, and the unidentified Wang Zong is hiding in the dark. This village may have some game rules hidden, and he must explore nearby to find out more. Things can really start to move.

He continued to walk forward, and a dilapidated house appeared in front of him. For some reason, he just knew that this was his home.

"No, it's not memory or instinct, it's the smell of herbs!"

Wuming thought it was a hidden setting at first, but when he got closer to the house, he realized that there were a lot of herbs drying next to the house. This smell was the basis for his judgment of the facts.

Through this, he immediately deduced the identity of the old man just now. The old man was the village doctor in the village. He also smelled of medicine and had a certain temperament that only doctors have.

"Ahem, Ah Sheng, you're back?" A weak voice came from the house.

Wuming knew that this was the mother in the setting, so he walked in and said, "Mom, I'm back. I fell in the mountains and need some medicine before I can go up the mountain again."

On the bed, an old, demon-like old man lay, coughing, "Thank you for your hard work, Ah Sheng. It's all because of my useless mother. Ah Sheng, you are sixteen years old and still can't get married. It would be better if my mother died."

"Mom, what are you talking about? You will live a hundred years." Wuming put the basket on the ground, followed the smell to find the medicinal wine, opened it and applied it to his ankles while saying.

There was no flaw in his expression, but thousands of thoughts popped up in his mind when he saw the old man.

This old man doesn't look like a human at all. Does this mean that this world has extraordinary powers?

So what exactly caused the old man to become what he is now?

Or maybe it was similar to Tianchang Fox, the old man was actually some kind of monster in disguise, and he could see through the other party's disguise because he was a player, so he saw the old man's current face, but in the eyes of other NPCs, the old man had another face?

The first level can get strength by eating, so what is the gameplay of this level?

After Wuming applied the medicinal wine, he said, "Mom, I'm going to the village for a walk."


Asheng's mother only responded with a few coughs and didn't say anything.

Coming out of the house, he wanted to go to the village head, but suddenly thought of something and went back to the house for some reason, and took the herb-picking hoe before setting off again.

Holding the herb-picking hoe in his hand, he felt a sense of stability in his heart, as if there was nothing in the world that he couldn't pry open.

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