I Contracted Myself

【844】Massacre of bandits

In the Black Tiger Village, the bonfire was bright at night.

Many bandits gathered together to eat and drink. Wang Zong pretended to be drunk and slept on the side, but he was actually collecting various information.

These bandits dared to say anything after drinking, and gradually he collected a lot of useful information.

For example, the owner of the Black Tiger Village was named Cheng Tianshao, and the bandits called him Cheng Lao Da. This man was about three meters tall, with dark skin, and looked like a black diamond.

It is worth mentioning that the word "zao" seems to have a different meaning in this world. It is a black beast that is not only indestructible, but also has electricity on its body.

Wang Zong did not know the characters in this world, nor did he understand the meaning of the characters in this world, so he did not get more information from the name.

However, he saw that the bandits in the entire village were also divided into different levels.

He happened to be a bandit of the lowest level, a marginal figure among the bandits. If he continued to investigate, he would probably get limited results, but would waste a lot of time.

"I have two choices now. One is to kill all these bandits, and the other is to use them for my own use. I just don't know if the village chief has any special abilities. If he has special abilities, I'm afraid it will be dangerous with my body."

As a physical cultivator, Wang Zong has the magic blood to expand his horizons. Even if he becomes an ordinary person, he has the confidence to fight one against a hundred.

On the previous level, he couldn't exert his full strength because of his body size, but now he is in human form and can perfectly exert his martial arts expertise. These people are really not enough for him to kill.

The only thing that makes him afraid is the village chief who is called the big demon. The other party looks really powerful and difficult to deal with.

"Huh, my mentality is affected by the desire to win or lose."

"Calm down, Wang Zong!"

Wang Zong took a deep breath and forced himself to return to his original state of mind. Then he slowly opened his eyes and took a sip of the wine.

How could he beat Wuming if he played according to the rules? Using skills within the rules is the specialty of people like Wuming.

And he should trample on the rules and do extraordinary things with extraordinary people!

Since observation and investigation can no longer get more information, let's just kill our way out.

"Hahahaha, Xiaowu, you have a very poor alcohol tolerance, so you just drink..." The bandit next to him laughed when he saw Wang Zong wake up and drink again.

But he was a little scared halfway through his words. Wang Zong's eyes were wrong, and that look was too scary.

"Such a hard-to-drink wine, such a smelly place, as expected... I don't want to endure it at all!" Wang Zong spit out the wine in his mouth, put one hand on the knife at his waist, and said lightly.

The bandit on the other side was immediately unhappy. He put down the wine bowl in his hand heavily and cursed: "Boy, what are you talking about? You know..."

Before he finished speaking, the knife flashed, and the bandit's mouth became wider and wider, and finally the blood rushed his head open.


A bandit saw this scene, immediately threw away the wine bowl, drew his knife and rushed towards Wang Zong, but before he could draw his knife, Wang Zong used the tip of the knife to cut his belly, and his intestines leaked out of his stomach, and blood was dripping for a while.

"Too weak, you are too weak!"

Wang Zong glanced at the bandits around him, his tone was disappointed.

The next moment, he looked at Cheng Tianshao, but Cheng Tianshao did not make a move, but gave a look to a confidant next to him, and the confidant immediately drew his knife and rushed towards Wang Zong.

So fast!

This bandit was obviously faster than other bandits, and at the same time he had an unusual aura. Obviously, he should be the half-demon that the bandit mentioned before.

However, these bandits have no skills, and they are completely benefited by their physical fitness.

Wang Zong easily saw through the bandit's movements, sidestepped to avoid the bandit's knife, and then cut the bandit's waist with a knife.

"Little punk, there is something!"

The bandit jumped away in pain, looked at the wound on his waist, and said with a sneer.

Wang Zong's expression did not change, but through the knife just now, he realized that the opponent's body was harder and had higher defense than ordinary people.

If it was an ordinary person, his kidney would be split in two.

With this kind of injury, even a ruthless person's combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced, and ordinary people would lose their combat effectiveness on the spot.

But this knife fell on the opponent, only cutting the skin, and did not hurt the opponent's internal organs.

The next moment, the opponent attacked again.

Wang Zong saw through the bandit's intention and dodged when the bandit's knife came. Then the bandit backhanded another knife. This knife was the real attack, and the previous knife was just a cover.

This kind of true and false attack, combined with his quality far beyond ordinary people, can often easily kill the target.

However, Wang Zong seemed to have eyes on his back, and moved forward again to avoid the knife attack. While dodging, the knife appeared inadvertently on the bandit's must-pass path like snake venom. In an instant, the bandit's knife did not cut anyone, but he was inexplicably stabbed on his arm, and blood immediately flowed.

Then, before he could react, Wang Zong attacked. He saw Wang Zong raising the knife in his hand and thought Wang Zong was going to chop him, but it turned out that Wang Zong was slashing at the knife in his hand. He was careless and three fingers were cut off.

At the moment the knife fell to the ground, Wang Zong pierced his throat with a knife. He widened his eyes and looked at Wang Zong's calm eyes. Only then did he feel fear.

Thump, thump, thump.

The bandit covered his neck and stepped back several steps. Finally, he fell to the ground, and his breath gradually weakened.

The surrounding bandits were shocked and looked at Wang Zong, and looked at Cheng Tianqi with doubts.

Cheng Tianzao's dark face was still expressionless. He took a big sip of wine and said with a smile: "You have some skills, Luo Zhongjing, come on."


The bandit named Luo Zhongjing stood up, pulled out a gun, and walked straight towards Wang Zong.

Luo Zhongjing is almost two meters tall, has very long arms, and the weapon he uses is a spear. You can tell at a glance that Luo Zhongjing is not easy to mess with.

However, Wang Zong had already roughly understood the strength of this bandit. He waved the knife in his hand, and the blood on the tip of the knife was thrown to the ground.

Luo Zhongjing laughed playfully and quickly attacked Wang Zong with her spear.

He is not the bandit just now, who relies solely on his physical strength to show off his ferocity, but has a certain foundation in martial arts. The gun is shot out quickly and steadily, and the gun is dazzling. An ordinary person would probably be shot to death in an instant.

Wang Zong was not confused at all, and calmly watched the spear coming. He just used his knife to guide him slightly, and Luo Zhongjing's spear missed.

"No more playing!"

Wang Zong said lightly, and the next moment he stepped forward and approached Luo Zhongjing along the spear. When Luo Zhongjing realized that it was not good and wanted to retreat, a knife was instantly inserted into his forehead.

The knife...can still be used like this?

Luo Zhongjing's pupils slowly dilated. She never expected that Wang Zong would throw out the knife in his hand and use it as a flying knife.

This means that Wang Zong's sword is 100% sure to hit his vital point and kill him with one blow.

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