I Contracted Myself

【862】Sweet and salty debate

"Come, take another bite of this."

Wuming took out a braised lion's head and threw it to Xiong Benxiong.

Then Xiong Benxiong shouted again, obviously conquered by the delicious braised lion's head.

After eating the braised lion's head, Xiong Benxiong looked at Wuming hesitantly, feeling that it was not good to eat Wuming's food alone. The problem was that he had nothing to give back to Wuming.

Although he boasted that he was very good at picking up girls, and all the girls from the panda clan were attracted to him, the actual situation was that the members of the panda clan and the polar bear clan hated him and thought he was a freak.

He had no friends, no relatives, and wandered around Tofu Star with nothing.

"Human, thank you for giving me such delicious food. I will protect you in the future. With me protecting you, you can run rampant on Tofu Star in the future!" After careful consideration, he found that he really had nothing to give back to Wuming, so he patted his chest with a face full of loyalty and said.

Wuming put his hands on the back of his head, looked at the starry sky and smiled: "Then I will rely on you to protect me in the world."

"No problem!" Xiong Benxiong said with a smile.

Wuming asked: "By the way, where is the panda tribe?"

"You want to go to the panda tribe? I can tell you that the panda tribe is very dangerous. They have a bad temper and will resort to violence if they disagree. I advise you to stay away from the panda tribe." Xiong Benxiong was stunned, and then said seriously.

It doesn't want its only friend to go to the panda tribe's territory, because then human friends will find out that it is actually a loser that no one likes.

"What about the polar bear tribe?" Wuming blinked and asked.

Xiong Benxiong threatened: "Polar bears are a more cruel species than pandas. They will catch an animal called soy milk seals, and then cruelly tear them in half and suck the soy milk in their bodies. It's too cruel. If you get close to the territory of polar bears, they will definitely cut your belly with their sharp claws, and then they will suck all the soy milk in your stomach with a slurp."

"Is it that cruel?" Wuming said without changing his expression.

Xiong Benxiong nodded and said: 'Yes, it is that cruel. If you don't believe it... Forget it, I can't encourage you to get close to polar bears, even if you just watch from a distance. '

"Don't you protect me?" Wuming blinked and looked at Xiong Benxiong and said.

Xiong Benxiong blinked, then patted his chest and said: "Yes, I protect you."

"Since you protect me, why should I be afraid of polar bears?" Wuming smiled slightly and patted Xiong Benxiong on the shoulder.

Xiong Benxiong couldn't understand and nodded: "What you said seems to make sense. With me protecting you... you can completely... completely dominate Tofu Star."

"Not bad, not bad, that's it!" Wuming smiled with narrowed eyes.

Xiong Benxiong smiled guiltily: "Not bad, that's it, hahahahahahahaha..."

"Then let's go, take me to the panda tribe." Wuming got up from the ground and said to Xiong Benxiong.

Xiong Benxiong asked guiltily: "Do you really have to go? The pandas in the panda tribe are very ferocious. They are very scary. I'm afraid they will scare you."

"Don't worry, I'm very brave, they can't scare me." Wuming smiled.

Xiong Benxiong said helplessly: "Okay, then you come with me, but you have to be mentally prepared, they are really scary."

"Yeah, yeah." Wuming gave three affirmative answers in a row.

Xiong Benxiong had to lead the way in front. Wuming was surprised and said, "Kumamon, there is a black heart pattern on your butt. It's so strange."

"Really? Let me see...Okay, I can't see it." Xiong Benxiong turned around and wanted to see his butt, but after turning around twice, he had to accept the reality that he couldn't see his butt.

Wuming laughed and said, "Really, I have seen it."

"Hahahaha, isn't it very special? I, Xiong Benxiong, am such a special existence." Xiong Benxiong became happy again and said proudly.

Wuming nodded and said, "It is indeed very special!"

Poor little guy.

Some things he knows without saying it.

Next, the man and the bear chatted and went towards the territory of the panda clan. Wuming also found a bamboo along the way.

This bamboo grew alone on the tofu, which looked very abrupt and the painting style was a bit weird.

When Wuming cut the bamboo, a large amount of syrup flowed out of the bamboo tube. He tasted it and found that the taste of this syrup was very similar to the smoke-shaped lollipop given by Xiong Benxiong.

Obviously, Xiong Benxiong used these syrups to make lollipops.

However, Wuming did not expose this. He walked and said puzzledly: "Why is there syrup in the bamboo tube? Mapo tofu also needs sweetness?"

"There is a tofu brain mountain in front. These syrups are the treasures of the sweet frog tribe. However, the sweet frog has a nemesis, that is, the salty toad. The two tribes have been fighting for the control of the tofu brain mountain and often fight." Xiong Benxiong introduced.

Salty and sweet battle?

Wuming suddenly realized, squinting his eyes and smiled: "Do you prefer sweet tofu brain or salty tofu brain?"

"I don't like either. I hate tofu. I hate all foods made of tofu." Xiong Benxiong said with disgust.

Wuming smiled and said, "I wonder if anyone likes the spicy tofu pudding."


Xiong Benxiong looked at Wuming speechlessly, and complained in his heart, are you a devil?

It's hard to imagine how bad spicy tofu pudding would taste.

Ten minutes later, a man and a bear came to the Tofu Pudding Mountain, a mountain made of tofu, which looked like a big bowl, with countless tofu puddings in the big bowl.

Wuming walked to the edge and scooped a bowl with a bowl. He took a sip and showed a happy expression. He said to Xiong Benxiong: "The quality of this tofu pudding is too good. Even without adding any seasoning, the refreshing and sweet taste is enough to conquer my taste buds. It's delicious!"

"If it's delicious, eat more." Xiong Benxiong said expressionlessly.

Wuming nodded and immediately scooped another bowl and drank it. He then took out the sugar and ate a bowl of sweet tofu pudding.

"Hahahaha, I won. The sweet party in the world is the only answer!" A frog jumped out from behind a stone and laughed triumphantly.

Not far away, a toad stared at the frog unwillingly.

Obviously, the frog and the toad had already discovered Wuming and Xiong Benxiong. They hid in the dark to observe, and even tacitly competed with each other. The content of the competition was whether Wuming would choose to eat sweet tofu pudding or salty tofu pudding.

In the end, the frog won because Wuming added sugar to the tofu pudding.

Wuming then scooped another bowl of tofu pudding, took out salt and sprinkled it on the tofu pudding, looked at the frog and the toad, blinked, and drank the salty tofu pudding in one gulp with a very malicious heart.

Both the frog and the toad were shocked. How could there be a creature in the world that likes both sweet and salty tofu puddings at the same time!!!

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