I Contracted Myself

【845】How to play

Cheng Tianzao stood up slowly, exuding an aura of calmness and authority.

"Big guy, come on!" Wang Zong looked at Cheng Tianzao, picked up the spear with a smile, held the knife in one hand and the gun in the other, and said lightly.

Cheng Tianzao said: "Since the founding of Black Tiger Village, you are the first person who dares to kill in front of me and the first person who dares to point a weapon at me. Let everyone recall why I am the village leader. Lord, you are... Ma Zi!"


His legs were slightly bent, and the next moment he jumped up, like a black cannonball blasting towards Wang Zong.

When Wang Zong saw Cheng Tianzao being transferred like this, he inexplicably remembered himself on the first level. He couldn't fly but dared to jump around when facing the enemy. This was the way to die.

He immediately rushed forward, calculated Cheng Tianzao's landing point, and suddenly shot back with a carbine.

However, this carbine attack was not to attack Cheng Tianzao, but to let go and let the gun fly forward. When the end of the spear broke away from his hand, he kicked the end of the spear. The spear lost its balance and immediately thrust downwards, with the head of the spear violently 's tilted upward.

Cheng Tianzao fell very fast, and his butt suddenly hurt in the flash of lightning. The spear drove straight down his back door and hit his throat instantly.


Cheng Tianzao's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Then he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and a large amount of electricity was released from his body. For a while, the electric light kept making crackling sounds.

"The weakness is so obvious, jumping so high...what do you think?" Wang Zong slowly approached Cheng Tianzao and asked calmly.

After the first half-demon bandit showed his defense, he guessed that Cheng Tianzao's defense must be stronger, but Cheng Tianzao still had some human characteristics, and he guessed that most of the opponent's weaknesses lay in the back door daisy.

Cheng Tianzao really didn't expect that he would be penetrated by Wang Zong. He had very strong vitality and wanted to stand up little by little, but how could Wang Zong give him a chance and immediately slashed his head with a knife.


There was a loud noise, but Cheng Tianzao's forehead was unscathed.

Sure enough, it was invulnerable.

Wang Zong was not surprised by this. He looked at the bandits around him, and they immediately retreated.

A half-demon stood up and said, "Damn, he's only one person. There are so many of us, so we're afraid of him being a fool. Brothers, show your knives and kill him!"

"Haha, you can give it a try!" Wang Zong sneered.

Cheng Tianzao had just suppressed the whole crowd, so no one dared to attack in groups. Now that Cheng Tianzao had been seriously injured, these bandits were a little confused.

The half-demon was very aware of everyone's current mentality, so he quickly said: "Don't forget, only the village master can give us power. If the village master dies, our Black Tiger Village will be finished."

"Yes, nothing happens to the village leader, otherwise we will all be doomed." A bandit came to his senses and whispered.

Afterwards, the bandits drew their swords one after another and stared at Wang Zong with suspicious eyes. Cheng Tianzao's confidants, the half-demon-level bandits, also took out their weapons and looked at Wang Zong with unkind eyes.

Wang Zong walked forward slowly, and the bandits in front of him stepped back. Apparently, they were still afraid of Wang Zong.


A half-demon shouted.

However, he himself did not move, and looking at the other bandits, they also did not move.

The bandits are not stupid. The first person to come up will definitely be killed by Wang Zong. They only have one life, and they will not give it away easily.

"Haha, you want your brothers to die even if you don't get married. How can it be such a good thing? Cheng Tianzao is dead, and there is plenty of blood... There must be a bowl for each of us, and without Cheng Tianzao dominating us, we Wouldn't it be nice to just do whatever you want?" Wang Zong glanced at the half-demon and said calmly.

The eyes of some bandits suddenly flashed, and everyone came out to hang out just for fun.

What is cool?

There's money to spend, there's women, there's face!

If you can really get Cheng Tianzao's blood, why bother pretending to be a grandson in front of the half-demon.

Wang Zong suddenly rushed towards a half-demon, and the bandits in front of the half-demon got out of the way. The half-demon's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly retreated.

But Wang Zong did not pursue him. Instead, he picked up the wine on his table, smelled it, and said with a smile: "It's such a strong wine. It's really incomparable to what we minions drink."

Then he threw the bottle back, and the bottle hit Cheng Tianzao on the head accurately. The wine immediately soaked Cheng Tianzao's clothes.

"Ho ho..."

Cheng Tianzao was still not dead at this moment. He made a low, hoarse voice angrily and tried to pull the spear out of his body.

But at this time, Wang Zong picked out a piece of firewood from the bonfire with a knife. He patted it lightly, and the firewood fell accurately on Cheng Tianzao, and Cheng Tianzao suddenly became a burning man.

"No, kill!"

When a half-demon saw this scene, he immediately attacked Wang Zong with a long sword.

At the same time, three half-demon also rushed up, one holding a pair of knives, one holding a dagger, and one holding a machete.

Wang Zong faced four people surrounding him. He lowered his head slightly to avoid the first man's sword, and then hit the opponent's shoulder. The sword immediately deflected and was inserted into the body of the half-demon holding the dagger. The half-demon suffered a painful blow. He stopped, and the one holding the two knives could only avoid him, but Wang Zong seemed to have calculated that he would avoid him, and the knife in his hand appeared mysteriously at the position where the opponent was hiding, and stabbed the opponent in the stomach with one knife.

The remaining half-demon holding a machete came to take a step, and then he shouted loudly, holding the knife in both hands, he slashed Huashan with one move.

Wang Zong glanced at him, and only moved half a step to avoid the powerful knife, then waved his hand forward, and a blood mark appeared on the throat of the half-demon.

Some half-demons who wanted to attack immediately felt cold in their hearts.

Wang Zong's fighting ability was too strong. He was obviously not a half-demon, but killing a half-demon was like killing a chicken, too scary.

Half-demons were also transformed from humans, so they would naturally be afraid. At this moment, most of the half-demons were scared. It was right for them to be loyal to Cheng Tianshao, but the premise was that there were benefits to following Cheng Tianshao.

If they continued to show their loyalty now, they might end up being chopped by Wang Zong, so what was the point of showing it.

Wang Zong glanced at the bandits around him, then turned around and walked in front of Cheng Tianshao, who was still struggling in the flames. The next moment he chopped with a knife, and Cheng Tianshao's head flew off.

Generally, these monsters and demons are afraid of fire if their strength is not strong enough.

If the fire breaks the opponent's defense, he can easily kill them.

The next second after Cheng Tianshao was beheaded, a black gas surged out of Cheng Tianshao's body. He immediately stepped forward and stretched his hand into the black gas, and the black gas quickly penetrated into his arm.

The demonic power that was enough to make Cheng Tianshao invulnerable to swords and guns only dyed his arm black after entering his arm, and then there were no new changes.

"The power has increased, and there is..."

Wang Zong clenched his arm and could feel that his arm had the power to split mountains and rocks. At the same time, he gently slapped his arm with a knife, making a sound of metal and stone hitting each other. This arm was already invulnerable to swords and guns, and its defense was even stronger than Cheng Tianshao.

Very good!

The gameplay of this level is determined.

Kill the demons, strengthen yourself, find Wuming, and kill!!!

Wang Zong looked up at the other bandits, and a chilling smile gradually appeared on his face.

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