I Contracted Myself

【857】Divergent thinking

Muti Muti was the first to find Wuming.

As the leader of the guinea fowl tribe, she was somewhat alert. After she found Wuming, she issued a warning and summoned all the adult guinea fowls to defend themselves.

It was probably a group of chickens that stood up to make themselves look stronger, and then stared at Wuming fiercely.

To be honest, in Wuming's eyes, this posture was a bit too fierce and weak. He felt that the other party was not only not intimidating, but also a bit funny.

Weak, even if angry, don't let it only feel interesting, no one will care about the anger of the weak.

Wuming fell on the egg tart and found that the surface layer of the egg tart was quite tough. He didn't collapse it with one foot, and the whole person sank into the soft egg tart.

"Human, what is your purpose in coming to our guinea fowl tribe?" The leader of the guinea fowl, Muti Muti, asked.

Wuming smiled and said, "I'm here to talk about business. I have a proposal. If you are willing to cooperate, I believe we can both get what we want."

"Oh, then you might as well tell me, although I won't believe any word you say now." Muti Muti said.

Wuming opened his hands, and in an instant the whole world was occupied by golden fantasy flowers. Titan hands bloomed like petals, surrounding the guinea fowl tribe layer by layer.

He smiled and said, "If I have ill will towards the guinea fowl tribe, believe me... you have no chance of survival!"

"Are you threatening us?" Muti Muti's face changed slightly, and he stared at Wuming angrily.

Wuming smiled faintly and said, "No, I'm just stating a fact so that you don't get confused about your position. Of course... it would be best if we can communicate in a friendly manner."

Next, he told Muti Muti about his plan, including the fact that the cow tribe had agreed to join the bubble world.

"Indeed... this has more advantages than disadvantages for our guinea fowl clan, but..." Muti Muti pondered for a moment after listening, and then said seriously.

But before he finished speaking, he realized that he had no right to refuse.

Although Wuming was proposing, it was actually a tough request, but Wuming didn't want to tear his face and make everyone embarrassed.

At the same time, as Wuming said, the guinea fowl clan was not qualified to choose, and it was really important to make clear their position.

In the end, Muti Muti lowered his noble head and said, "My lord, I agree with your plan!"

"That's great, welcome, believe me, this will never make you regret it!" Wuming immediately said with a smile.

Then, he shot out a golden light, directly strengthening the guinea fowl clan, and after strengthening, he used the food characters to transform the guinea fowl into the original text one by one.

After completely controlling her, he released Muti Muti and asked curiously, "Can I see the family dishes of the guinea fowl clan?"

"I am very happy to serve you." Muti Muti quickly adjusted her position and replied.

Wuming sat on the egg tart and asked, "What are the family dishes of the guinea fowl clan? It can't be salt-baked chicken, chestnut roasted chicken, braised chicken, white-cut chicken, hand-shredded chicken, lotus leaf chicken, saliva chicken, beggar chicken, imperial concubine chicken, salty and fragrant chicken..."

He is quite knowledgeable about how to cook chicken, because there are many masters of cooking chicken in Dahuang City.


Muti Muti stared at Wuming blankly, and at this moment he was a little doubtful whether he agreed too quickly.

Then it saw Wuming showing a successful prank smile, and said with a playful face: "Hahaha, you are scared, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously, but do you know? The family dish of the rogue rabbit clan is braised rabbit head, it is really made with rabbits. I was really shocked when I first knew it!"


Muti Muti looked at Wuming in amazement again. It wanted to tell Wuming that it was also shocked now. There turned out to be such a cruel race in the world.

Then it felt that it couldn't lose its composure like this anymore, so it tried to cheer up and said: "Sir, our guinea fowl clan is very friendly, and naturally we won't use the same clan to cook. Our family dish is... fried rice with eggs!"

"Fried rice with eggs, this is very difficult." Wuming said immediately after hearing it.

The simpler the dish, the harder it is to make it delicious, just like soaking instant noodles, it seems that anyone can soak it, but it is actually very difficult to make it delicious.

The seasoning cannot be too much or too little, the water temperature is also very particular, and the soaking time must also be controlled well.

Finally, this is also limited by the material of the instant noodles themselves. If the instant noodles themselves are too bad, no matter how well they are prepared, the taste will be just that.

The difficulty of making egg fried rice is only slightly lower than that of instant noodles. At least the rice can be steamed and cooked by yourself, and you can control how long to leave it. You can even be so precise that every grain of rice is carefully selected to ensure that every grain of fried rice is flawless.

"That's natural. The eggs produced by our guinea fowl family are the best in the world, and the family dishes must naturally be the best in the world. The difficulty of being the best in the world is just as it should be." Muti Muti said proudly after listening to Wuming's words.

Wuming smiled slightly and said, "Then please start your performance!"

Next, Muti Muti said the materials they needed, and Wuming took them out directly from the storage space. However, the most important material that Muti Muti needed could only be provided by Muti Muti themselves, that is, the eggs produced by the guinea fowl family.

Fortunately, although the guinea fowl would kick away the eggs that could not be hatched, there were still some eggs that were not broken. Wuming used his telekinesis to sweep them, and then sent the eggs one by one to Muti Muti.

Muti Muti looked at Wuming, secretly surprised, and then took the eggs and began to prepare.

Steaming rice, it really picked out the best rice grains one by one, and then after a fine cooking, all the rice grains turned into plump rice grains.

Then it put the rice in a cave in the Egg Tart Mountain and waited outside the cave.

"How long do you have to wait?" Wuming asked curiously.

Muti Muti replied: "One night."

"Okay, then I'll go somewhere else and I'll come back when the time is up!" Wuming nodded and said to Muti Muti.

Muti Muti frowned and said, "Where are you going?"

"Just look around, don't worry, I won't go too far, I just feel that I can't just waste time here." Wuming waved his hand and explained casually.

He only had a week, and every minute and every second was actually very important.

In one night, perhaps he could conquer a few more races, so naturally he couldn't wait here all the time.

Saying goodbye to Muti Muti, he flew around the Cake Star, occasionally catching some animals, twisting their necks and stuffing them into his mouth. Although the taste was far from the family dishes, it was also unique.

"By the way, the world I experienced with Ma Lie before seemed normal, but in fact everything was..."

"In this world, everything looks delicious and tastes delicious, but in fact... will it be... that everything is actually different from what I see and understand?"

Wuming did what he wanted, and his thoughts were unrestrained. At a certain moment, an idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

Then he looked at the bird in his hand, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly. Judging from the Lord of the Forest's bad taste, this thing couldn't be feces covered with a shell and pretending to be chocolate?

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