I Contracted Myself

【861】Kumamoto Yu


Wuming swallowed a piece of tofu in one gulp, and the next moment he showed an intoxicated expression.

The taste was spicy and numbing.

It was as if there were many little people dancing in his mouth.

They held forks and kept poking Wuming's taste buds upwards. Some were strong, some were weak, some were very diligent, and some were very lazy.

Different degrees of 'poking' caused different degrees of spiciness, and after the spiciness ended, it was numb, as if the taste buds were hollowed out.

A few minutes later, Wuming opened his eyes and smiled: "I didn't expect the tofu from Tofu Star to be so delicious. If the tofu from Tofu Star is used as raw material and then cooked for the second time, I wonder if it can be made into a more delicious delicacy?"

"Human?" At this time, a silly voice sounded.

Wuming looked in the direction where the sound came from, and a panda was slowly walking towards him. This panda was very tall, and compared with ordinary pandas, it looked more like a polar bear dyed with color.

"Are you a mutant polar bear?" Wuming asked uncertainly.

The panda immediately roared angrily: "I am a panda, a panda, a real panda!"

"Oh, sorry, it's just that you look too much like a polar bear." Wuming apologized without apology.

It's no wonder that he felt that the panda in front of him didn't look like a panda. I guess anyone who saw it would think so.

The panda sat on the tofu not far from Wuming and asked: "Hasn't the human race been exterminated by the God of Food? Are you a monkey that looks like a human?"

"Sorry, but I am a human." Wuming said again without apology.

The panda took out a pack of cigarettes, opened it, took out a cigarette, and asked: "Do you want it? Lollipop."

"Lollipop?" Wuming took it in confusion and found that it was really a lollipop.

He put the smoke-shaped lollipop in his mouth and asked: "Why is it a lollipop?"

"Don't you think that holding this thing in your mouth gives you a feeling of vicissitudes, loneliness, and a story? I rely on this to be a master of picking up girls. There is no girl in the panda clan that I, the polar bear, can't get!" said the panda.

Wuming complained: "You let it slip. You are a polar bear who put on smoky makeup and pretended to be a panda!"

"You don't understand. My mother is a panda and my father is a polar bear. So I think I am a panda and I am a polar bear." Panda held the lollipop in both hands, blew out a non-existent smoke, and said in a vicissitudes of life.

Wuming just felt that this panda gave people a feeling of street urchins. Now he is sure that this is definitely hereditary.

"This is not smoky makeup. Look, it can't be wiped off. This is a gift from my mother." Panda wiped his eyes and saw that the dark circles on the front were genuine dark circles.

Wuming said indifferently: "Even if I believe you are Chuanchuan..."

"What Chuanchuan, it should be called the crystallization of the noble friendship between the two races!" Panda roared.

Wuming was silent for a moment and complained: "The crystallization of the noble friendship between the two races is still Chuanchuan."

"Give me some face, a mixed-blood is better than Chuanchuan!" Panda slapped Wuming's head directly and said angrily.

Wuming's head hit the tofu, and he was too lazy to get up, so he just ate the tofu bite by bite.

"Hey, don't die, sorry, I didn't mean to use violence, sorry!" The panda saw Wuming lying on the ground like he was dead, and immediately said worriedly.

It lifted Wuming up and found that Wuming's mouth was swollen, obviously eating.

"Asshole, I thought you were dead!" It threw Wuming on the ground and said depressedly.

Wuming asked: "Ask a question, do you belong to the panda family or the polar bear family?"

"Of course it's the panda family, I, Xiong Benxiong, am a panda!" The panda answered excitedly.


Wuming seemed to have a similar name in his memory, but it was a virtual thing of an island country.

He frowned at Xiong Benxiong and complained: "Your name is cherry blossom!"

"Cherry blossom? What kind of flower is that?" Xiong Benxiong replied.

Wuming did not explain, but rolled on the ground, then sat up and asked: "Kumamon, can you cook the panda family dish?"

"Of course... no!" Xiong Benxiong just raised his head and chest, and then wilted.

Wuming was too tired to complain, so he simply asked: "Do you know the family dish of the polar bear family?"

"Of course... I don't know." Xiong Benxiong was already ashamed.

In this world, individuals of every race have their own family dishes. Not knowing family dishes means... not a member of that family.

"What will you do once the God of Food wakes up?" Wuming's face changed slightly and asked.

Xiong Benxiong took out a cigarette and said confidently: "I will ask the God of Food to smoke, and then take the God of Food as my younger brother. If it disagrees, then I will duel with it. Don't look at me as fat... Actually, there are muscles under my fat, and the strength is very strong."

"So... are you ready to be eaten by the God of Food in the future?" Wuming said with some emotion.

Although Xiong Benxiong answered very proudly, Wuming knew that Xiong Benxiong knew what would happen to him, and he was just pretending to be confused.

Xiong Benxiong imitated Wuming and lay on the tofu, saying melancholy: "What else? I develop my own family dish? Eh... good idea, I've decided, I want to develop a family dish that belongs to Xiong Benxiong!!!"

"Then do your best!" Wuming did not complain, but encouraged him.

Xiong Ben just sat up, and the excited expression on his face stayed for a moment. Then he seemed to hit the wall called reality, so he lay on the ground again, and said weakly: "It's impossible... family dishes, I can't even cook, how can I develop family dishes."

"You can't cook, what do you usually eat?" Wuming asked.

Xiong Ben took out a piece of tofu from the ground and swallowed it, showing an expression more painful than suicide, and said: "Eat tofu, although... it's so bad!"

In fact, these tofu are delicious, but it has only tofu to eat since it was a child. Day after day, year after year, only tofu can fill its hunger, and the most delicious food will become tasteless.

"Try this!" Wuming took out a piece of cake from the storage space and threw it to Xiong Ben.

Xiong Ben caught the cake, it licked the cake, and the next moment it was captured by the taste of the cake.

It looked at the cake in its hand in shock and exclaimed: "How can there be such delicious food, is this your human family dish?"

"No, it's just an ordinary cake from Cake Star." Wuming replied.

After hearing this, Xiong Benxiong showed a longing look and said enviously: "It's great, there are such beautiful planets in the world."

"Actually, for me, Tofu Planet is also great." Wuming dug a piece of tofu and said while eating.

Xiong Benxiong hated Tofu Planet only because it ate the same food too much and was completely fed up with it. If it was born on Cake Planet, it would probably hate cake as well.

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