I Contracted Myself

【843】Observation and thinking

Black Tiger Village.

Several bandits dragged a wild boar into the kitchen of the village. Wang Zong stood guard not far away, watching everything calmly.

On the first level, he lost to Wuming. According to the rules of the Tower of Babel, he now only has six lives left. These lives are very important, and he will not allow himself to lose to Wuming again.

The problem is on the second level, his identity is a bandit in Black Tiger Village, but he has no memory of this bandit, so he can only stand there and observe.

As a bandit, his talent is "cold-blooded sharp knife".

His hand speed when using a knife is faster than that of ordinary people, and every time he kills a person, his speed will increase by 10%.

The only problem is that this talent has limitations. You must kill people to have an improvement effect. Killing ordinary animals cannot increase his speed.

God is about to use a great flood to destroy the world.

Only by finding the key to open the door to escape can you escape to the third floor.

This 'God is coming' made Wang Zong very uneasy. How long will it be? Is it one day from now, two days from now, or a year from now?

In addition, Wuming's identity also made him a little anxious. He had already lost to Wuming once. According to the way this game is played, the strong will get stronger and the weak will inevitably get weaker.

Wuming still retains the talent of the previous level and can turn back time, which is enough to make Wuming invincible.

However, this time reversal must have limitations, so he must find a way to make Wuming die even if he rewinds time. Unfortunately, his traitorous poison was not brought from the first level, so he could only find a way here.

"Xiaowu, come here and help!" At this time, a bandit pushed a cart from the side and said hello.

Wang Zong immediately went over to help and pushed the cart out of the village. He asked curiously: "What's in the cart? It smells weird."

"Hey, you definitely don't want to know." The bandit said with a smile.

However, seeing that Wang Zong was curious, he covered his nose and lifted a corner of the cart cover. After Wang Zong saw it clearly, he immediately covered it and said: "Our village leader is the most powerful demon within a hundred miles. Work hard and wait until next year." You can also get a drop of the village master’s blood and become a half-demon.”

"Yes, I will definitely do it well." Wang Zong nodded.

There are all kinds of strange corpses on the cart. Judging from the outline of the corpses, they should be deformed monsters derived from human diseases, but the blood seems to have been sucked dry. Through the wounds on the necks of these corpses, Wang Zong guessed that the village leader was either a zombie or a vampire.

This is obviously an oriental Chinese-style ancient world, so the possibility of zombies is far greater than that of vampires. In other words...has the power system of this world become alien?

A drop of zombie blood can indeed turn a person into a zombie.

But what did the bandit pushing the cart say about half-demon?

Wang Zong and the bandit pushed the cart to a cliff. He watched the corpse in the cart being dumped under the cliff, and thought to himself: "It seems that we need to investigate further, and we can't draw conclusions easily."

Then, he returned to Black Tiger Village with the bandit.

Woof woof!

Woof woof woof woof!

The yellow dog at the edge of the village barked at Wuming. When several children saw Wuming approaching, they immediately put away the smiles on their faces and hid in their own courtyards.

Wuming held the herb picking hoe in his hand and walked forward slowly. The further he walked, the more frustrated he became.

The people in this village were extremely wary of him, and the adults were just indifferent. It could be seen from the attitudes of many children that they were afraid and wary of him.

He came to the end of the village and looked at the road outside the village, wondering where he could go along this road.

However, when he wanted to step out of the village, he felt an inexplicable palpitation in his heart. After a moment of hesitation, he gave up and continued walking. Instead, he turned around and walked towards the other end of the village.

Later, Wuming discovered that there was an inexplicable division between the head of the village, the left of the village, and the right of the village, as if something bad would happen if he stepped outside.

Instead of forcing himself to take risks, he came to the end of the village.

Then he discovered that there was no such situation at the end of the village, so he went along the familiar mountain road to collect herbs. After climbing up, he looked at the village and divided the boundaries based on his findings, and found that the shape of the village was a 'drill'.

Assuming that the village is a point, then it radiates towards the back mountain, forming a safe area.

"Interesting, if I am not mistaken, there should be a problem with my identity. My 'mother' is probably some inhuman thing, but from the attitude of the village, I can guess that my 'mother' may be something that protects the village. Once the village loses its shelter, it will be in danger.

But it is also a dangerous existence in itself, so the people in the village respect me. Only the old man... That old man is probably the village chief or village doctor. No, maybe not the village doctor I thought before, but the priest. For roles like this, priests and village doctors happen to have very similar temperaments. In ancient times, the two even had the same origin. "Wu Ming quickly summarized what he saw and heard, and then deduced a lot of useful information.

Although he didn't know where his ability to collect herbs came from, his ability to collect herbs should be very important, so the old man specifically told him to collect enough yellow stone grass.

Now he is still short of three yellow stone grasses...


Wuming thought of another doubt, who did he sell his herbal medicine to?

The only one in this village who dared to talk to him was the old man. There was a high probability that he would sell it to him in exchange for living supplies.

"I see, I seem to understand."

"That monster is most likely the mother of 'Asheng'. The effect of the yellow stone grass can allow Asheng's mother to maintain the last bit of humanity. That bit of humanity plus maternal love can resist the evil of the monster."

"This monster intimidates other monsters around the village, so the village can be absolutely safe."

"But there is definitely a limit, and Asheng's mother may not be able to hold on for long. When she completely loses her humanity, I am afraid she will have to change a host, and the object must be a woman with children..."

"Once the host is changed, my identity should change from a herbalist to a priest apprentice, and become the apprentice of the old man. No, the old man's age is a problem.

Assuming that I can really become his apprentice, theoretically he should have more apprentices, and there should be other herbalists in front of me."

"Once Asheng's mother has a problem, Asheng will most likely die, but how he will die... is hard to say."

Wuming squatted on a huge rock, overlooking the seemingly peaceful and peaceful village from the mountain, and came to the final conclusion in his heart.

God is going to send down a flood, and Wang Zong is hiding in the dark.

I didn't expect that in addition to these two potential threats, there is another threat like this.

However, there is always a way out. There must be a way to solve this threat, or even turn the threat into a useful aid.

Wuming's eyes turned and he noticed a herb next to him. Although he had never seen this herb before, he knew the effect of this herb.

Got it!

The key to breaking the deadlock lies in the talent of the herbalist.

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