I Contracted Myself

【846】Different routes

The starry night is brilliant.

Wuming came down from the mountain with a basket on his back. He collected a large number of herbs and prepared to refine the elixir.

All right.

In fact, it is not an elixir, but a body strengthening elixir.

At this level, his biggest advantage is the identification of herbal medicines. Even if he does not know the names of the herbal medicines, he can still know the effects of the herbal medicines. In this way, he can refine elixirs with similar effects based on some formulas in his memory.

Originally, he didn't want to go down the mountain, but he didn't find any food on the mountain, so he simply went down the mountain and had something to eat while making alchemy.

He had considered striking first, killing the old man first, then killing all the people in the village, and then slowly studying Asheng's mother, but he was not sure whether his force was enough to suppress the people in the village. Wang Zong is also in the village, and he may not be able to defeat Wang Zong.

Therefore, the key to breaking the game is to refine elixirs and take drugs to become stronger!

When he returned to the village, every household had rested. He returned to his house and glanced at his mother who was still sleeping. He immediately took out various herbs, identified them one by one, and estimated their weight.

Although there was no light on in the room, he could distinguish the medicinal properties of different herbs based on their smell and quickly completed the matching.

He took out the stone mortar and pestle, pounded the medicinal materials, put them into his mouth and chewed them carefully, then spit them out and kneaded them into balls.

Then he walked outside the house, made a fire to cook, and steamed a piece of bacon from home on the rice. At the same time, he put the pills on the stove to bake.

The most primitive alchemy often only requires the most primitive tools.

Wuming sat next to the stove, roughly calculating the time, and took off the pills as soon as the time was up. He felt that it would not kill anyone, so he swallowed the pills in one gulp.

There is no immediate feeling of heat radiating from the stomach after eating. In fact, there is no feeling at all.

The effect of this rough elixir is not particularly obvious. Wuming estimates that it will take at least two days to have any effect. However, he also knows some body-building techniques. With those body-building techniques, he should be able to greatly strengthen this medicine. body.

"I hope there's enough time!"

Wuming looked at the fire and thought to himself.

Unfortunately, energy such as spiritual energy does not exist in this world, and meditation methods cannot be practiced. All he can rely on is his little knowledge of medicine and his talent at this level.

Otherwise, he has many ways to become stronger quickly.

This level is obviously more beneficial to physical cultivation, and I don’t know what Wang Zong’s current situation is.

There is a village under Heihu Village, and many people in Heihu Village come from this village.

In fact, many bandits will go down the mountain to help with farm work in the village when they are not busy.

At this time, the houses in the village were burning with raging fire, and the bodies of the elderly, children, and women fell in a pool of blood, and they all died with their eyes open.

Wang Zong walked to the end of the village with a long knife in hand, his eyes unwavering, and said calmly: "Unfortunately, there are no demons...and no Wuming."

After killing everyone in the Black Tiger Village, he ate to regain his strength, and then went down the mountain to continue killing. As long as everyone in this world was killed, he would not believe that Wuming would not be among them.

By this time he had also realized what his advantages were.

It must be faster, it must be more ruthless, and it must be found before Wuming develops. At least in terms of physical skills, he has an absolute advantage, and Wuming can never beat him.

The longer time goes by, the more variables there will be, and now is not the time to relax.

He left the village and continued walking along the road. Whether they were humans or monsters, they were all his targets for killing, so he didn't need to deliberately look for anything. He could just kill everything he saw that moved.

Half an hour later, there was a scholar squatting on the dark side of the road. He was surprised when he heard someone coming.

Then he quickly stood up and pretended to walk forward, and slowly he saw that the other person was wearing coarse linen clothes, one of his hands was black, and the other hand was stained with blood.

"You don't look like a good person!" The scholar muttered in his heart.

But it doesn’t matter, no matter whether the other party is a good person or not, he is now prey, as long as he is tricked into getting to the king...

The scholar's eyes flickered, and he immediately spoke after the other party approached: "This..."

The sword flashed.

The black energy followed the light of the sword and instantly cut through the scholar.

Wang Zong didn't even look at the scholar and continued to walk forward. He just murmured to himself as he walked: "This one is not nameless either."

In the distance, a tiger opened its eyes slightly, and one of its minions was dead.

It stood up and immediately rushed in the direction it sensed. Half a minute later, it saw a man walking on the road. It originally wanted to pounce on him, but inexplicably sensed the danger and couldn't help but shrink back. Wang Zong glanced at Tiger, and his black hand pulled out a flying knife from his waist. This was the weapon of one of the half-demon in Black Tiger Village. He thought it was pretty good, so he took it with him.

He waved his hand and the flying knife was instantly inserted into the tiger's eye.

"Tiger demon?"

When Wang Zong saw that he failed to kill with one strike, he stopped and showed an interested expression.

If it were an ordinary tiger, this knife would have been shot from the eye socket to the brain. However, this tiger was not an ordinary tiger, but a tiger monster, so it withstood the fatal knife.

But then, Wang Zong stepped forward, easily avoided the tiger demon's attack, and sealed the tiger demon's neck with one knife.

To be honest, with his martial arts attainments, there is no opponent worthy of his attention in this world. Even Wuming will definitely not be able to defeat him in a fair situation.

This level is like a welfare bureau, just kill them violently.

After the tiger demon died, a black gas emerged from the tiger demon. Wang Zong's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately stretched out his black hand. The next moment, the black gas entered his arm, and the black color spread to his right chest.

"So that's it. As long as I continue to kill demons, I will sooner or later become the completely black state of Cheng Tianlu." Wang Zong had an epiphany and silently said.

Then he simply dissected the tiger demon, took all the delicious parts of the tiger demon, and continued to walk along the road.

From the bright moon hanging high to the rising sun, he did not encounter demons or humans again. Perhaps because of the tiger demon's breath, he walked very smoothly all the way.

Finally, he simply found a safe place to take a nap until eight o'clock in the morning, and then continued to set off.

Around noon, he finally came to a county town. The city was bustling with people coming and going. He squinted his eyes, drew his sword and showed a chilling smile, and immediately rushed to the county town.

The city guard was still dozing off when he suddenly heard a scream. He immediately looked up and saw a man rushing over quickly. Wherever he passed, heads rolled and blood splattered.

"Ahhhhh, don't come over here!"

The city guard screamed in fear. The next moment, he saw a flash of blood-red knife light, and then his consciousness fell into darkness.

Countless people were fleeing, and Wang Zong was chasing them alone. Both sides entered the city. Some people drew their swords to resist, and in an instant, the swords were destroyed and people were killed. Some people climbed up trees to avoid it, and a flash of light chased them and instantly blew their heads.

The entire county became chaotic and desperate because of Wang Zong alone.

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