I Contracted Myself


never mind.

Wuming still gave up the idea of ​​taking over other families, after all, he still had one more Groundhog Day to use.

If the God of Cookery is really dissatisfied by then, he can go back to the previous day, attack and kill other families to seize the family food, and do it again.

At least now he has not reached the end of his rope. It is better not to break through some of the bottom lines.

Saying goodbye to the rabbit, Wuming flew towards a beef ball planet. According to the information provided by the rabbit, most of the creatures on the beef ball planet were carnivores.

Not only do these carnivores eat the beef pellets themselves, but they also hunt each other.

Wuming landed on the surface of the beef ball planet and found that the beef ball was very clean. Not only was there no dust around it, but there was also no animal feces.

Do the animals in this world eat without pooping?

Wuming thought silently, then he flew up and appeared in front of a group of lions in the blink of an eye. These lions were not lions from the earth, but more like cartoon images.

Normally these lions walk on all fours, but they get up when necessary and can hold on like humans.

This is a completely distorted image, which is very different from normal animals.

The unknown appearance made a male lion jump up in fright. It was eating a steak just now. With its violent movements, the steak suddenly fell from the plate to the ground.

It quickly stuck its fork into the steak and breathed a sigh of relief when it saw that the steak was not dirty.

The surrounding lions surrounded him one after another, all staring at Wuming with evil eyes.

"Can you cook a family dish for me once?" Wuming looked at the lions with a smile and asked.

He didn't lie to Wang Zong, he was indeed good at cooking. To pass the time during the rescue team, he also specialized in many dishes.

Of course, his skills definitely did not meet the standards of the God of Cookery, not even comparable to those of the chefs in Dahuang City.

He had to admit that it was precisely because the fast food industry in the world was so developed that he had not cooked by himself for a long time. Basically, he could order takeout directly for whatever he wanted, and it would arrive in seconds, which was faster than cooking it himself. It’s much faster and tastier.

But now comes trouble.

Because he hasn't cooked for a long time and his skills are much worse, even if he learns family cooking, it will be difficult for him to keep up with these guys who have undergone rigorous training.

"Human, I've never eaten a human before, come on!" the lion roared, drooling.

Then Wuming punched these lions one by one, knocking them all down neatly. Then he squatted on the ground, looked at the lion whose head was constantly having stars, and asked: "Is it okay now? Or... do you want to eaten?"

"Sir, I will do it, I will do it." The lion nodded quickly.

Wuming asked curiously: "What is your family's dish?"

"Braised lion's head!" replied the lion.

Wuming was silent for a moment, and then said: "Fortunately, at least the braised lion head does not actually have a lion head."

Next, the male lion and the lioness cooperated to cook the braised lion head together. Some of the ingredients that they needed to spend time collecting, Wuming simply took out from the storage space, saving a lot of preparation time.

An hour later, a braised lion's head the size of a basketball was placed in front of Wuming. The lion said respectfully: "Sir, please taste it. This is the family dish of our lazy lion clan, braised lion's head!"


Wuming nodded, took out a spoon and started tasting.

Sure enough, when he took his first bite of the braised lion's head, the ultimate deliciousness immediately exploded on his tongue. It was so delicious that he had no other thoughts except eating.

He ate in big mouthfuls and ate the whole braised lion's head in a blink of an eye. He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh after a while.

Mamakini, I want it too!

Wuming burst into tears at the thought of never being able to eat such delicious braised lion head again.

But then he thought of one thing. Now his strength has not been sealed, which means... he can use it without a name!

The next moment, he opened his eyes and immediately shot a golden light at the lions. The lions roared one after another, thinking that Wuming would fall out after eating the family food. The male lion lay on the ground with his butt in the air and yelled: "Despicable human beings, a little bit." Not trustworthy."

But after the golden light dissipated, it discovered that it was not injured.

"Lion character?"

Wuming first wrote the word "lion" and then hit the lion on the body, but it did not subdue the lion.

"Hey, I've become stronger. I seem to have become stronger. Thank you, sir!" The lion found that his physical strength recovered very quickly and his strength seemed to be strengthened. He thought it was a nameless thank you gift.

Wuming asked curiously: "Look if there are any words on the body."

"Let's take a look. Hey, it's so strange. Why is there a word 'food' on my body? Wait...it's strange. Why do I know that this word is 'food'?" The lion looked at his palm, and then He said doubtfully.

Wuming didn't expect that the male lion would actually blow himself up. He immediately looked at the other lions with a smile. Both the cub and the lioness were surprised to find that they had the word "food" on them.

"I understand, all the creatures on this level may have the word 'food', just like all the creatures before had the word 'worm'." Wuming thought to himself.

He likes this simple and crude world.

Then he shot out another golden light, first strengthening these lions, and finally using the word "food" one by one to instantly subdue these lions.

When all the lions turned into the word "food" and fell into his hands, he had an idea that he could pass the level directly.

These lions can be used to make braised lion heads, and then turned back into the original words and put away. He only needs to contribute the braised lion heads to the God of Food to pass the level.

"No, it's not safe enough. Continue to conquer more tribes. At worst, they can be raised in a bubble world in the future. It's better than staying here." Wuming thought about it and then decided.

He definitely didn't make this decision because he coveted the family food!

Next, he found a group of tigers. When he saw the tigers living in groups, he was really a little surprised. After all, in the real world, tigers are lone rangers. Only mother tigers will stay with their children for a while when they take care of their children.

He didn't communicate with the tigers, but sprinkled a piece of golden light directly from the air. Then, after strengthening the tigers, the words "food" were wrapped in golden light and fell from the sky.

In a blink of an eye, all the tigers were controlled.

Wuming sat on the ground and communicated with the tigers. Finally, the tigers happily decided to move to Bubble World and agreed to cook a family dish for Wuming.

The family dish of these tigers is called tiger skin crispy meat.

Of course, the meat is not really made of tiger skin, but a kind of pig meat. Wuming directly provides pork to prevent them from hunting pigs.

It took an hour and a half to make tiger skin crispy meat.

This dish needs to be fried. The meat slices are golden and crispy. With the secret sauce of the tiger clan, the aroma is fragrant.

Just smelling it makes people salivate and their appetites are excited.

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