I Contracted Myself


[Player Wang Zong died and gave up the game. Do you choose to continue the game? 】

Wuming had conquered the Sheep Clan and Coco Wolf Clan, and was flying in the air to find other races, when suddenly a frame appeared in front of his eyes.

He blinked, and it took him a while to make sure he wasn't dazzled.

"Wang Zong is actually dead?"

"How did he die?"

"Besides the God of Cookery, is there any other race in this world that can kill him?"

"Hiss, it seems that the water in this world is a bit deep!"

Wuming had several thoughts in his head for a moment, and then he asked: "What if I choose not to continue the game, and then I win?"

[If the game is given up, it will end in a tie and enter the fourth level. 】

New text appeared in the frame, and Wuming fell into silence after reading it. Why could Wang Zong still draw with a living person after he died?

There's something wrong with this!

Wuming asked after a moment: "What if I choose to continue the game?"

[Continue the game and survive the mouth of the God of Cookery to win. 】


Wuming looked at the text in the frame and asked, "Then what are the benefits of winning? What's the reward?"

Having said that, there is a reward for winning the first level, and you can save Groundhog Day for later levels. What about the reward for the second level?

[Winning is a reward in itself! 】

At this time, the answer was given in the frame, and Wuming thought of a lot when he saw the answer.

Each player has seven lives. Are these lives really just used for resurrection at the next level?

Obviously not.

Just now the frame gave a hint: Wang Zong chose to give up and continue the game.

In other words, Wang Zong can still choose to continue playing, so how can he continue playing if he dies?

The answer is obvious: resurrection.

Resurrection will definitely cost a life.

In the Tower of Babel of Death, both he and Wang Zong only had seven lives. Once these seven lives were used up, they would really die.

Winning is a reward in itself. These answers give a lot of information. There must be very dangerous levels in the next levels. It is difficult to pass the level in one life.

The more lives you retain, the more likely you are to reach the eighth floor of the Tower of Babel of Death.

And the eighth floor...

Maybe the more wins you have, the better your chances of surviving.

Wuming said calmly: "I understand, then I choose to continue the game."

After the frame got the answer, it quickly turned into golden powder and dissipated.

Wuming continued to fly forward. As he was flying, he suddenly couldn't help laughing. Wang Zong was actually killed by an NPC. It was so funny.

He originally thought that Wang Zong would be his biggest problem in winning, but in the end... Wang Zong got away with it.

To say that I'm not happy is definitely a lie.

But while he was happy, Wuming was also wary. The only enemies in this world that could kill Wang Zong were the Food Immortals, besides the God of Cookery.

It seems that the Food Immortal clan must be treated with caution.

He originally wanted to meet the Food Immortal clan, but now that Wang Zong has learned from the past, he feels that it is better for him to just wait and see. If the Food God is not satisfied with his family's food on the last day, he will use Groundhog Day to go back to find the Food Immortal. A family's troubles.

After deciding on the plan, he continued to fly around the Cake Star according to his original plan and conquered one race after another.

Time flies, and three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

Cake Star has been moved entirely to the Bubble World by Wuming, and he is currently flying towards a tofu planet.

The planet looks square when viewed from a distance. The white tofu is cut into countless tiny particles, and there is red juice flowing in the middle.

Strictly speaking, this is not a pure tofu planet, but a Mapo tofu planet!

Wuming was very curious about what this giant Mapo Tofu tasted like, so he chose this planet among many planets to get close to.

On the periphery of the Mapo Tofu planet, there were many minced meat meteorites. Wuming fell on a ball of minced meat. He took out a golden spoon and scooped some out and tasted it. It was slightly spicy and the gravy tasted very delicious.


But it's not delicious yet.

Wuming put away the spoon and flew towards the Mapo Tofu Star with anticipation.

Along the way, he also took a sip of the juice that floated over. The taste was numb and spicy. After swallowing it, he was sweating all over and it was very hot.

As he gradually approached the Mapo Tofu planet, the surrounding temperature began to rise, and he had no ability to resist the high temperature, because the temperature of every planet has a positive blessing effect on food.

Who doesn’t want to eat a steaming pot of mapo tofu on a hot day and enjoy the pleasure of heating it up?

He landed on a piece of tofu, and regardless of other races, he took out a spoon and tasted the tofu first. Because Wang Zong made a funny exit, he no longer felt any pressure.

As long as you don't try to win the favor of the God of Cookery, it's quite easy to pass this level.

Although Wuming wants to be favored by the God of Cookery, he can only do his best. If you have it, it's the best. If you don't have him, you won't be too disappointed.

The residence of the Bee Immortal Clan.

The bee warrior slowly opened a hexagonal pit, which contained a pot of golden, black, and red honey.

These three colors were perfectly mixed together to form a very beautiful swirl shape. He stretched out his hand seriously, gently scraped a little with his fingers and put it into his mouth.


In an instant, the bee warrior was shocked and completely fascinated by the taste of honey.

What a confident and domineering smell it has, it’s so wonderful.

The bee warrior seemed to see himself combined with the queen bee, becoming the king of the entire bee fairy clan. Countless bee people knelt in front of him, calling his name.

It took ten minutes for the bee warrior to recover from the aftertaste of honey.

He was sure that this was definitely the most delicious honey he had ever eaten. Even royal jelly was far less delicious than this honey.

What if... it was made by the queen bee herself?

The bee warrior suddenly felt a little regretful. He should not handle the royal jelly himself. He should give it to the queen bee and let the queen bee make it into royal jelly.


Since there is a royal jelly, it means that there may be other human races hiding.

Humans once existed in this world, but later because of human intrigue, they could not properly develop family dishes. After the awakening of the God of Food, the human race became a thing of the past.

The bee fairy clan always thought that humans had become extinct, but now that humans have appeared, it means that there may still be humans somewhere in the world.

"Catch those humans, hand them over to the queen bee, make them into royal jelly, and offer them to the God of Food!"

The bee warrior immediately took out some honey and quickly walked towards the palace where the queen bee lived. It wanted to get the queen bee's support and collect more humans as soon as possible.

Half an hour later, countless bee people swarmed out and flew towards countless planets.

The bee warrior flew out of the bee cave and looked up at the bee people who kept flying out. He only hoped that Wang Zong would not be the last human in the world.

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