I Contracted Myself

【852】Answer and God of Cookery

Wang Zong died.

But the test of the second level was not over.

Wuming chopped off Wang Zong's head to ensure that Wang Zong died completely. Then a lot of black gas came out of Wang Zong's body. Wuming thought about it and gently touched the black gas with his hand. The next moment, all the black gas quickly poured into his arm.

Starting from his arm, black spots continued to spread until they spread to his waist before stopping.

"My strength has improved a lot, and my physical fitness has also improved."

Wuming clenched his fists and quickly judged his current strength level. He dragged Wang Zong's body to a big pit and threw the body into the pit. Then he turned back and picked up Wang Zong's head and threw it into the pit.

There were already a lot of dead leaves in the pit. Wuming lit a fire with a fire stick and watched Wang Zong's body burn into ashes bit by bit. Then he covered the big pit with soil.

"The next step is to find the key and the door to the world!"

Wuming slowly went down the mountain. Without the threat of Wang Zong, he felt relieved.

But he couldn't really relax next. He went back to the village to collect various resources, and then he left the village with a knife on his back and headed for the town.

The old village chief had a very simple animal skin map at home, which marked the surrounding mountains, rivers and towns.

Wuming planned to go to a town called Wanglai City to see if there were any clues to the key or the door to the secluded world.

From the simple map, Wanglai City was already the largest city in the surrounding area, because the pattern of the city was the largest on the map, and other towns and villages were like stars guarding around Wanglai City.

Ten days later, Wuming returned to his original village in disgrace.

He was regarded as Wang Zong by many people, and all the crimes of Wang Zong were pinned on him, so he was hunted down by people from all sides before he even reached Wanglai City.

If he was really Wang Zong, it is estimated that those pursuers would have been killed long ago.

But he was not, and he didn't kill indiscriminately, so there were more and more pursuers. When he ran to Wanglai City, there were already hundreds of people chasing him. He killed the demons in Wanglai City and finally got some news.

Afterwards, he wandered around and found that the key was in his village, and the location of the secluded door happened to be in the Black Tiger Village.

"I never thought... After going around in circles, the key is right in front of me."

Wuming sighed in his heart as he looked at the dilapidated house because no one lived in it.

Then he walked to the house where he lived before, drew his sword and slowly walked into the house. A thick arm immediately stretched out from the house. He blocked the arm with his sword and stepped back.

A strange-looking demon slowly walked out of the house, its face twisted, half cruel and cold, half kind and compassionate.

"Be good, it will be over in a moment!"

Wuming looked at the demon and said lightly.

The next moment, he suddenly disappeared, and before the demon could react, he cut the demon to death with a knife from behind.

During this period, he also killed a lot of demons, and with the power he got from Wang Zong, even the big demon in Wanglai City could not withstand his knife.

Although he could not beat Wang Zong in close combat, it was not because he was too weak, but because Wang Zong was too strong.

In fact, compared to most people, Wuming's martial arts is already very strong. For a person with a combat power of only 10, whether the enemy's combat power is 500 or 1000, there is actually no difference, and no difference can be felt.

At this time, the demon fell to the ground, and black gas gradually emerged from the demon. Wuming reached out to touch the black gas, and the black gas immediately flowed into his arm. Then a vortex appeared on his chest, and a light shot out from the darkness, forming a spiral door in the sky.

Cheng Tianshen is the carrier of the secluded door, and Asheng Lao Niang is the carrier of the key. You only need to kill both and collect the black gas to open the secluded door and enter the next level.

In fact, there are many information in the Black Tiger Village that implicitly point out that Cheng Tianshen is the carrier of the secluded door, but Wang Zong did not collect information at all, but violently passed the level.

From the beginning, this level is very simple.

The two can kill the demon in various ways, and then find each other and duel... The winner enters the next level, and the loser loses a life.

It was just that Wang Zong’s fighting power was too strong, and he killed Cheng Tianshen as a mortal, and everything went wrong.

Wuming was led astray by Wang Zong, and finally ran back to find the correct answer.

It can only be said that Wang Zong is a game experience destroyer.

The third level.

Wuming and Wang Zong opened their eyes at the same time, and then they looked at each other with vigilance.

But then they found that they were actually in the universe, and countless huge sweet potato balls, fish balls, beef balls, and hamburgers were suspended in space like stars, and some huge radishes flew around like meteorites.

In front of the eyes, the whole space was full of strange foods.

The woman's voice sounded again: "Third floor, player Wuming, welcome to the food channel.

The God of Food is about to wake up from his slumber. The hungry God of Food will eat a lot. Please prepare your food within a week. If the God of Food is satisfied, he will spare your life.

While making food, you cannot attack player Wang Zong, and player Wang Zong cannot attack you either. Please concentrate on making your own delicious food!

If you get the approval of the God of Food, you will get the favor of the God of Food. Please seize the opportunity."

Wuming frowned slightly, then looked at Wang Zong, who also frowned and looked over. Both of them felt it was very tricky, because the test of this level was actually cooking.

"Humph, you're lucky!" Wang Zong said indifferently.

Wuming laughed and said, "Don't you realize that our strength is not affected by any rules at all now? That is to say... it's easy for me to kill you now!"

"Then kill me!" Wang Zong raised his head and said sarcastically.

Wuming said calmly, "Speaking of which, I have also studied cooking. Although I dare not say how delicious it is, it should not be a problem to beat you."

"It's just the way of cooking. One week is enough." Wang Zong said confidently.

At this time, the halo protecting the two disappeared, Wuming turned and left, Wang Zong gritted his teeth and immediately flew towards a meatball planet.

"This guy's mind is too simple."

Wuming saw Wang Zong flying away, and then stopped, turned around and watched Wang Zong disappear on the meatball planet.

The most urgent task now is to find out what the God of Food is.

If the Shikigami is a human, then they must develop food for humans, but what if the God of Food is a dung beetle?

Wuming's mental power swept the surrounding space, and suddenly found a group of rabbits living on a huge radish, so he quickly flew to the radish.

The other rabbits scattered in a hurry. One rabbit ran slowly and fell to the ground. When he saw Wuming coming, he immediately covered his head and crouched down to defend himself, shouting in fear: "Don't kill me, I don't want to become braised rabbit head, sauced rabbit meat, oven-dried rabbit meat, stewed rabbit meat, sticky rabbit meat, braised rabbit meat, loose rabbit meat, jarred rabbit meat, roasted rabbit meat, big rabbit meat, grilled rabbit meat, red rabbit elbow..."

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