I Contracted Myself

【859】Wang Zong confidently A-ed

The Immortal Eaters are also divided into different levels.

The most powerful Immortal Eaters live on a piece of glowing meat, which is called Sun Meat. It can emit eternal golden light and illuminate countless planets.

The second-level Immortal Eaters live in the Rainbow Nebula, which is composed of countless delicacies. It is precisely because of the large number and variety of delicacies that it looks as colorful as a rainbow.

When Wuming learned about the information of the Immortal Eaters, Wang Zong also learned about the information of the Immortal Eaters.

"The strongest Immortal Eaters must have the most advanced family dishes!"

After Wang Zong got the information, he realized that his goal should not be placed on these ordinary races. He should look for the Immortal Eaters and seize the most advanced family dishes from the Immortal Eaters.

He pinched the patriarch of the Ostrich Clan with one hand and asked, "Where is the Immortal Eaters?"

"In... in the sun!" The patriarch of the Ostrich Clan replied with his dying breath.

Wang Zong put down the ostrich tribe leader and looked up at the sky. A star in the sky was emitting warm sunlight.

To be honest, he really ignored the sun, because under normal circumstances, there would be no life on the stars, at least no native life.

Only in extremely rare and special circumstances, will life appear on the stars.

Of course, this kind of life must be different from the life in human cognition. Some are plasma, some are elemental creatures, and some are creatures composed entirely of energy.

Wang Zong had never considered the sun, but now he found that the sun was the biggest treasure chest, which contained the immortal-eating tribe and the best family dishes.

He immediately flew towards the sun, and when he left this bean paste bun planet, he found something in the sunlight.


Wang Zong wiped the light on his body, and instantly there was a layer of sticky sugar on his hands.

He hesitated for a moment, scanned the surroundings, and made sure that Wuming was not around, so he licked the sugar in his hand. It was very sweet, a bit like honey, but a thousand times more delicious than honey... No, ten thousand times more delicious!

Could it be that the fairy-eating tribe is the bee tribe?

Wang Zong guessed silently in his heart, and then continued to move towards the sun.

But as the distance got closer and closer, more and more syrup appeared on his body, and the sticky syrup almost wrapped him into a sugar man.

"Interesting, ordinary races may not be able to deal with even this layer of light, let alone approaching the surface of the star." Wang Zong's heart moved, and an invisible blood energy gushed out from his skin, and the syrup covering his body suddenly dispersed.

He began to speed up, staring at the light and quickly approaching the sun.

There were densely packed hexagonal pits in the shape of honeycombs on the sun, and strange-looking bee people were making honey with different races.

The fairy-eating tribe of the bee fairy!

They were the first race to be favored by the god of food, and they used special technology to make honey from the god of food's saliva.

When the queen bee ate the honey, she got a leap in life, not only evolving into a higher-level bee fairy, but also able to breed powerful bee warriors.

With their powerful strength, they began to collect more ingredients and develop more delicious honey in order to gain more favor from the God of Food.

In fact, the Bee Fairy Clan did gain more favor, so the Bee Fairy Clan evolved several times, and their strength far exceeded that of other races. As long as they wanted, they would have the strength to rule the world at any time.

It's just that they have no interest in ruling the world. Under the will of the Queen Bee, they are only interested in developing more delicious honey. In order to develop more delicious honey, they will plunder all the ingredients in the world, constantly experimenting and developing.

At this time, a bee man noticed Wang Zong's approach, and it immediately flew into the air, staring at the direction Wang Zong was flying from.

When Wang Zong flew to a distance of dozens of meters from it, it said: "Stop, this is the territory of the Bee Fairy Clan, human?"

"I'm looking for you, the Bee Fairy Clan." Wang Zong smiled, and the next moment he swooped down to the bee man.

The bee man's face changed, and then he punched Wang Zong. Although it was not a fighting bee, its strength was far superior to other races.


In an instant, Wang Zong's fist met the bee man's fist, and the two fists collided, and the bee man's fist shattered instantly.

Then Wang Zong quickly went around, pinched the bee man's neck, and said: "You'd better surrender, otherwise I will break your neck."

"Human, you're dead!"

The bee man was not afraid, but said coldly.

Then its body shook slightly, and it actually committed suicide neatly.

Wang Zong frowned and put it down. There was a buzzing sound around, and more and more bee people came out of the bee holes.

"Enemy attack!"

"There are humans!"

More and more voices sounded.

Wang Zong's mouth corners slightly curled up, and he sneered at the bee people below.

At this time, a large number of bee people slowly made way, and a huge bee man came out of a pit. It had a golden body. Unlike these ordinary bee people, its shell was visibly thicker, and its limbs were also stronger.

"Interesting, you are the leader? Hand over the family dishes, and I will spare your family's life!" Wang Zong looked at the huge bee man and said lightly.

The bee warrior slowly flew up with an expressionless face. It was indeed different from other bee men. It did not rely on wings to fly. Those wings were more like decorations.

"Human, dare to offend the great and noble bee fairy tribe, I will turn you into a bee and offer you to the God of Food!" The bee warrior flew to the same height as Wang Zong and spoke.

Wang Zong smiled and said, "If you can, you might as well try it!"

After that, he confidently A went up.

A minute later, Wang Zong was dragged into the bee cave by the bee warrior.

He was hit by the bee warrior's bee sting. Although he retained his self-awareness, his body was completely paralyzed and he could not move at all.

Half an hour later...

Wang Zong's vision turned gray, and a light screen appeared in front of him: Player Wang Zong, you were killed by the bee warrior of the bee fairy tribe. Do you want to consume a life to revive?

He had lost to Wuming twice before, so now he only has five lives left.

He was a little confused before, what is the use of these lives.

Now he knows the answer. If he is killed by other animals and does not have Wuming's talent for time reversal, he can consume his life to revive and continue to participate in the competition.

But in this situation, is it necessary to continue to participate?

Consume a life to revive, if he loses to Wuming in the game, he will lose another life.

"Don't consume it."

Wang Zong thought about it and felt that the gain was not worth the loss. Finally, he closed his eyes and said with gritted teeth.

In this way, he lost to Wuming three times.

Although he was too careless this time, losing is losing.

He didn't want to make excuses.


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