I Contracted Myself

【848】Set traps


The mountain village is silent, with only the sounds of crickets and insects.

In the dark room, Wuming suddenly opened his eyes. He sat up expressionlessly and looked at the old woman opposite.

“There’s only one more Groundhog Day left.”

Wuming touched the bridge of his nose. His head had just been cut open by Wang Zong with a knife, and the knife was stuck on the bridge of his nose. It felt too uncomfortable.

He really didn't expect Wang Zong to be so strong and so fast.

As expected, Wang Zong cannot be underestimated.

Wuming got off the bed and started grinding various herbal powders. Mixing the different powders together, he took action immediately.

Wang Zong will come to this village at noon tomorrow and massacre everyone in the village. If you want to kill Wang Zong, you must set up a trap as soon as possible.

The person living next door to him is the village chief, who is also the village witch doctor.

Originally, Wuming thought that the other party was a priest or something like that, but yesterday he heard someone calling him a witch doctor, but the other party said it very quietly, and Wuming did not hear the specific content clearly.

But according to common sense in the world, witch doctors are not real doctors, but more like masters of poison. Because they can treat poison regardless of family, they have the ability to treat others.

The village chief's house must have a lot of poison. If he had been prepared, he might not have been able to poison Wang Zong.

The problem was that he couldn't tell the village chief that someone would come and kill everyone in the village at noon tomorrow, and even if he did, the village chief wouldn't believe it.

"Village chief, have a good sleep!"

Wuming went to the village chief's house and used a bamboo tube to blow the powder into the house.

About ten minutes later, he slowly walked into the village chief's house. He first glanced at the village chief sleeping in the room, then sniffed around and followed the smell into the pharmacy.

Sure enough, the village chief had a lot of medicinal materials at home, so he dug them out one by one and started mixing them with poison.

However, when he squatted down to look for other poisons, he unexpectedly found a pile of little finger bones. Judging from the size and shape of the bones, these fingers should be the little fingers of adults, and they were all the little fingers of the right hand.

"One, two, three, four, five..."

Wuming counted and found that there were as many as fifteen little finger bones, and these little finger bones all had a characteristic, the ends were slightly curved.

He looked at his little finger, and sure enough, his little finger was also slightly bent. This seemed to be a rare characteristic of herb collectors, at least other villagers did not have this condition.

"Ahem, Ah Sheng, you shouldn't have come in." Suddenly, an old voice came from outside the door.

The village chief woke up faster than Wuming expected. He was holding a cane and looking at Wuming with unkind eyes.

"Sorry, but I'm still here." Wuming stood up and joked with a smile.

The village chief coughed twice more, and then sighed: "Oh, then you just go to die."

Suddenly, an arm covered with strange sarcoma stretched out from the window. Wuming crouched down to avoid it. Then Asheng's head smashed through the window and she looked at Wuming with an almost crazy look.

"Has she always been under your control?" Wuming rolled over and came between the old man and his wife, and couldn't help but ask.

The village chief nodded and said: "Yes, she is my painstaking effort. As long as she is still in the village for one day, she can protect the village from any monsters and monsters. So everyone in the village has to thank me. You can live safely until now, so all of that is It’s my credit!”

"Then do I want to sing... thank you for warming the four seasons?" Wuming asked with a smile.

The village chief still smiled playfully when he saw Wuming. He instinctively felt that something was wrong. His expression changed and he shouted: "Quickly, kill him!"

"It's too late!" Wuming laughed.

Then he popped out an elixir made of yellow stone grass. Mrs. Asheng opened her mouth and immediately swallowed the elixir. Her body froze on the spot.

But it wasn't over yet. Wuming then turned around, grabbed a little powder, and blew it at the village chief.

The village chief stepped back, but still inhaled a little powder. He immediately panicked and asked, "What did you inhale for me? How could you possibly understand this?"

"Guess!" Wuming started packing his things and said without looking back.

The village chief stepped back, his body becoming increasingly uncontrollable. Finally, he sat on the main seat where he usually sat, bleeding from his seven holes and dying.

Ordinary poisons naturally cannot work that quickly.

But this poison is actually combined with the medicine that made the village chief sleepy before. If you just smoke any one of them, you will not be poisoned. One will only make people sleepy, and the other will only make people paralyzed.

And both have very long onset times.

The problem is that if someone is hit by the first poison first, the other one becomes extremely toxic and can kill a person in a very short period of time.

It's a pity that this poison is ineffective against Wang Zong because Wang Zong is too fast.

Even if Wuming was poisoned, Wang Zong would still have enough time to kill him, but he would still lose in the end.

The most important thing for Wuming now is to develop a poison that can take effect quickly. Even if it cannot kill Wang Zong immediately, it must weaken Wang Zong in the shortest possible time.

Now Wang Zong is much stronger than him, both in speed and strength, he is far behind.

Even though he had been outrun by Wang Zong for such a long time, Wang Zong was still able to catch up with him in a very short time, and was able to strike with a knife that he couldn't react in time.

In a head-on confrontation, he had no chance of winning.

Fortunately, the village chief's home has a complete range of medicines, and they are very effective.

Wuming quickly mixed together several poisons, two of which were extremely poisonous, and several others were slowly eroding poisons.

After preparing the poison, he began to set traps in the village. Wang Zong's entry into the village to kill people would inevitably cause great panic. Some poison powder could be lightly added to the walls of the village houses, and when someone ran by, the poison powder would be lifted up.

In some places, the powder would be shaken off the beams when vibrated...

After completing a series of arrangements, he returned to the village chief's house, first moved the village chief back to the room, wiped the blood off his face, and made the village chief look like he was sleeping.

Then he moved his mother back to the house and stuffed several pills made of yellow stone grass into her at once to prevent the other party from losing control of the village chief and killing people.

After completing the initial arrangements, he quietly left the village and went up the mountain to prepare other traps.

Wang Zong is very strong, but this kind of strength is only strong relative to him. In fact, if we really evaluate it according to the level of the heavens and the worlds, Wang Zong is only about level four or five now, but Wang Zong's martial arts attainments are much stronger than his, so he is in a state of crushing.

If they were prepared in advance, it would be hard to say who would kill whom.

Dig a hole, catch a poisonous snake and throw it into the hole, then cover the hole with soil...

Sometimes, the simplest trap can have unexpected effects, but considering Wang Zong's dark legs, this trap may not be safe enough.

He thought about it and cut a sharp stick and put it in the trap to see if he could poke Wang Zong's back door.

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