I Contracted Myself

【850】Fatal Brain

Throughout the night, Wuming laid various traps in the mountains and carefully memorized how to trigger each trap.

However, he still felt that it was not safe enough, and he always felt that his energy was insufficient, so he continued to dig herbs and prepared to make more preparations before Wang Zong arrived.

"Wang Zong's speed at that time was definitely abnormal. This shows that he has mastered the correct way to become stronger in this world."

"It's a pity that I don't know how to become stronger in this world, otherwise I could make some preparations."

In the previous level, he knew how to strengthen himself after dying at least once.

This time he didn't even know how to strengthen himself. Only two days later, he was approached by Wang Zong, who was developing faster. He could only try his best to do everything he could, and the rest could only be left to luck.

He slowly climbed up to the top of the mountain and glanced at the other side of the mountain. Unfortunately, there was nothing special about this side. He sighed, grabbed a poisonous snake hidden in the tree, and prepared to put it in a trap for Wang Zong to add. A dish.

The sun gradually climbed into the sky, and the scorching sunlight fell on the earth.

Wuming hid in the forest and waited quietly, while configuring various medicinal powders over and over again to ensure nothing went wrong.

"It's time to come."

Wuming suddenly stopped what he was doing and listened to the sounds below the village.

Sure enough, a scream came from the village. He sighed, but did nothing. He knew very well that he could not save the people in this village.

If he can save someone, he will usually lend a helping hand.

But if he can't be saved, then he will choose to endure it and wait until hope appears.

Finally, everyone in the village was dead. Wang Zong came out of the village, glanced at the mountains at the end of the village, and then walked towards the mountains.

"Hey, are you coming directly this time?" Wuming was a little surprised when he saw Wang Zong walking towards the mountain.

But soon he thought of the reason why Wang Zong changed his actions. He killed the village chief last night. This was a big suspicion. Wang Zong probably sensed something was wrong, so he became suspicious.


At this time, Wang Zong jumped onto a big rock at the foot of the mountain, opened his mouth and shouted.

"You shouldn't have come!" Wuming jumped onto a tree, looked down at Wang Zong, and said calmly.

Wang Zong's eyes lit up, his face began to distort, and black veins protruded from under his skin. He said excitedly: "You are hiding here, I have to go through such a hard time looking for you!"

"I'm sorry, I have no interest in you as a defeated general. I'm just doing what I want to do, but I haven't avoided you from the beginning to the end." Wuming provoked.

Although he was actually avoiding Wang Zong, after all Wang Zong was much stronger than him.

But when it was time to be tough, Wuming was absolutely tough and would not admit that he was afraid of Wang Zong even to death.

This is called strategically despising the enemy and tactically focusing on the enemy.

He has done everything he can, and now it's time to verify the results.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth!"

Wang Zong was shocked by Wu Ming, so he jumped with force on his legs and rushed towards Wu Ming quickly.

But he just stepped on a stone, who knew that the stone was very loose. Suddenly his foot slipped and he fell heavily to the ground. A lot of powder happened to be where he fell, so he was caught off guard and took a sip. Poison powder.

"Wu Ming, is this your trick?"

Wang Zong got up, roared angrily, and then rushed towards Wuming at a faster speed.

"Aren't you ashamed that someone as big as me has to rely on others to fall down?" Wuming said with a smile.

The black tendons on Wang Zong's forehead jumped and jumped, looking very angry. He gritted his teeth and rushed upward. Who knew there was a small pit on the ground? He sunk his foot into it and immediately felt something on the sole of his foot.

He pulled out his leg and found that his leg was entangled with a snake. Fortunately, his leg was strengthened and the poisonous snake did not bite his skin.

At this time, he also reacted and realized that the reason why Wuming appeared in this direction and in this position deliberately was to lure him into a trap that the other party had arranged in advance.


"Is this really my first time here?"

Wang Zong suddenly had an idea. Maybe this was not the first time.

Perhaps, he had already come once and even killed Wuming once, but because Wuming was the winner of the previous level, he retained the talent of turning back time.

This is the second time, or even the third time...

Wang Zong suddenly relaxed. He looked up at Wuming and smiled: "Wuming, how does it feel to have your head cut off? I said, I will cut off your head. Even if you can go back in time, you should still remember your head. Does it feel like being chopped off?”

"What are you talking about? Sorry, I don't understand." Wuming said with a smile. Wang Zong walked up step by step and analyzed: "This is definitely not the first time I have come to this village. You may not have been so well-prepared last time, so you lost to me and was killed by me.

It’s just that you have the talent to turn back time, so you have the opportunity to start over again. Am I right? "

Suddenly, he slashed out with his sword, and a thin rope in the bushes nearby was immediately cut off, and a trap was easily destroyed by him.

After calming down, he can easily detect some traps and avoid them.

He slowly walked towards the other side of the mountain and said: "The whole mountain is so big. I don't believe you can set up all the traps. You seem to be safe now, but in fact you are a turtle in a urn and you have no way out!"

"Then you can try and see who is the turtle in the urn!" Wuming said with a smile.

Wang Zong looked at Wuming deeply, but did not act rashly. Last time, perhaps he also realized that time had flowed backwards once, and then used this to kill Wuming.

But Wuming can also flow backwards. Assuming that this is the third time, Wuming probably knows much more information than him. Even if Wuming is weaker than him, he can still kill him by using the advantage in intelligence. After all, the other party is Wuming.

He will not underestimate Wuming.

First of all, he has to figure out which time it is, and how many traps Wuming has set up on this mountain.

He looked up and observed the mountain, and found that this mountain was indeed unusual, with unusually dense trees and a large number of flowers and plants filling the road. In addition to some obvious traps, there are probably many hidden traps. Those traps are Wuming's real killer moves.


Suddenly, Wang Zong felt a little uncomfortable, so he coughed subconsciously a few times.

His face changed slightly immediately. He took a deep breath and noticed something strange in his body. He thought to himself, "I've been poisoned, and it's not just one poison, but at least three."

"Wuming, you actually used the lives of the people in that village to plot against me. It seems that the rumors from the outside world cannot be trusted. You are as cruel as me!" He lowered his eyes and looked at Wuming.

Wuming looked at Wang Zong calmly and said, "Moral kidnapping is useless to me. You killed the person, so it can't be blamed on me. You are talking nonsense to me now. Are you...scared?"

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