I Contracted Myself

【849】Evil spirits

Humao Village.

This is a small village located by the lake.

Because tiger hair can often be found by the lake, it is simply called Humao Village.

There are not many villagers in Humao Village, with a total of only fifty households, and there is a custom of intermarriage with neighboring villages. Girls in the village often marry to neighboring villages, and boys in the village marry girls from neighboring villages.

Because the villages are all related and move around frequently, any big or small things around can quickly spread to various villages through the mouths of gossips.

Tonight, a young man who went to the city to attend the market escaped from the county town and said that there was a demon in the county who killed people. The big demon in the county could not stop it and was killed by the big demon.

The village chief felt bad, so he ordered the old and young women and children in the village to hide in the cellar, and the young and strong gathered together to prevent the demon from coming to the door.

In fact, everyone was still lucky at this time, thinking that it was impossible to be so coincidental.

How could this big demon come to their own village?

The young men, armed with sticks, hoes, and long knives, were lying in ambush in the courtyards of the village. The agile young man lay on the top of the courtyard, observing the surroundings with his eyes.

Hu Daniu, holding a sturdy stick, approached the old village chief and whispered, "Village chief, it's late at night, why don't you go to the back room to rest? The demon probably doesn't like our broken Humao Village and won't come."

"I heard a saying from a boatman before, that it's better to be safe than sorry. Tonight is safe and sound, but I'm afraid that the murderous demon will follow the smell." The village chief sighed.

"The bloody rain and the smelly phoenix are intoxicating, and the knife is refreshing to cut the filthy bag."

"Today's murderous nature is wild, which really fits the magic family's idea..."

At this time, a strange song came from a distance, and Hu Daniu's face changed slightly, and he immediately looked out of the village through the window.

A man with a black arm and a black leg walked slowly with a knife. He sang loudly and his posture was unrestrained, which gave Hu Daniu a feeling of being bold and unrestrained.

At this time, the man with the knife stopped and seemed to have noticed the villagers ambushing around. He laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha, one village after another, one person after another, there are so many heads, Wuming come out!!!!!!!"

"No, he is the demon!" A young man said with a changed face.

Because Wang Zong would shout "Wuming" when killing people, this has almost become his nightmare.

Sure enough, the next moment Wang Zong suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Humao Village. A flash of knife light flashed by, and a villager who was peeking through the window suddenly fell down with a muffled groan, and his eyes had been pierced by an iron needle.

"The demon is coming, everyone be careful, quickly form a formation and surround him." Hu Daniu roared and rushed out of the yard with a long stick in his hand.

Dozens of young men came out of different courtyards, holding weapons and waving them randomly, but they all faced Wang Zong as a whole. Unfortunately, this formation was too weak for Wang Zong.

Wang Zong jumped up, stepped on a stick and jumped again, then landed on a man's head. He kicked hard with his black leg, and the man's head was stepped into his neck.

He jumped down, turned around and slashed with a crescent-shaped scimitar. The spines of four or five villagers were cut off and they fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Then he ran quickly and killed the strongest young man in the village with a few knives.

"Are you Wuming?"

He rushed to Hu Daniu and asked with a distorted face.

Hu Daniu's eyes were red, and he cursed: "I... am your father!"

"It seems not!"

Wang Zong's complexion recovered immediately, and then he killed Hu Daniu.

"Ah ah ah ah, Uncle Daniu, I'm going to fight you." A handsome boy saw Hu Daniu being killed and rushed to Wang Zong angrily.

Wang Zong coldly avoided the attack of the hoe, and then cut off the boy's neck with a knife.


Without Wuming, it's really boring.

Wang Zong looked forward to finding Wuming every time, but when he realized that Wuming was not in the village, he began to feel bored.

The knife fell, the knife fell, the knife fell...

The young people in the village fell one after another, some were disemboweled, some were beheaded, and some were cut in half...

Wang Zong slowly walked to the village chief, who cursed with tears and blood in his eyes: "You will not die well, you will die without a burial place, you will die..."


Wang Zong sighed, waved the knife casually, and turned to leave.

He moved his nose, followed the smell to find the cellar, and then whistled into the cellar. After a tragic cry and scream, Humao Village returned to peace again.

"Wuming, I'm getting closer to you!"

Wang Zong walked out of the cellar covered in blood, wiped the blood off his face, and smiled faintly. Although this method of elimination is troublesome and inefficient, it is the fastest way he can think of. He must find Wuming before Wuming grows up.

After leaving Humao Village, he headed towards the next village.

He planned to slaughter the towns and villages around the Black Tiger Village first, and then slowly expand the scope, killing them in circles. In this way, he could kill monsters to improve his strength, and find the key and search for Wuming by the way, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

There are roads between these counties and villages that are trampled by pedestrians day after day. He continued to walk along the road without worrying about getting lost.

Compared to killing, he actually prefers the feeling of being on the road, because every step contains his expectations.

It would be great if Wuming could be found in the next village.

After that, Wang Zong walked for nearly two hours. He felt a little tired, so he sat on the side of the road and took out the water bag to drink water, and then took out the dried meat he had robbed from the county town.

"My good man, do you think I look like a human?"

At this time, a yellow-skinned fox came out of the bushes and asked in a hoarse voice.

It is not like the ordinary yellow-skinned fox, which is only about 20 to 40 cm in size. It is almost the same size as a fox, and looks weird and scary.

Wang Zong looked at the yellow-skinned fox and suddenly smiled. The yellow-skinned fox suddenly opened his eyes wide and his heart trembled violently.

Ten minutes later, Wang Zong's other leg was also half black. He continued to walk forward with satisfaction, leaving the bloody yellow-skinned monster staring at the sky with his eyes wide open.

There are still several villages around. Wang Zong thinks that if he works hard, he can kill them all tomorrow night.

He walked forward for another half an hour, and a village suddenly appeared in front of him, but this village was quite weird. White lanterns were hung in front of every household, and the whole village exuded a weird atmosphere.

"Let's fight!"

Wang Zong didn't care about the strangeness of the village at all. He kicked open the door of a house as soon as he entered the village, and then started to kill people.

The fierce ghosts were destroyed by the black air on Wang Zong's knife before they could do anything. In a blink of an eye, they turned into a wisp of black air and dispersed, but soon gathered on Wang Zong's arm again.

"So it's a ghost village, that's great!"

Wang Zong immediately realized that this village was not a normal village, and laughed happily.

The ghosts in the surrounding houses all had a bad feeling. The guests who came this time seemed a bit fierce...

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