I Contracted Myself


Countless light years away, on a Hamburg planet, members of the hyena family were lying scattered everywhere, and the Hyena Queen was trampled into the ground.

Wang Zong looked down at the Hyena Queen and said calmly: "Hand over the family food!"

There is no doubt that what Wuming can discover, Wang Zong can also discover, so he decisively chooses the second path, snatches the family dishes from each family, and finally selects the best family dishes to offer to the God of Food.

Although he has no respect for the God of Cookery, he has already lost to Wuming twice. He can't lose to Wuming again. Even if he uses all means, he will win this round!

However, the creatures in this world are much tougher than he imagined. He has slaughtered several races, but he only got a cooking method for family dishes.

He has been mentally prepared. After slaughtering three planets, he will devote himself to practicing cooking skills, at least to cook family dishes to perfection.

Although he had no interest in cooking or food, in order to win over Wuming, he thought he could be interested!

"Degenerate, you will become the food of the God of Cookery, and you will never recover from this!" The Hyena Queen cursed in pain, then grabbed a piece of bread and threw it at Wang Zong.

Wang Zong exerted his strength expressionlessly, and with a click, the Hyena Queen's skull shattered, and the claws that had just been raised suddenly fell down weakly.

"I don't know what it means." Wang Zong said calmly.

He then continued to torture other members of the hyena family. After killing all the members of the hyena family, he teleported to the next place and started killing again.


On the cake star, Wuming held up a cup and clinked it with an old cow.

"This stuff is much more delicious than milk." The old cow took a sip of wine and said infatuatedly.

Wuming smiled and said: "Actually, there is a kind of milk beer that is also good, but it's a pity that I didn't bring it over."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, we, the cow family, will be with you from now on. You can just invite me to taste it next time." The old cow said with a smile.

Wuming nodded and said: "No problem, I will do it next time!"

"Okay, now it's up to me to teach you the family cuisine of our dairy family. It's not easy to learn." The old cow stood up and said.

Wuming also got up from the recliner and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. If you can't learn it, you can just help cheat when the time comes."

"The God of Cookery is very sensitive to the smell of food. If the food is not cooked by oneself... the person and the food may be swallowed together. Therefore, although every member of our clan can cook family dishes, they will select the best ones. The chef cooks for the god of food,” said the old cow.

Wuming was surprised and said: "There is such a thing. Fortunately, you told me in advance, otherwise I might have been swallowed by the God of Cookery out of nowhere."

"It's right to serve the adults. After all, we, the cow family, will all rely on the adults for your protection from now on." The old cow said with a smile.

Next, the old cow started cooking family dishes using the ingredients provided by Wu Ming.

The family dish of the cow family is milk candy. It uses boiling method to continuously refine the milk. At the same time, different materials are added to it, and a large pot of milk is slowly boiled into a candy.

This process took a long time, and when the milk candy was ready, Lao Milk motioned for Wuming to taste it.

"Then I'm welcome." Wuming smiled expectantly.

He gently pinched the milk candy and found that the texture of the milk candy was very special, soft yet hard, hard yet soft, and it seemed like there was life jumping inside.

After eating the milk candy, he felt as if a large number of cows were running around his mouth.

After the cows left, the sky seemed to collapse, and a large amount of milk poured out from the cracks. The mouth and throat were filled with an endless stream of milk, and even the blood seemed to be dyed the color of milk.


Wu Ming couldn't think of any other adjectives, and only two words were left.

Both the texture and taste are impeccable. It's hard to imagine that just a piece of candy can have such a deep taste.

The food in this world is too powerful, far superior to that of all the heavens and worlds for tens of millions of years...


Maybe several epochs of destruction may not be able to develop such delicacies.

After Wuming finished eating the milk candy, he opened his eyes and looked into the pot, and said helplessly: "It's delicious, but it's a pity that there is too little."

"Sir, delicious food should be in moderation. If you are greedy for too much, you will eventually lose the mood to taste delicious food." said the old cow.

Wuming nodded and agreed: "Yes, I know, eat less and enjoy more."

"Eat less and enjoy more, yes, yes, sir, you are right to the point." The old cow said happily.

It even had the urge to change the name of milk candy to eat less milk candy, taste more.

"By the way, what other families are there in Cake Star?" Wuming asked. The old cow replied: "There is also the guinea fowl family. The eggs they lay are the king of eggs. If you are interested, you might as well pay a visit. If you can tame them, that would be great."

"Well, I will go and communicate with them, but this is not a subjugation, but a win-win cooperation. It is really good if everyone is good." Wuming said with a smile.

The old cow nodded and said: "Yes, yes, your Excellency is absolutely right. It's really good to be good to everyone!"


Wuming had a strange feeling that the old cow seemed to be mocking him.

But if you look carefully at the old cow's expression, it doesn't look like he is mocking. In the end, Wuming can only blame it on some bad culture on earth that is affecting him.

"Okay, I'll go to the Guinea Fowl Clan and move the entire Cake Star to the Bubble World. Let's go." Wuming gave up his wild thoughts and said to the old cow.

The old cow reminded: "My lord, the patriarch of the Guinea Fowl Clan, Muti Muti, has a very bad temper. My lord, please be careful."

"Well, I'll pay attention." Wuming nodded.

Saying goodbye to the old cow, he flew towards the territory of the Guinea Fowl Clan, Egg Tart Mountain.

Egg Tart Mountain is a huge egg tart mountain. You can smell the fragrance of egg tarts from a distance, which makes people drool.

On the edge of Egg Tart Mountain, a large number of Guinea Fowls are eating candy bugs. These colorful candy bugs are made of different candies, including soft candies, hard candies, fruit candies...

Guinea Fowls especially like to eat these bugs, so they often gather here.

And the bugs need to break out of the encirclement of the Guinea Fowl and reach the depths of the Egg Tart Mountain before they can be coated with a layer of egg liquid, and then roll into the oil pan in the center of the Egg Tart Mountain.

After being fried at high temperature, the insects will break out of their cocoons, transform into butterflies, and become beautiful elves with crispy wings.

Wuming came to Egg Tart Mountain and immediately saw guinea fowls eating insects. Some guinea fowls that had eaten their fill sat on the ground to rest, and some even started laying eggs.

There are two types of eggs they lay, one that can hatch chicks and one that cannot.

For eggs that cannot hatch chicks, they will kick them out directly, and the eggs will eventually roll far away and break into pieces, forming egg liquid lakes.

It is the egg liquid lakes that attract insects, so that the guinea fowls will never lack food.

Life is reincarnated again and again.

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