I Contracted Myself

【858】The Immortal Eaters

Forget it.

It's rare to be confused.

Wuming suddenly became a Buddhist in silence and ate the chocolate bird in his hand.

In fact, humans eat many animals with feces, such as snails and shells. Even if they are raised cleanly, there must be residual excrement in the internal organs.

Many people still eat them happily.

Thinking in a broader direction, many powerful demons will directly devour the universe and absorb everything in the universe to nourish themselves. Assuming that there are living beings in those universes, and these living beings have to poop, rounding off, those powerful people who devour the world have eaten countless feces, right?

So, how can a mere feces ruin my Tao heart?

Wuming flew leisurely in the air and continued to move forward along the route he thought.

Cake Star is naturally not only home to cows and guinea fowls, but also many other races. Thirty minutes later, Wuming saw a group of sheep resisting the attack of wolves.

The wool on the sheep was all marshmallows and soft candies, while the gray hair of the wolves was cocoa paste and icing sugar. The leaders of both stood in the front. The sheep would charge in groups from time to time, and the wolves would dodge and then chase the lagging sheep, and the fight continued.

Wuming slowly descended from the sky, and the sheep and wolves separated immediately, all staring at Wuming as if they were facing a great enemy.

"Hello!" Wuming smiled slightly and raised his hand to greet them.

The leader of the sheep was a pink sheep. It seemed that the amount of marshmallows on its body was not enough, so that you could see its strong body in the marshmallows. The muscles made it look very awkward, not like a sheep, but like another alien species pretending to be a sheep.

At this time, the pink sheep leader said: "Human, what can I do for you?"

"Don't worry, I come with good intentions." Wuming said with a smile.

He landed on the ground, walked slowly to the middle of the sheep and wolves, then sat on the ground and said, "I have a suggestion, you might as well listen to it."

As he said, he told the sheep and wolves his idea.

"Sorry, fighting with the wolf tribe is the destiny of our sheep tribe. Even if there are sacrifices, it will only make our sheep tribe stronger and stronger. I reject your suggestion!" The pink sheep said coldly. The wolf tribe was a little tempted. Wuming gave them the choice of moving to a meatball planet. From then on, they no longer needed to run around for hunting, and they could have endless meat every day.

This is so beautiful.

The wolf king slowly said, "Are you telling the truth?"

"No falsehood, the cow tribe and the guinea fowl tribe have agreed. If you have any doubts, you can ask them." Wuming said with a smile.

The wolf king said in a deep voice, "Then I agree to join."

"Spar Wolf, you actually agreed. Do you want to be a dog that is kept?" The sheep leader roared angrily.

The wolf king said coldly: "Mianli sheep, we are different from your sheep tribe. Not only do we have to bear huge hunting risks, but... we have been targeted by the Immortal Eaters."

"What, you are targeted by the Immortal Eaters!" The sheep leader was shocked.

Wuming was a little surprised and asked: "What race is the Immortal Eaters?"

The wolf king replied: "My lord, the Immortal Eaters are not just a single race, but all races that are favored by the God of Food are called the Immortal Eaters."

The favor of the God of Food?

That's right.

When entering the third level, there was a hint that if you get the approval of the God of Food, you will get the favor of the God of Food.

"What is the favor of the God of Food?" Wuming asked curiously.

Originally, he thought that only he and Wang Zong had the opportunity to get the favor of the God of Food, but now it seems that this is not the case. Other races in this world also have the opportunity to get the favor of the God of Food.

"Sir, the favor of the God of Food is actually the saliva of the God of Food. If you don't get the favor of the God of Food, the saliva of the God of Food is extremely poisonous. Any life that touches it will die. But if you can get the favor of the God of Food, the saliva of the God of Food will turn into a magical treasure, and you will gain divine arts after taking it." The wolf king replied.

Divine arts?

Probably some kind of ability.

Wuming understood, and then he asked: "Are the immortal eaters strong?"

"It's not a question of whether it's strong or not, but... incredible. Their abilities are hard to resist, and the immortal eaters are often the minions of the God of Food. They will continue to collect all the ingredients in this world and try their best to develop delicacies, hoping to continue to get the favor of the God of Food. They... are all crazy!" The sheep leader gritted his teeth and said.

The wolf king nodded and said: "Many races are controlled by the immortal eaters, and can only continue to offer the best ingredients to the immortal eaters. There are even many races that master family dishes and are exterminated because of this."

"Then why don't we unite and solve the immortal eaters first?" Wuming asked.

The sheep leader said calmly: "Maybe it happened before, but as long as the God of Food is alive, it is only a matter of time for the Immortal Eaters to revive. Besides, who doesn't want to be a member of the Immortal Eaters?"

"I see. Actually, you also want to be a member of the Immortal Eaters, but you just don't have the ability." Wuming suddenly realized.

The sheep leader and the wolf king looked at Wuming speechlessly. If they could beat Wuming, they would definitely kill him now. Wouldn't it be better to fight against the same enemy together? He had to tell these big truths.

"Okay, since you are willing to follow me, I will definitely not let the Immortal Eaters harm you. Don't worry." Wuming dug a piece of cake from the ground and said while eating while looking at the wolf king.

At this time, the sheep leader asked a little embarrassedly: "That... Sir, do we still have a chance?"

"Huh? You want to join too?" Wuming asked unexpectedly.

The sheep leader nodded in shame and said: "Since the Immortal Eaters have set their sights on the Wolf Clan, they may also set their sights on our Sheep Clan. Once the Wolf Clan disappears..."

Obviously, it is worried that the Immortal Eaters will target the Sheep Clan because of the disappearance of the Wolf Clan.

Wuming also understood, he smiled and said: "The Sheep Clan wants to join, of course I welcome it very much, but you are sure you will not regret it. Maybe the Sheep Clan can fight with the Immortal Eaters and become stronger in the struggle."


The sheep leader fell silent and looked at Wuming with eyes full of resentment.

"Since you choose to join, let's make a deal. If you change your mind after joining, I will not be soft-hearted!" Wuming narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

The sheep leader nodded quickly and said, "Don't worry, sir. Our Mianyang clan is definitely not a half-hearted race. Since we have chosen to join, we will be loyal to you!"

"Then let's get started!"

Wuming got up from the ground, licked the cake on his fingers, and then a stream of golden light popped out.

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