I Contracted Myself

【847】Killed with one blow

"Have you heard?"


"Agou, who works at Cao Shengtang next door, is back..."

At this time, the two villagers saw Wuming coming and immediately stopped to watch Wuming walk by, and then continued to whisper.

Two days had passed in a blink of an eye. Wuming did not do anything extra, but just kept refining medicine, taking medicine, and practicing his body, trying to make his body stronger first.

But the atmosphere in the village today was a bit weird. When he was refining medicine last night, he heard strange cries from the other end of the village.

It's a pity that the people in this village were unwilling to share any topics and information with him. Once they saw him, they would remain silent. It was difficult for him to get more news from these people.

"Although Agou is unconscious and full of nonsense, it seems that something happened in Chuanfeng County."

"Hiss, what can happen in such a big county?"

"Not sure, maybe it was a horse bandit."

After a while, Wuming walked away, and the two villagers continued to discuss in a low voice.

Wuming's character now is open and aboveboard, but to put it bluntly, he is actually lazy. He will not ask about other people's news, nor will he eavesdrop on things that he should not eavesdrop on.

Because of this, he missed a piece of information that is very important to him.

He continued to go up the mountain to collect herbs as planned. This mountain has lush plants and many medicinal herbs, but it also hides some potential dangers, such as poisonous snakes and poisonous insects.

Yesterday he was almost bitten by a poisonous snake. Fortunately, he was sharp-eyed and quick-reacted, avoiding the attack of the poisonous snake, and then caught the poisonous snake and made a snake soup.

Although he hates snakes, he doesn't hate eating snakes.

In fact, he still hated eating snakes before, but time will slowly change a person. Some people will become more and more outstanding with the passage of time, while some people will become more and more mediocre because of the passage of time.

He has been overcoming his various shortcomings, and some shortcomings have indeed been overcome, such as fear of snakes.

Of course, he is not afraid anymore, but he will still stay away from them.

Now he catches and eats snakes because the food this village gives him is too bad. He needs to exercise and must eat meat, so he can't be picky.

"This speed of getting stronger is much slower than I expected."

"I must think of other ways."

Wuming picked a herb and put it in the basket, thinking to himself.

The main reason is that the conditions for refining medicine are too poor. Even if you try your best to preserve the medicinal power, it will only be one tenth of it. It is not so easy to refine real elixirs.

"Since refining medicine doesn't work, then change the direction and use poison!"

Wuming killed a scorpion hidden in the cracks of the stone with a hoe, and looked at the scorpion's poisonous tail, and said fiercely in his heart.

He has also studied poisons. As the saying goes, medicine is three-point poison. Since he can't strengthen himself, he will do whatever it takes to weaken the opponent. It's not bad to use poison.

The sun gradually climbed to the middle of the sky. He sorted out various poisons and prepared to make various poison powders and some poison needles at night.

"Ah ah!!"

Suddenly, a twisted and shrill scream came from the bottom of the mountain.

Wuming stopped what he was doing and slowly looked towards the village, but the distance was too far and he couldn't see the situation in the village clearly.

Such screams were definitely not normal, and they sounded like the wails before death.

Is there an enemy?

Wang Zong?

Wuming put the herbs into the basket and immediately turned around and ran to the familiar area. Then he jumped onto a big rock, made a circle with his hands, and looked at the village with one eye.

In the blur, it seemed that many people were running. What happened?

Did the demon lose control?

Then he heard a few more screams of children.

He thought about it and decided to get closer to see. If it was Wang Zong, he would run. If it was a demon, he would try the medicine prepared by Huangshicao.

Huangshicao seemed to have a certain interference and weakening effect on demons. He had refined some medicines based on Huangshicao in the past two days, which might have an effect on demons.

He went down the mountain quickly, but did not take the road he often took in the past. Instead, he chose a route that was rarely visited, with lush vegetation and easy to hide.

About 20 minutes later, he arrived near the village, but the village was already silent.


Wuming squatted behind a stone, looking at the village in silence.

After a while, a man with a long knife and a black arm walked out. He seemed a little dissatisfied, glanced at the mountains and turned back.

"Is that a bandit?"

Wuming looked at the other person's back and thought to himself.

Yesterday, he did hear news of bandits somewhere. It was said that there was a village that was massacred. Someone in this village went back to her mother's home and found that everyone in her mother's home was dead.

However, he didn't know the specific situation, because the villagers were on guard against him like they were on guard against thieves. He said nothing when he approached the other party.

If it was a bandit, there couldn't be only one bandit.

Wuming observed other places in the village, but didn't find other bandits.

"Something's wrong, super wrong."

The more Wuming observed, the more he felt something was wrong, so he turned around and ran into the mountains. In a house in the village, Wang Zong was observing the back mountain through the cracks in the window. Just now, he vaguely noticed that someone's eyes were on him, but it was very obscure and he couldn't determine the location.

So he turned back to the village and entered this house to observe quietly.

At this time, he saw Wuming quickly going up the mountain. He couldn't help but laugh and said, "So there is still a fish that has slipped through the net, Wuming... could it be you?"

Their appearance is not the same as before, so even if they meet face to face, they can't recognize each other. The reason why Wang Zong kills people when he sees them is actually because he is not sure whether the other party is Wuming.

Instead of guessing, it's better to kill them all.

Wang Zong immediately chopped the window open with a knife, locked Wuming's fast tracking.

On the mountain, Wuming ran with all his strength, and at the same time regretted not making poison first. His physical training was too slow. Even if there was medicine, it would take time to transform into strength. How could poison be useful?

Unfortunately, regretting now is useless. He must escape this disaster first to have a future.


Suddenly, a roar came from the bottom of the mountain, and the bandit chased at a very fast speed.

Not good!

He is Wang Zong!

Wuming's face changed slightly, and he immediately threw away the basket on his back and went into the forest at a faster speed.

But he underestimated Wang Zong's horror. Wang Zong killed people not because he was really bloodthirsty, but to find the demons hidden in humans. He killed indiscriminately in order to strengthen himself.

It must be said that although his plan was simple and crude, it was very useful.

His legs were also pitch black, which was the power provided by the demons he found in the county town.

As a strong physical practitioner, he knew the importance of lower body stability. Moreover, after strengthening his legs, he could fight if he could, and run if he couldn't. The decision was entirely in his hands.

Therefore, after killing the demon, he strengthened his legs.

The distance between the two sides kept getting closer. Even though Wuming was familiar with the terrain and was running around in the mountains and forests, he could not get rid of Wang Zong. Gradually, Wuming felt that his physical strength was not keeping up, while Wang Zong was getting closer and closer.

"Wuming, die!!!"

Wang Zong's face was red with excitement, and his whole body was twisted like a demon.


Wuming looked back at Wang Zong and knew very well in his heart that he could not beat Wang Zong.

He immediately gritted his teeth and accelerated, but the next second there was a sound of a blade cutting through the wind, and a flash of knife light flashed by. His eyes gradually became cross-eyed, and there was a knife in the middle.

Wang Zong slashed into Wuming's head with a knife and immediately laughed wildly.

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