I Contracted Myself

【865】Failed to conquer

"I turned out to be so powerful!"

Xiong Benxiong looked at his bear claws and thought in surprise.

And the bee man vomited a mouthful of blood and roared angrily: "What are you still doing? Attack, attack, I'm going to make it into honey!!!"

"Hahahaha, I am invincible in the world, you little bees, come here and die!" Xiong Benxiong immediately laughed wildly.

It was the first to attack, rushing towards a Bee Man.

The bee-man immediately avoided its impact, and its tail needle shot towards its back like a bullet.


The bee needle pricked Kumamoto's back, and Kumamoto immediately felt his body go numb.

It fell to the ground, completely unable to control its body, as if its body and consciousness were completely separated.

Get up! ! !

Xiong Benxiong roared and his body actually got up.

Those bees who thought they had subdued Kumamoto were all shocked and stepped back.

"How is it possible that after being hit by the bee sting of our Bee Immortal Clan, you can still move!" The injured bee man shouted in shock.

The other bee people were also surprised and didn't know what to do for a while.

Kumamoto was actually panicking inside, because he found that his body was not under his control at all. He got up, but he actually had no sense of participation at all.

"You little trash, how dare you call me a bastard, you should die!!!!" Xiong Benxiong made a deep voice from his mouth, and the next moment he pounced on the nearest bee man.

The bee man immediately dodged, but was hit by Kumamoto's palm wind and flew backwards with a groan.

"Don't be afraid, let's all take the poisonous needle together!"

"Array, quickly array."

"Ah, I'm hurt, I'm hurt."

"Asshole, my ass, where do you shoot your poisonous needle???"

"Ceasefire, friendly forces, I am a friendly force, stop fucking fighting, friendly forces!"

In the chaos, Kumamoto continued to attack, and each bee man fell to the ground. Gradually, the surrounding sounds became less and less, until only Kumamoto's breathing was left.

At this time, Kumamoto suddenly felt a lot of pain. Everywhere where he was hit by the bee sting hurt like hell.

"Wow, this is Xiong Benxiong, did you do it?" The nameless voice came from not far away. Xiong Benxiong wanted to shout for help, but his body could not move at all.

Wuming stepped forward with a smile. Xiong Benxiong was so brave just now, naturally because he was secretly supporting him.

From the moment Kumamoto took the first palm, everything was actually under the control of Wuming. With Kumamoto's body as the carrier and the blessing of his various super powers, the ship almost capsized in the end.

At this time, Kumamoto's body was not only completely anesthetized, but also infected with bee venom. The flesh and blood began to liquefy at every point where the bee sting was stung.

It is conceivable that if there is no way to resist, Kumamoto Xiong's entire body will turn into liquid after a period of time.

Wuming walked up to Xiong Benxiong and pulled out a bee sting from Xiong Benxiong's body. If Xiong Benxiong hadn't been unable to move, he would have let out a cry at this time. It was too painful.

"What a powerful poison!"

Wuming cut off one of his fingers and pricked the finger with a bee sting. The finger liquefied in a moment.

This poison completely ignores defense, ignores life level, and ignores the strength of vitality. It actually determines the damage based on the area. The smaller the creature, the greater the power.

But this 'small' refers to the liquefied area. Simply put, the more the body liquefies, the faster the rest of the body liquefies.

Don't look at it. Only part of Kumamoto's body is liquefied now. As time goes by, it will turn into liquid faster and faster, and in the end it will be difficult to save him.

Next, Wuming quickly pulled out the bee sting from Kumamoto's body and began to treat Kumamoto.

The bee stings of the Bee Immortal Clan are very poisonous. Not only do they have a paralyzing effect, but they also contain a highly toxic substance that can liquefy the target. Although this poison has a slower onset than toxins such as blood sealing the throat, in addition to cutting off the poisoned part There is no way to undo it.

After Wuming's research, he simply cut off the poisoned part of Kumamoto's body, and then used his ability to make it regrow that part of flesh and blood.

After a round of extensive meat replacement, Kumamoto finally saved his life.

However, Kumamoto was still under anesthesia. This kind of anesthesia was very special, and Wuming couldn't understand the principle at all.

He checked Kumamoto's body, checked every nerve circuit, and confirmed every cell one by one. There was no special energy inside, and there were no rules or the like.

However, he just couldn't get rid of this strange anesthesia.

never mind.

Wuming temporarily shifted his attention from Kumamoto to the surrounding bee people.

Since he can't find a cure in Kumamoto, let's start with these bee people. Maybe after studying these bee people, he can develop an antidote.

To be honest, these bee people are not particularly strong. As long as they are not hit by bee needles, Wuming feels that even Bobo can destroy the bee fairy clan.

Wuming walked up to a bee-man, took it out directly from the operating table, used his mind power to lift the bee-man, placed it on the operating table, and began to dissect the bee-man.

In fact, the Bee Man's defense is definitely not weak.

The hard shells on their bodies are harder than diamonds. Without the blessing of superpowers, if Kumamoto slaps the bee man with his palm, the bee man will definitely be unscathed, but Kumamoto will most likely suffer fractures.

"No poison sacs or glands?"

Wuming searched around inside the bee man, only to find that the bee man was not poisonous at all. They did not even have organs that produced toxins in their bodies.

At this moment, Wuming finally understood.

The bee stings of the bee fairy clan were probably blessed by the power of the god of food. This power was more like a blessing. All bee fairies carried this blessing, which could paralyze and liquefy the target.

"The god of food... I'm afraid that even if he is not a transcendent, he is close to being a transcendent. Otherwise, how could he have such incredible power."

Wuming sewed the bee man's body together again, and then a golden light popped out.

He had some guesses in his mind, but his hand did not stop moving. Instead, he wrote the word "food" and popped it out, preparing to subdue these bee men who were not dead yet.

Once he subdues these bee men, he can have a good time with the bee fairy clan next.

To be honest, he originally wanted to use the panda clan to test the bee fairy clan, but the plan could not keep up with the changes, because Xiong Benxiong was very loyal and intervened. In the end, Wuming had to use Xiong Benxiong to test the bee man.

Otherwise, Xiong Benxiong will still be in trouble, but it will not help the result at all.

Rather than that.

It is better for Wuming to help it and let it play a greater role.


Wuming was about to continue to subdue other bee immortals, but found that the word "food" fell on the bee man, and the bee man did not turn into the word "food".

Subjugation failed...

The original word of the bee immortals is not the word "food", but other words?

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