I Contracted Myself

【863】Chasing and killing

"Is he a demon?"

"Yes, only demons can like sweet and salty tastes at the same time!"

"It's terrible. Look at his skin. It's so smooth. There must be sweet blood flowing in it. It's disgusting."

"Look at his saliva. A little salt makes people bitter. It's disgusting."

"Why is salty disgusting?"

"Why is sweet disgusting?"

"Are you looking for trouble?"

"You are the one looking for trouble!"

The frog and the toad were a little scared at first, but they started to quarrel again.

"Hahahaha, they are so funny." Wuming looked at the quarreling frogs and toads and laughed.

Xiong Benxiong also nodded and said, "Stupid and funny, whether it's sweet or salty, it's so disgusting."

"Okay, let's continue." Wuming stood up and said.

Xiong Benxiong hesitated and said, "Do you really want to go to the panda tribe?"

"Of course." Wuming smiled with narrowed eyes.

The frog and the toad caught up at this time and said in unison: "You can't leave!"

"What's wrong?" Wuming looked at the two little guys and asked.

The frog said seriously: "Sweet tofu pudding is the best, right?"

"No, no, salty is the best." Toad said.

Wuming smiled and said: "In fact...what you think is good is the best, why bother about other people's opinions?"


The frog and the toad opened their mouths and looked at Wuming in shock.

In the past, no creature had ever told them this truth. They asked many creatures to judge. Either they liked sweet or salty, and they always had their own wins and losses.

Until today, they realized that it was enough for them to like it, and there was no need to compete with other creatures.

Wuming and Xiong Benxiong left, leaving the frog and toad who had suddenly realized.


Buzz buzz buzz!

Countless bees fell from the sky, and all the animals hid, watching the bees wreaking havoc on the earth in horror.

An hour later, the bees left quickly, and the animals came out of the caves one after another, looking at the sky in doubt, wondering why the bee fairy tribe suddenly appeared and disappeared, and left without catching any race.

"It's terrible, the fairy-eating tribe is terrible." A monkey looked at the sun and said to himself.

In other worlds, the bee fairy tribe is still searching. As the strongest fairy-eating tribe, almost no race dares to confront them. The search speed is very fast and the efficiency is very high.

A bee landed on the surface of the radish flying to the plant star, and the rabbits hid one after another.

The bee searched for a circle but didn't find humans, but caught a trace of human breath, so the rogue rabbits were all forcibly called out of the cave.

"Who of you has seen humans?" asked the bee man.

The fat rogue rabbit was moved and said, "My lord, I have seen it!"

"Very good, tell me, where did the humans go? If you protect them, I will use your rogue rabbit tribe to make honey!" said the bee man proudly.

The rogue rabbit quickly replied: "The human went to Meatball Star."

"Very good, if you catch the human, I will fulfill one of your wishes." Bee Man nodded.

The rogue rabbit was immediately happy and said: "Thank you, sir!"

Compared with Wuming's promise, it believes in the promise of the Fairy Eaters more. After all, the Fairy Eaters are much more terrible than humans.

Once the Fairy Eaters support it, the black-handed rabbit will not be a problem. Their rogue rabbit clan will truly rise and become a vassal of the Fairy Eaters, dominating the Radish Star.


Tofu Star.

Wuming came to a mountain. There was a bamboo forest at the foot of the mountain in front of him. There were a lot of bamboo houses in the bamboo forest.

"The panda clan can actually build houses!" Wuming looked at the bamboo house below and said in surprise.

Xiong Benxiong nodded and said: "Well, the panda clan loves to eat bamboo, especially this kind of tofu bamboo. The tofu inside... ugh... is the favorite of the panda clan."

"You seem to be very annoying." Wuming said.

Xiong Benxiong said with a bad face: "I just hate tofu."

"Okay, let's go down. I'll find the chief of the panda tribe to discuss something." Wuming didn't complain about Xiong Benxiong, but looked at the bamboo house below and said with a smile.

Xiong Benxiong hesitated and said: "Do you really want to go? The panda tribe is really cruel."

"Don't worry, I'm not looking for a fight with the panda tribe, it's not a big problem." Wuming said with a smile.

One man and one bear went down the mountain. Some pandas rolled their eyes when they saw the two, and some pandas even roared.

They didn't welcome Wuming, but they didn't welcome Xiong Benxiong. Xiong Benxiong knew this and hesitated.

"You just wait for me here, I'll go find the chief myself." Wuming said with a smile.

He took a step forward and disappeared instantly. Xiong Benxiong's eyes were about to pop out. When he came to his senses, the pandas around him had gathered, so he turned around and ran away.

On the other side, the frog tribe and the toad tribe shook hands and made peace.

They understood each other's preferences and decided to respect each other's preference for sweet or salty taste. They would work together to protect tofu pudding and provide delicious tofu pudding to all creatures that like tofu pudding.

Buzz buzz buzz...

When they shook hands and made peace, dense swarms of bees fell from the sky.

The heads of the frog and toad tribes suddenly changed their faces, thinking that they were being targeted by the Fairy Eaters. They looked at the bee man in the sky in horror. The frog head asked, "Masters of the Fairy Eaters, what can I do for you?"

"Have you ever seen a human?" a bee man asked.

The frogs and toads all looked at each other, and then fell into a strange silence.

Because they knew very well that Wuming was their benefactor. Wuming solved the struggle between the two tribes for countless years with just one sentence, and he was very kind to them.

How could they betray their benefactor?

The frog head gritted his teeth and answered, "No, I haven't seen it!"

"We haven't either." said the toad head.

The bee man showed a mocking smile on his face, and he laughed, "Finally, there are fools who don't know what's good for you. We followed the smell of humans here. Since you have the smell of humans on you, how could you not have seen humans? Deceiving the Fairy Eaters is a serious crime of extermination, so... kill!"

"No, fight, fight!" the frog and toad heads shouted immediately.

However, after a swooping attack by the bee people, all the members of the frog and toad tribes were paralyzed and fell to the ground, unable to move.

The bee people looked at the frogs and toads on the ground and said calmly: "Take them all back and use them to make new honey."

So, the frogs and toads were taken by the bee people to fly towards the sun.

The remaining bee people all looked at the mountains in the distance. In their eyes, the nameless smell was like a blue ribbon, extending into the distance in the air.

They asked about the races around them, but they were not really asking. They just found an excuse to attack the races that they could not kill at will, to fill their pockets and have a good time.

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