The Bee Fairy Clan is not without any rules.

As one of the largest clans in this world, they can do whatever they want.

But the most powerful existence in this world is the God of Food. They, the Bee Fairy Clan, believe in the God of Food, so they must consider the feelings of the God of Food and do their best to let the God of Food taste more delicious food.

If they kill innocent people indiscriminately and exterminate the creatures of this world at will, the result will inevitably be that the types of food will become fewer and fewer, and many flavors will disappear in the long river of time.

This is something that all the food fairy clans do not allow.

Therefore, although the Bee Fairy Clan is powerful, it will not kill indiscriminately like a natural disaster. They kill with a purpose and capture with a targeted purpose.

As the bottom of the Bee Fairy Clan, the bees rarely have the opportunity to eat a lot, and often can only get very little food that is just enough to survive. Therefore, when there is a mission, they often fish for law enforcement and occasionally catch other races for a feast.

After the Bee Fairy Clan left, a flower suddenly bloomed on the ground.

An eye appeared in the pistil. It quietly looked at the direction where the Bee Fairy Clan left, and then suddenly closed it for a moment and disappeared into the tofu.

"Happy cooperation!"

Wuming sat in the bamboo building and reached a consensus with the chief of the panda tribe.

Suddenly, his expression moved slightly, and his eyes gradually narrowed. He knew that this level would not be so easy to pass.

After Wang Zong's death, he was a little afraid of the immortal-eating tribe, and speculated on the behavior of the immortal-eating tribe with the greatest malice. For example, Wang Zong offended the immortal-eating tribe alone, and the immortal-eating tribe was angry with everyone.

So, he left a lot of back-ups on the road he walked. Once there was key intelligence, it would be automatically collected and then passed to him.

Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles.

The bee fairy tribe may be strong, but he is stronger than Wang Zong, and it is not certain who will win.

"Interesting, paralysis?"

"In other words, as long as you are stung by the tail stinger of these bee people, it means the end of the battle?"

Wuming analyzed the information he collected a little, and he roughly understood the ability of the bee fairy tribe in his mind, but this may not be the killer of the bee fairy tribe, so he still has to be steady.

After all, he didn't want to be killed by a group of NPCs like Wang Zong.

"Tuantuan clan leader, I have an unwelcome request." Wuming's heart moved, and he looked at Tuantuan, the clan leader of the panda clan, and said seriously.

Tuantuan smiled and said, "Sir, please tell me, as long as our panda clan can do it, we will do our best!"

"Are there bees in the fairy-eating clan?" Wuming asked.

Tuantuan was stunned, then nodded and said, "There are indeed bee clans in the fairy-eating clan, but they have now changed their name to the bee fairy clan."

"Bee fairy clan? The bee fairy clan will come to the panda clan later. They will ask you if you have seen me. If you say no, they will paralyze you, and I need you to cooperate with me to do some experiments!" Wuming looked at Tuantuan and said seriously.

Tuantuan's face changed drastically, and he asked, "Sir, have you offended the bee fairy clan?"

"No, it's the bee fairy clan that offended me." Wuming said lightly.

He had seen the loyalty of the frog and toad tribes. He didn't want to rashly provoke the fairy-eating tribe, but since the bee fairy tribe started first, whether he provoked them or not, there would be a battle next.

He was different from Wang Zong.

Wang Zong was too pure and too focused, and was easily restrained by some strange but high-ranking abilities. However, his abilities were varied and almost omnipotent, which made him difficult to restrain.

If he could figure out all the abilities of the bee fairy tribe, he might not be able to destroy the bee fairy tribe.

"Okay, sir, don't worry. Our panda tribe will definitely cooperate with your plan." Tuantuan hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and agreed to Wuming's request.

The main reason was that Wuming was very strong, and Tuantuan felt that the bee fairy tribe might not be as strong as Wuming.

In addition, the bee fairy tribe came, and it had no more choices except to trust Wuming. Most of the fairy-eating tribe were selfish and not good guys.

Compared to the Bee Fairy Clan, Tuan Tuan is more willing to believe Wuming, who gives people a feeling of spring breeze.

Ten minutes later.

Xiong Benxiong sat on a hill not far from the Panda Clan, looking at the bamboo forest worriedly.

"Will he be eaten by the Panda Clan?"

"It is said that the family dish of the Panda Clan is stuffed tofu, and stuffed tofu needs meat stuffing..."

"What if the Panda Clan makes humans into meat stuffing..."

The more Xiong Benxiong thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, deciding to save Wuming.

But he started to back down after taking a few steps, thinking: "Humans are so strong, there should be nothing wrong, definitely not!"

Wuming's ability to disappear after taking a step, it still can't figure it out.

It sat on the ground, and then worried again: "But the Panda Clan is so cruel, what if humans fall into the Panda's trick?"

At this time, it suddenly heard a buzzing sound.

It stood up and looked into the distance, then its face changed drastically, and it turned around and ran down the mountain, shouting as it ran: "Oh no, the Fairy Eaters are coming, oh no, the Fairy Eaters are coming."

But before it ran down the mountain, it was kicked, and its body fell halfway up the mountain and rubbed all the way down, finally hitting a rock and stopping.

A foot stepped on its head.

In the pain and dizziness, it heard a voice from behind: "Have you seen humans?"

"Humans, I have seen them, I have seen them!" Xiong Benxiong shuddered and answered while enduring the pain.

The bee man was a little disappointed and asked, "Where are the humans?"

"The humans are running over there. Sir, hurry up and chase them, otherwise the humans will run away." Kumamoto pointed in another direction and said excitedly.

Bee Man looked at the direction that Xiong Benxiong pointed, and his tone became happy: "Is it really over there?"

"Really, I saw it with my own eyes!" Xiong Benxiong replied with certainty.

At this moment, the bee man let go of its feet, and it slowly flew into the air, saying loudly: "The panda clan actually deceived the food immortal clan, did you know? Deceiving the food immortal clan is a serious crime of genocide, so... kill!!!"

"No, I am not a member of the panda family, I am a polar bear!" Kumamoto turned around in horror and looked at the bee man and said.

The bee man was also stunned at this time. Looking at Kumamoto's strange appearance, he asked: "What race are you?"

"Ahem, okay, it seems I can't hide it anymore. I'm actually a polar panda!!!" Kumamoto coughed and then said seriously.

The bee man was silent for a moment and then said: "It turns out he is a bastard. If so, then both the panda clan and the polar bear clan deserve death. Let's capture the panda clan first, and then the polar bear clan!"


Kumamoto was stunned for a moment, and then his teeth chattered. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He simply roared and charged towards the Bee Man.

Bee Man sneered in his heart, it was too stupid to resist now.


There was a loud bang.

Bee Man was actually slapped away by Kumamoto. His body was full of cracks, and blood continued to seep from the cracks.

At this moment, both the Bee Immortal Clan and Xiong Benxiong were stunned.

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