I Contracted Myself

【855】Cake Star


Wuming bit the meat and tore it, and the juice immediately flowed out of the meat. He chewed it in big mouthfuls, and felt that the tiger skin crispy meat was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The juice was like a thousand layers of rainbow, exploding on the taste buds layer by layer.

It was so fragrant and delicious.

Wuming ate a whole pig in one breath, and finally exclaimed with satisfaction: "Delicious, in the whole Great Wasteland City, I am afraid that only the dishes of the First Restaurant can be compared slightly, and the others are too bad."

The First Restaurant is a top restaurant that moved from Baiyu City to the Great Wasteland City. The chef is a chef god of level 270, and the rest of the assistants are also the top chefs in various worlds.

It can be said that everything in the First Restaurant is good, and the only bad thing is that it is expensive.

"My lord, as long as you are satisfied." Tiger said happily.

Wuming smiled and said: "Live well after arriving in the bubble world. By the way, do you still want this planet?"

"Can my lord... let the whole planet enter that world together?" Tiger asked in surprise.

The core of this huge meatball planet is very special and can grow endlessly, so no matter how much the animals on the planet eat meatballs, they can never finish eating them.

If the entire planet can be put into the bubble world, it is equivalent to having meat that can never be eaten.

"You can try it." Wuming smiled.

Then he flew to a high altitude, shot a golden light at the meatball planet, and then typed a word "food".

Sure enough, everything in this world seems to be based on the word "food", just like the word "worm" in the previous world, which is easy to guess.

After completely controlling the entire meatball planet, he put the meatball into the bubble world and looked up at the planet with a huge star ring in the distance.

It was a planet with a mixture of black and white, which looked like a cake, and the star ring was a variety of huge fruits floating in the cream.

The long river of cream surrounded the cake planet and flowed endlessly, and it was unknown where it started and where it ended.

Wuming had never seen such a beautiful spectacle before. He immediately flew towards the cake planet. After several accelerations, he came to the outside of the star ring of the cake planet.

"What a nice milky smell, and the fragrance of fruit... It's great!" Wuming closed his eyes and used his nose to feel the fragrance of the star ring.

He felt as if he had fallen into a sea of ​​fruit, and the fragrance of different fruits intertwined together, making him linger.

Then, he used his telekinesis to scoop a cup of cream and mixed it with different fruits to eat. No cooking methods were needed, and the natural fragrance was satisfying.

"Okay, let's go see what surprises the cake planet has hidden."

Wuming finished eating the cream fruit, and then looked at the cake planet, his eyes full of expectation.

He flew over the cake planet and found that there were a large number of chocolate life forms flying in the sky of the cake planet. The temperature of these chocolate life forms was just between melted and unmelted, and their bodies were both soft and hard, so they could move freely without being too soft and falling apart, and they would not be too hard and breaking.

Suddenly, an eagle made of sugar flew from a distance, obviously wanting to hunt these chocolate birds. The chocolate birds scattered one after another, but one chocolate bird was unlucky and was caught by the eagle with its sharp claws.

Wuming fell from the sky at this time, just grabbed the eagle's head, and then grabbed the chocolate bird's head with his other hand.

He gently broke it with force, and the chocolate bird's head suddenly cracked. It was really made of chocolate.

"Is this blood... jam?" Wuming looked at the blood flowing out of the bird's head, and then smelled the smell of blood, and finally said with some surprise.

He simply put the bird's head into his mouth, and the bird's head broke into pieces after chewing it a little. The taste of various creams, jams, and fructose burst out at the same time, and it was so delicious that he was speechless.

At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a chocolate bird, hatched from a chocolate egg, and was fed with various berries and worms formed by corn starch by his parents.

In spring, the cake planet is full of food, and in winter, the cake planet is covered with a layer of chocolate and becomes a black forest.

The bird grew up under the careful care of its parents, and finally soared into the sky, flying freely in the candy forest and singing happily on the jelly grassland.


What a beautiful world.

Wuming closed his eyes and sighed for a long time. Then he took off the bird's body and tasted it slowly, as if he was tasting the bird's life.

"What a wonderful creation."

Wuming finished eating and sighed deeply. He sighed for the deliciousness of the bird and at the same time felt sorry for the bird's death.

The creatures on this planet are so beautiful and delicate, like a masterpiece of the gods, which makes him feel pity and want to eat more.

He looked at the eagle in his hand, thought about it, and then broke the eagle's neck, and then put the eagle's head into his mouth.

The candy melted in the mouth, but the first feeling was not sweet, but a kind of domineering feeling of soaring in the sky, who else but me? It's hard to say what it tastes like, but it's not sweet.

Maybe you have to create another word to describe that taste.

But then a kind of sweetness burst in the mouth, which is still a difficult to describe taste. If you have eaten honey, sugar cane and glucose, I believe everyone will know that even pure sweetness can be divided into many different kinds of sweetness.

At this time, Wuming discovered a new sweetness. It was sweet and felt like wind cutting his tongue, but it was not painful, cool, or spicy.

That is a kind of sweetness, just like the nectar that has experienced countless hardships in the sky, gently beating your taste buds, piercing the taste buds at once, and dripping into your heart.

Wuming closed his eyes and opened his mouth for a long time, wanting to recite a poem, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he did not have the literary talent. Finally, he held it in for a long time and said, "Fuck, it's delicious!"

Then he continued to eat the eagle in big mouthfuls. After eating, he still felt a little unsatisfied. His eyes could not help but sweep around in the air, wanting to see if there were more eagles.

But at this time, he saw a cow lying on a lounge chair on the ground basking in the sun. From time to time, the cow would shoot a stream of milk into the sky, which gradually flew high into the sky and then slowly fell down.


The cow's milk fell into the lake in the distance.

Wuming looked at the milk lake and found that there were a lot of fish in the milk lake. These fish were all dairy products such as cheese and double skin milk.

At the same time, the milk vapor will slowly sublimate towards the sky, and finally form cotton candy clouds, and some more smiling milk particles will continue to fly upwards, and finally drift to the star rings and become part of the star rings.

Thousands of cows, thousands of milk lakes, and finally form such a beautiful planet.

Wuming witnessed such a magnificent scene with his own eyes, and at this moment he had a new understanding of life.

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