I Contracted Myself

【853】Family cuisine

Originally, Wuming had never thought of eating rabbit, but this rabbit named a bunch of dishes, and Wuming felt that he would be sorry if he didn't eat it.

He swallowed his saliva and said, "I ask, you answer, if your answer doesn't satisfy me, I will eat red rabbit elbow today!"

"Sir, I will answer everything I know!" The fat rabbit said excitedly, thinking that he could survive.

Wuming sat cross-legged on the ground and asked, "Have you seen the God of Food?"

"God of Food? No, I have never seen the God of Food, but it is said that the God of Food is the biggest evil god in the world. Once awakened, he will eat all the food in the world. It's terrible." The rabbit said tremblingly.

Wuming was a little surprised that the God of Food was actually an evil god in this world.

He then asked, "Do you know what the God of Food looks like?"

"I don't know, but there is a legend that it is a very big mouth that can swallow the whole world in one bite." The rabbit replied.

Wuming took out a spoon and simply dug a piece of the radish ground. He put the spoon into his mouth, tasted the radish, and asked: "Do you usually eat this radish?"

"Yes, the big radish is our food." The rabbit nodded.

Wuming asked curiously: "Although this radish is very big, it will be eaten one day. When the radish is eaten, won't you rabbits be finished?"

"My lord, in fact, this radish is just our temporary spaceship. It will take us to the plant star, and the seeds will take root and sprout on the plant star, and then return to the other end of the radish star with new varieties of radishes. In this way, the radish will be more and more delicious.

Because our rogue rabbit family lost the fight with the black hand rabbit, we had to leave the radish star and take this radish to settle on the plant star." The rabbit answered carefully.

It can also be like this!

Wuming was a little surprised. He asked curiously, "How do you know so many rabbit meat dishes?"

"Sir, this is a punishment. One of my brothers was caught by the black-handed rabbit and was made into braised rabbit meat and sent to the tiger royal family." The rabbit replied.

Wuming said speechlessly, "So the punishment for you rabbits is to make your own kind into dishes? How cruel."

"Yeah, how cruel." The rabbit nodded in agreement.

Wuming continued, "But, I really want to try what rabbit meat made by rabbits tastes like."

"Sir, please don't say such terrible things." The rabbit was horrified.

Wuming smiled and said, "Then can you tell me how to avoid being eaten by the God of Food? Since there is a legend that can be passed down, it means that your rabbit clan must know how to avoid being eaten, right?"

"Sir, you must swear first that you will not harm our rogue rabbit clan before I can answer your question." The rabbit said hesitantly.

Wuming looked at the rabbit and suddenly laughed. He analyzed: "Your words are enough to show that your rogue rabbit clan must have some kind of treasure, and this treasure is enough to ensure that you can be safe in the mouth of the God of Food."

"My Lord!!!" The rabbit was frightened and his hair stood up.

Wuming smiled: "Okay, I promise you, at least if I have a comprehensive method, I will definitely not attack your rogue rabbit clan, and maybe I will help you solve the black hand rabbit."


The rabbit's eyes suddenly sparkled, as if he saw the scene of himself leading the rogue rabbit family back to the carrot star.

"Of course, I never tell lies." Wuming smiled with narrowed eyes.

The rabbit immediately said: "Every family that can continue to this day has mastered a legendary family dish. As long as the family dish is offered to the God of Food, it can avoid being eaten by the God of Food!"

"Family dish?" Wuming nodded and asked: "What is your family dish?"

The rabbit hesitated and answered: "Braised rabbit head!"

"This answer is too hellish." Wuming couldn't help but complain.

The rabbit said helplessly: "This is a necessary sacrifice. Sacrificing a rabbit can save the whole clan. I believe the sacrificed rabbit will understand."

"Have you not thought of other ways for so many years, such as developing other dishes?" Wuming asked curiously.

The rabbit replied: "It's too difficult. Legend has it that the God of Food will only let us go if he eats satisfactory food, but only the God of Food knows the specific standards. If the food presented is not liked by the God of Food, it will also cause the extermination of the clan. No rabbit dares to bet."

"Then can you cook family dishes?" Wuming asked.

The rabbit replied: "Of course, every rabbit has to learn family dishes, so as not to fail to cook them when needed. This is a legacy from generation to generation."

"Then cook for me to try, so that I can know what's going on." Wuming smiled.

As he spoke, he took out the processed rabbit from the storage space. The rabbit was frightened and retreated when he saw the corpse of the same kind.

"Don't worry, this rabbit was not killed by me, nor is it from your clan. Just treat it as... a distant relative?" Wuming said with a smile while holding the rabbit.

The rabbit roared, "This joke is not funny at all."

Wuming put away the smile on his face and asked, "Then will you do it?"

"Uh... I will do it!" The rabbit immediately answered tactfully.

Next, it took Wuming back to its carrot hole. After preparing the ingredients, it cut the rabbit very skillfully and processed various ingredients.

"How can you be so skilled?" Wuming asked in surprise.

The rabbit explained without looking back, "I learned it from fighting with the black-handed rabbit. None of the black-handed rabbits are good."

Half an hour later, it served the braised rabbit head.

It looked at Wuming with burning eyes. Wuming took out his chopsticks. He felt uncomfortable being stared at by it and couldn't help suggesting: "Why don't you turn around? I can't eat if you look at me."

"Yes, sir." The rabbit turned around honestly.

Wuming immediately picked up a piece of rabbit meat with chopsticks and put it in his mouth. In an instant, he felt that the whole world had changed drastically. The taste of the rabbit meat was completely stimulated. He was like a little rabbit running on the grassland. The spring breeze blew and he was intoxicated. It was indescribable.

After a while, he swallowed the rabbit meat and sighed: "I'm afraid I will never be able to eat such delicious rabbit meat again. It's a pity that I couldn't bring Mamakini."

He had to admit that the family dish that could save the clan was really awesome.

At the same time, he was a little troubled, because with his cooking skills, it was unlikely that he could innovate and make a dish comparable to this braised rabbit head.

Now he only has two options left. One is to study it thoroughly and try every possible means to develop a delicacy that can rival the family dish.

The other option is to find a family and force them to teach him how to cook the family dish, and then wipe out the family after he learns how to cook it, so as to ensure that this family dish is his own.

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