I Contracted Myself

【851】The real killer move


Why would I be afraid?

Wang Zong's eyes suddenly flashed with ferocity, and the evil thoughts in his heart were like a raging fire, which could not be stopped.

He took a step forward, his body swept through a lot of weeds, and rushed forward at a very fast speed. Then he stepped into the air and fell into a big pit quickly. There were not only poisonous snakes but also a lot of spikes under the big pit.

However, this trap was like a farce to him. He kicked the wall with one foot, bounced quickly between the walls with the force, and then got out of the big pit.

"If this is all you can do, wash your neck!" Wang Zong glanced at Wuming and charged again.

Wuming looked at Wang Zong who was approaching him at a very fast speed, and couldn't help sighing in his heart. It seems that Wang Zong has a deep grudge against him. The psychological impact of the previous level on Wang Zong should be not small.

But now at this distance, it is already a bit dangerous.

Wuming came down from the tree canopy and immediately fled into the forest. Wang Zong saw this scene and yelled, "Don't run," and accelerated again to chase.

This rhythm was very similar to the last time. Wuming knew that his speed was far inferior to Wang Zong. He turned left and right in the forest, and powder was constantly spilled from behind him. Wang Zong couldn't help but inhale a small amount of powder.

Suddenly, Wang Zong pulled out a flying knife and threw it at Wuming, but Wuming had been on guard and easily avoided the attack of the flying knife by using trees.

Just as Wang Zong wanted to get closer, a trap on a tree was triggered, and a large amount of poison powder fell from the sky. He immediately dodged to the side quickly, avoiding most of the poison powder.

Wuming had to thank the old village chief. If it weren't for the large amount of medicinal materials in the old village chief's pharmacy, he wouldn't have been able to prepare so much poison powder.

"Damn it!"

Wang Zong patted the poison powder on his body, gritted his teeth and continued to chase forward, but after running for a while, he felt itchy all over his body.

With his willpower, he could bear it no matter how itchy it was, but the itching of the skin did distract him a lot, so that he couldn't speed up.

Wuming shook off Wang Zong for a distance, looked back at Wang Zong, and said with a smile: "How is my itching powder, is it comfortable?"

"Wait a minute, I will twist your head off." Wang Zong said hatefully.

Wuming smiled and said: "If you can, but... I will go back in time and do it again. By the way, I can go back in time five times in a day. What do you think your chances are?"

"Then I will kill you five times!" Wang Zong's heart sank slightly, and he was a little upset, but his mouth was very hard.

As the winner of the previous level, Wuming has a huge advantage in this level. Five chances are enough for Wuming to make every possible effort. No matter what reaction he makes, it may be within Wuming's expectations.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know how many times Wuming has experienced it, but judging from the situation of being hit every time, he should have experienced it at least twice, which means that he has to kill Wuming three times to completely kill Wuming and win this level.

It's too difficult.

But Wang Zong must face the difficulties.

Wuming continued to run, laughing in his heart. It seemed that Wang Zong believed it.

Although he actually only had one chance to start over, he deliberately said it was five times, the purpose was to put more pressure on Wang Zong. As for why he didn't say more chances, it was naturally for authenticity.

It couldn't be that his talent was particularly abnormal and Wang Zong's talent was particularly mediocre.

If he exaggerated his ability, Wang Zong only needed to compare his first-level talent to detect the flaw, and five times was just right, only two more than the original talent, no more and no less, Wang Zong basically couldn't see through it.

He led Wang Zong to continue to move forward on the mountain. On the way, Wang Zong fell into a trap again and lost one eye.

However, Wuming admired Wang Zong very much, and he only lost one eye.

Because this time's trap was different from the previous ones, he dug a pit, buried a lot of dead leaves in it, and then sprinkled a lot of poison powder, and finally prepared a fire starter.

As long as the trap was triggered, the whole pit would explode instantly, and poisonous fire and poisonous smoke would erupt at the fastest speed.

Wang Zong avoided the poisonous fire and was only burned by the poisonous smoke. As a result, one of his eyes was blinded, and at the same time, the severe pain burned his nerves continuously.

"Guess how many traps there are ahead, how many can you avoid?" Wuming put pressure on Wang Zong while running.

Then, as if he was afraid that Wang Zong would run away, he said again: "Then guess how many traps are waiting for you on the way back?"

"Humph, you can't disturb me, I will kill you!" Wang Zong said coldly.

In fact, he had no way back. As Wuming said, there were endless traps in this mountain. He could only go all the way and kill Wuming at all costs.

As for what happened after killing Wuming, we will talk about it later!

Suddenly, Wuming stopped in front, and Wang Zong narrowed his one eye and stopped as well, not daring to approach Wuming rashly.

"Although I am not good at close combat, and my boxing skills are my weakest point, why are you so confident that you can beat me?" Wuming turned around, holding the herb-picking hoe in one hand, and took out a knife from behind the stone next to him with the other hand.

The knife was poisoned, and the blade emitted colorful light.

Wuming silently thanked the old village chief for his gift. He set up traps and went back and forth to the old village chief's house several times, and found this knife on the last trip.

This knife is very good, much better than the knife Wang Zong is using now.

At this time, Wang Zong's physical fitness had been weakened by various toxins, and his blind eye also caused him to have obvious flaws. Wuming felt that he could compete with Wang Zong.

"Haha, even if I am poisoned and blind, Wuming... in my eyes, you are just a traitor, and your head is at your fingertips!" Wang Zong sneered when he saw Wuming actually wanted to fight with him.

Wuming said calmly: "Let's see who is the real traitor."

Then he looked at Wang Zong, and Wang Zong also looked at him, but neither of them moved first.

"Come on!"

"Humph, you come first!"

"Isn't my head at your fingertips? Come here!"

"You are a sinister villain, you must be plotting something again, come and fight if you want to fight!"

Wuming raised his middle finger to Wang Zong, and Wang Zong showed a disdainful expression, raised his thumb to Wuming, and then lowered his thumb to express his disdain.

As a result, the two stood there and cursed each other, and no one moved.

"Sure enough, he's scared!"

"Sure enough, Wuming, that bastard, has other plans. I'm afraid there are other traps there!"

The two looked at each other, each with their own thoughts. After the quarrel, they fell into a strange silence. Neither side was in a hurry to attack.

Two minutes later, Wuming suddenly threw the knife and said, "Okay, time's up."

"Time's up?"

Wang Zong was shocked and immediately looked around.

But the next moment he felt dizzy and fell back involuntarily. He immediately stuck the knife into the ground to support his body and gritted his teeth and said, "What did you do?"

"I spent a whole night pouring poison on this land. Now the sun is so good, how do you think the poison will be released?" Wuming asked with a smile.

Wang Zong's face was livid and he said, "So you never thought of competing with me?"

"I thought about it, but the competition is just to delay time, but I didn't expect you to be so cowardly." Wuming said with a mocking smile.

If Wang Zong came over bravely, he might not be able to hold on for two minutes before being killed by Wang Zong, and all his calculations would be useless.

But he didn't expect that Wang Zong, because he was afraid of him, stood still and didn't move, allowing him to spend the most important two minutes comfortably.

At this moment, all the poisons in Wang Zong's body were like a general in the army, and they broke out almost at the same time. Wang Zong bit his gums tightly, but in the end he couldn't hold on, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell to the ground.

He looked at Wuming unwillingly, feeling helpless. If Wuming didn't retain the talent of the previous level, he would win this level!

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