I Contracted Myself

【866】Brother Xiong is tired

Wuming walked up to Bee Man.

After a moment of silence, he wrote the word "immortal" and flicked it to the bee man, but he still failed to conquer it.

"Even the original text of the Food Immortal clan has changed. It seems that the Food God's favor is not purely to strengthen the Food Immortal clan, but to completely change the nature of these races."

Wuming thought secretly, but also felt a little disappointed.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the God of Cookery to wake up and try to use the word "food" to subdue the God of Cookery.

Now that the answer has been revealed in advance, the word "food" may not be of any use to the God of Cookery.

After all, even the original character of the Food Immortal clan is not the word "food", and the God of Food is even less likely to be the word "food".

"The word 'bee' for bees? Or the word 'num' or 'bi' for paralysis?"

"Let's test it one by one. Anyway, there are so many Bee Immortals. If one guesses it correctly, there is a high probability that other Bee Immortals will also have the same word."

Wuming used his mind power to gather all the living bee people together, and while thinking, golden lights popped up in his mind. When all the bee people received the first golden light, he began to test them one by one.

A few minutes later, Wuming was surprised to find that the original character of the Bee Immortal Clan was actually the word "Hua".

"Why is it changed?"

Wuming looked at the word "Hua" that fell on his palm and was puzzled.

Is it because the Bee Immortal Clan can melt the target into liquid, so the original text is a transformation character?

Next, he turned the bee people into their original characters one by one. After putting them away, he used this ability on Kumamoto Xiong. After turning Kumamoto Xiong into the character "food", he found that he could give Kumamoto Xiong the ability to move. Although the paralysis is still in effect, the abilities he has given are also in effect, and there does not seem to be any conflict between the two.

When he transformed Kumamoto Xiong back into his physical form, Xiong Benxiong rolled on the ground, wailing as he rolled: "It hurts me to death, it hurts me to death."

"Do you feel better?"

Wuming stepped forward to block Xiong Benxiong's pain, and then asked.

In fact, Kumamoto is very healthy now, with no physical injuries. After losing his pain sensation, the pain in his mind is still there, but he feels more numb.

"I feel like I have achieved enlightenment now." Kumamoto grinned for a while, then suddenly calmed down and said calmly and seriously.

Wuming smiled and said: "Great enlightenment? What have you seen?"

"have no idea."

Xiong Benxiong blinked and couldn't explain why.

"Is there a feeling that the body is just a skinny bag, and only the heart is the eternal pursuit?" Wuming asked with a smile.

Xiong Benxiong's eyes suddenly widened. He looked at Wuming in surprise and asked, "Can you read minds? You actually expressed my psychological feelings easily."

"Hahahahahaha, it's just an ordinary mind-reading skill, not worth mentioning." Wuming laughed.

Xiong Benxiong was surprised: "You can actually read minds, and you just told me so casually?"

"Mind-reading is actually useless. Some people's hearts are like onions. Not only do they mean what they say, but their hearts are also layered one after another. What you read through mind-reading may not be true." Wuming said casually.

Because of this, he actually doesn't like using mind reading at all.

He has met too many people.

Thousands of people, thousands of faces, thousands of hearts.

Even without the ability to read minds, he can now easily see through the inner thoughts of some shallow people.

Kumamoto is very interesting. He can find fun in pain and lie flat in despair, but his heart is always warm, so Wuming is very relaxed when he is with him, and he can even laugh and play like he was back in his school days. , one person and one bear get along very harmoniously.

He took out the word "Hua" one by one and sprinkled it on the ground the next moment, and bee people appeared one after another.

"Hey, what kind of ability is this?" Xiong Benxiong took a breath and asked.

While treating the bee man, Wuming replied: "It's just an ordinary super power. By the way, you also got my super power."

"So we are together now?" Xiong Benxiong asked happily.

Wuming thought that Xiong Benxiong would be angry or worried, but when he saw the happy look on his face, he was stunned and nodded: "Yes, strictly speaking, we are a team now."

"Hey, drink, haha!"

Kumamoto Xiong immediately took a boxing stance and punched the air. He said seriously: "I'm ready. Who is our enemy?"

"The current enemy should be the Bee Immortal Clan." Wuming replied with a smile.

Kumamoto's body suddenly froze in place. He looked at Wuming in horror and asked, "Aren't these bee people eliminated?"

"They are just little minions, there should be more powerful bees behind them." Wuming replied with a wicked smile.

Xiong Benxiong's already pale face turned even whiter at this moment. He pulled Wuming and whispered: "How about we run away, to a place where the Bee Immortal Clan can't find him."

"Is there a place that the Immortal Food Clan can't find?" Wuming asked.

Kumamoto froze on the spot, unable to answer at all, because the answer seemed to be...no.

"Actually, the Bee Immortal Clan is not a big threat. If the Bee Immortal Clan only has a few axes, as long as they are careful, it shouldn't be a big problem to conquer them all. Okay, get ready, let's set off." Wuming comforted.

As he spoke, he walked towards Kumamoto Xiong and entered Kumamoto Xiong's body in the blink of an eye. Kumamoto Xiong felt that some magical changes were taking place in his body.

The next moment, its soul was pulled to a space where there were all kinds of delicious and fun things, and there were screens all around, through which one could observe the situation outside.

"What...what is going on?" Xiong Benxiong asked in surprise.

Wuming sat at the table, opened a bag of potato chips, and said while eating: "Isn't the answer obvious? Go and cause trouble for the Bee Immortals."

"I mean...where is this place? Wait, something is moving, eh...why are the claws in that picture so familiar?" Xiong Benxiong ran around everywhere, opened a bag of potato chips and poured it into his mouth, and then lay on the screen, staring at it with wide eyes.

Wuming explained: "Don't worry, I just turned your body into a shell, and embedded some abilities by the way, so that I can control your body to fight like a robot."

"Use my body to fight the Bee Immortals?" Xiong Benxiong asked in disbelief.

Wuming nodded and said: 'Yes, didn't we agree? You protect me! ’

“But…but…but…but…” Xiong Benxiong stuttered, and finally sat on the ground in a decadent manner, opened a bag of potato chips and ate them in big mouthfuls.

Forget it.

I’m tired.

Let it be destroyed, the body is just a stinking skin bag.

Xiong Benxiong felt that he had a great enlightenment at this moment.

On the other side, the Bee Fairy also noticed that some bee people had lost contact.

The light emitted by the sun is actually the way for bee people to communicate with each other. Every bee person can communicate with the same tribe through light. Although there will be a certain time difference, there is often no disconnection.

After the contact disappeared, the Bee Fairy knew that some of the bee people had an accident.

So, a bee warrior led a group of bee people to leave the Bee Fairy Clan’s residence and flew in the direction where those bee people lost contact.

The biggest advantage of running in both directions is that the speed of meeting is very fast.

About an hour later, the bee warrior saw a strange bear stepping on the void.

Most of the fur on this bear is snow-white, but it has two funny dark circles under its eyes, so it looks neither like a polar bear nor a panda.

The most important thing is that this bear has the aura of the bee fairy tribe and the human race!

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